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In the previous blog post in our S/4HANA 2020 series we talked about the innovative enhancements we brought to SAP EWM in the SAP S/4HANA 2020 release. Today I would like to present the fourth and final part in our series covering the various enhancements and tools meant to further simplify the usage of our solution. I will talk about the new migration objects to migrate from Business Suite EWM to decentral EWM on SAP S/4HANA, the improved ALE master data distribution, some warehouse monitor improvements, RF modernization and more.

Migration from Business Suite EWM to EWM on S/4HANA

In the SAP S/4HANA 2019 release we shipped the first migration objects (warehouse products, storage bins, bin sorting, fixed bins and stocks) for the migration scenario  „SAP EWM to Decentralized EWM on SAP S/4HANA“ in the S/4HANA migration cockpit. With this release we continued to increase the list of available migration objects with the following objects:

  • EWM resources

  • Work center settings

  • Production supply settings

  • Physical inventory settings

  • Material flow system settings

  • Settings in the area of ‘application log’

  • Shipping & receiving Settings

As an attachment to SAP note 2976757 you will find a guide that leads you through the process of the migration. Additionally, the existing report for distributing packaging specifications has been enhanced to enable migration of packaging specifications.

Improvement of Master Data Distribution with Application Linking and Embedding (ALE)

Continuing in the area of decentral EWM , we made some improvements to how Master Data is distributed with ALE. This has been done to reduce the TCI by avoiding implementation of BAdIs and to reduce TCO by reducing data traffic between systems and simplified operations. To cover the full list of improvements please refer to the following table:

Improvement Previously Now
Automatic activation of inactive inbound deliveries Inbound delivery with new batch is replicated to EWM before new batch is replicated -> ID is inactive, must be activated manually Automatic activation of all inactive inbound deliveries as soon as the batch is distributed
Filtering with plant for material Plant filter is used only for MARC segment, no filtering of MARA segment possible There is a standard coding + customizing that activates filtering of MARA, batches and classification with plant
Filtering with organization data Filtering with organization data (sales / purchase organization or company code) does not filter the header segments of the customer / vendor There is a standard coding + customizing that actives the filtering also for header segments
Filtering with account group The account group is no standard filter in ALE. Customers have to define the filter themselves and no dependent filtering is possible The account group is a standard filter that can be used as dependent filter for address data
Filtering characteristics All characteristics are replicated to EWM regardless if they are in a class that has been transferred to EWM or not Characteristics are only transferred if they are contained in at least one class that is relevant for EWM
Material maintenance status Incomplete material views in EWM as only a subset of fields of a segment shall be transferred to EWM (only the ones relevant for EWM) There is a standard coding to adjust the fields PSTAT and VPSTA
Inspection Setup MATQM The MATQM message has only one filter which is the plant. It is not possible to transfer only the inspection setup for materials relevant for EWM The MATQM message uses all filters of the material as dependent filters -> only the entries for materials that are distributed to EWM are sent
Improved iDoc monitoring IDocs for the same object are sent several times to EWM in case of errors. It is difficult to judge if there is still an error or not There is an option to only display the last message / hide duplicates and also filter for message types

Enhancements to RF Picking – Skip Warehouse Order (SKWO)

We already lightly touched upon the exception code SKWO when discussing enhancements made for the distribution equipment process in EWM. Today I would like to elaborate on this more in the context of RF picking. SKWO is a new exception code for RF system-guided picking and system-guided by queue. By using this code, the system automatically proposes the next warehouse order (WO) according to the usual selection criteria. As soon as the WO is executed, the previously skipped WOs are proposed to the worker again. Skipping WOs is only possible before confirming the first warehouse task of an order. Please note that Skipping WOs shall not be possible in combination with pick, pack and pass as well as pick by voice.

New Monitor Method to Assign Warehouse Requests to Waves

We further simplified wave management via new methods in the warehouse monitor. Now users can assign a warehouse request to an existing wave, set up an automatic assignment of new requests to existing waves or create a new wave to which the new requests can be assigned. Currently this functionality is available for outbound delivery order items and for stock transfer for JIT calls. This will make it easier to handle ad-hoc assignments.

New BAdI to Override Capacity Check During Wave Assignment

To override capacity checks during wave assignments we have created BAdI /SCWM/EX_WAVE_CAPA. For waves that have a wave capacity profile, the BAdI is called in the following situations:

  • When a wave is created

  • When items are assigned or reassigned to existing waves

  • As a precheck during automatic wave assignment

  • When changes are made to the attributes of a wave

The BAdI is called after the execution of the standard capacity check and allows users to override the results. Users can allow further items to be assigned to the target wave, even though the capacity is exceeded. Or they can reject the wave assignment, even though the capacity is sufficient. In addition, log messages can be added to the wave assignment log. The BAdI can be found here: EWM IMG > Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management  Goods > Issue Process > Wave Management > Capacity Check for Waves.

Further Round-ups & Simplifications

To round up today’s topic, I would like to mention some other smaller improvements we made. First, we added a new ‘flexible’ order split criterion. This has been done by adding a new field to customizing table /SCWM/TWCRLIMIT where users can specify a field out of the task structure to act as split criterion. This can be combined with other limits in the warehouse order creation limit. As soon as any defined limit is reached, the WO will be split. Second, we added a new BAdI to prevent calling the Post Processing Framework (PPF) for a handling unit. The BAdI is e.g. to be used in case an HU is processed but no printing of HU documents must be triggered. This will improve system performance by limiting unnecessary calls to the PPF. Last but not least, there is a new BAdI to determine the consolidation group for stock transfer based on warehouse process type and delivery priority. This is available for warehouse requests of type stock transfer including stock transfer for JIT calls.


With this final blog we finish our recap of the 2020 release, but there are still more details to discover, which you can find in our “SAP Extended Warehouse Management – Scope of the 2020 Release” document in the following link:

In case you missed the first part in our overview series, you can find it in the link below:

For the second part covering integration:

For the third part covering innovation:

For more information about SAP Extended Warehouse Management, please follow us on social media, our YouTube channel or our community pages:

SAP EWM Community:

SAP Digital Supply Chain Channel:

EWM LinkedIn Community:

Release information and restrictions of embedded EWM on SAP S/4HANA 2020:

Release information and restrictions of Decentralized EWM on SAP S/4HANA 2020:

For a complete list of Q&A from the EWM community, please access this link:

In case you do not find your specific question there, feel free to post your question via the following form: