On February 3rd, we have released our innovations in the area of Warehouse Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102. You can find the overview of this release by accessing the following link to our "
What's New in Warehouse Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102" presentation.
This release brings with it features and enhancements in the areas of inbound processing, mobile warehousing and handling unit management.
While you may find all the details in the above-mentioned slide deck, I would like to mention three highlights of this release:
Packing Proposal in Post Goods Movement App for Goods Receipt from External Procurement
In the 2011 release we have provided the synchronous postings for goods receipt from external procurement via the
Post Goods Movement app. With this functionality we support goods receipt postings for purchasing documents to a WM managed storage location, goods receipt postings with handling units as well as an automatic putaway warehouse task creation. While in 2011 the packing had to be done manually in the
Post Goods Movement app, with 2102 the system can be setup that way that a packing proposal is provided to the user. The packaging material and also the quantity to be packed are derived from the packing instruction which is determined via a determination record.
This enhancement accelerates the goods receipt process for external procurement and makes it less error-prone.
Enhancement of Inbound Delivery API
Another highlight I would like to mention is the enhancement of the already existing API to read and now also update inbound deliveries. On inbound delivery header level it is now possible to post goods receipt and reverse the posting as well as update carrier information via the API. Furthermore, the API allows to change item quantities, edit goods movement bins and adjust the delivery quantity on inbound delivery item level.
All available APIs can be found via the
SAP API Business Hub.
Enhancements in Handling Unit Management: Planned Handling Units in Discrete and Repetitive Manufacturing
The 2102 release comes with new apps to create planned handling units (HUs) for discrete and repetitive manufacturing. Planned HUs can be used to create labels already before the first goods receipt. As soon as production is finished, the planned HUs can be received directly into a WM managed storage location and the label printed can be used for further processing in the warehouse. These planned HUs can even be used as a worklist for the packing personnel.
The 2102 release provides a number of further enhancements in the area of handling unit management:
- A new Self-Service Configuration UI (SSCUI) for handling unit identification which contains setup relevant for logistics but also warehouse management as both work with handling units.
- A new SSCUI for automatic packing which is also relevant for logistics as well as warehouse management. This SSCUI allows to specify how packing instructions are determined in the automatic packing, for example in the above mentioned Post Goods Movement
- An enhanced SSCUI for general HU settings with new configuration steps e.g. for the definition of packaging material types.
To get more details on the above-mentioned highlights, or to explore our other features and enhancements of the Warehouse Management Cloud 2102 release, please access our "
What's New in Warehouse Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102" presentation.
For other innovations in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102 for Manufacturing and Supply Chain, i suggest you read the “
Manufacturing and Supply Chain in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102” blog by Gerhard Welker.
Preview SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management in 2021
Last but not least, I would like to draw your attention already to the next releases of S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management. In 2021, we are planning to enhance the scope of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management. Just to give you some examples, we are planning to
- Provide more configuration options by enhancing existing SSCUIs and providing approximately 100 new SSCUIs
- Provide functionality to handle nested handling units in the warehouse as well as serialized products on stock level
- Provide an integration with transportation management
- Provide extensibility via Business Add-Ins
- … and many more
So stay tuned and check the
roadmap explorer for all the planned innovations including details.
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