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* This blog post is Work In Progress and will be constantly updated in the upcoming days.
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Add Annotations to Production Processes
Use the brand new "Annotation" Control to add comments and document production processes.
Assign Multiple Processors to Alerts
In Manage Alerts, you can select multiple users in the selected plant and then assign them as the processors of an alert. 

Download Nonconformance File Attachments

You can use the Nonconformance(/api/nonconformance/nonconformances) API to get a list of IDs for files associated with logged nonconformances. Then, you can use the Nonconformance File Download API to retrieve these files one by one.

The Nonconformance File Download API provides the following endpoint:

  • GET /nonconformance/file/download

    You can use this endpoint to retrieve files associated with logged nonconformances based on the file IDs.


Quality Inspection Enhancements

  • New object-based role templates for quality management. These templates work with the Quality Inspection Characteristic List and the Quality Inspection Results plugins. They help you organize tasks on a more granular level:




  • Quality Inspection support in Operation Activity PODs

    The following plugins are now available for the Operation Activity POD:

    - Quality Inspection Characteristic List, which you can use to display inspection characteristics
    - Quality Inspection Results, which you can use to record inspection results

  • Create Inspection Points for Production Orders in Work Center and Operation Activity PODs

  • Separation of SFC Completion and Inspection Results Synchronization in the Work Center POD and the Operation Activity POD

    In a future release, we will separate the SFC completion in the Work Center POD and Operation Activity POD from the synchronization of inspection results to your integrated SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. After this function separation, choosing Complete in one of the two PODs when processing an SFC will only complete the SFC, but won't start the communication of inspection results to your integrated ERP system.

    To synchronize inspection results to your integrated SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, you will then need to choose Submit Results.

    As of release 2411, you can continue to synchronize inspection results back to your ERP system by choosing Complete or Submit Results in the Quality Inspection Characteristic List plugin in the Work Center POD or the Operation Activity POD.


Badge ID, Badge User ID, and Badge User Name Variables when Configuring Production Process Action Types for PODs

You can use the Badge ID, Badge User ID, and Badge User Name variables for String and StringArray parameter types when you're configuring production process action types for your POD.


Change Production POD Plugin

You can now perform Change Production directly in PODs, using Change Production POD Plugin, to change a given SFC Routing and BOM.


OEE MDO in Manage Dashboards for Embedded SAC


OEE values are now transformed and stored in the OEE (MDO), where:
  • The MDO holds values for completed shifts
  • The MDO holds values including the individual losses per resource per shift.
  • There's no initial load available for this MDO. That means you can only access data starting with release 2411 of SAP Digital Manufacturing.
OEE MDO Attributes

The Manufacturing Data Object OEE has the following attributes that you can use for your analytics.


Attributes that represent duration in time are measured in "seconds".

Attribute Description
AVAILABILITYThe ratio of the amount of time a resource was productive to the amount of time the resource was expected to be productive.
BREAK_DURATIONBreak time assigned for a shift.
CREATED_ATDate and time of creation of the record in OEE MDO in SAP Digital Manufacturing for execution
LAST_UPDATED_ATDate and time of last update of the record in OEE MDO in the database of SAP Digital Manufacturing for insights
LOADING_TIMEPeriod of time during which a resource is expected to be available for production minus the scheduled production interruptions, such as maintenance stops, or shift breaks.

Amount of time required to produce the actual quantities (yield and scrap) based on the designed speed.

It is calculated using the formula: Actual Quantities Produced (yield and scrap) x Standard Rate

NET_PRODUCTION_TIMETotal Production Time minus downtimes that occurred during the Total Production Time. (Total Production Time - Downtime)
OEEOverall equipment effectiveness (= Availability x Performance x Quality)

The ratio of the amount of time needed to produce good and bad quality items to the amount of time that would have been needed to produce these items based on the designed speed.

It is calculated using the formula: Performance = Net Operating Time / Net Production Time

PLANTPlant in which the OEE calculation is performed.

The ratio of time needed to produce good quality products to the total number of quantities produced (yield and scrap).

It is calculated using the formula: Value Operating Time / Net Operating Time.


The number of poor quality items (scrap) multiplied by the designed speed (standard rate).

It is calculated using the formula: Quality Loss = (Actual Quantity - Quality Output) x Standard Rate

RESOURCEResource for which the OEE calculation is performed.
RUNNING_TIMELoading time minus the amount of time that was lost because of unscheduled interruptions of the production
SHIFTName or identifier of the defined shift.
SHIFT_DURATIONDuration of the shift.
SHIFT_END_DATETIMEThe date/time when the shift ends.
SHIFT_START_DATETIMEThe date/time when the shift starts.
SPEED_LOSSTime that wasn't used for production because the actual production speed was slower than planned. It is calculated using the formula (Net Production Time - Net Operating Time).
TOTAL_SCHEDULED_DOWNTotal amount of time allocated for scheduled or planned maintenance activities.
TOTAL_UNSCHEDULDED_DOWNTotal amount of time for the unscheduled or unplanned interruptions.

The Value Operating Time is calculated by removing the quality loss from the Net Operating Time.

Value Operating Time = Net Operating Time - Quality Loss

WORKCENTERWork center for which the OEE calculation is performed.
Naming Patterns for Serialized SFCs
Use SerializedSfcPatternKey flag in Production Order Download (LOIPRO05 V2) workflow in the Manage Integration Workflows app to choose a custom naming pattern that is applied to SFCs when they are released to the shop floor in SAP Digital Manufacturing.
As a prerequisite, you must define a naming pattern and key, for example {MATERIAL_NAME}-{SERIAL_NUMBER} and 'DEFAULT', in Manage Business Settings app.
To make sure that this pattern is applied to your SFCs, you need to indicate the key in the XSLT of the Production Order Download (LOIPRO05 V2) integration workflow in the Manage Integration Workflows app as follows:
Schedule View in Dispatch and Monitoring 

Enabling the monitoring of high volume dispatch of bulk operations in background.
Manage Scheduling Profile app

Further configure and define Resource Orchestration (REO) preferences.
Component Consumption Reconciliation

The Component Consumption Reconciliation app allows you to review and correct failed component consumption transactions. You can use this app to ensure accurate inventory management and to complete component consumption transactions.

When you post a component for assembly, the inventory of the component is reduced in case of successful consumption. In the event of failure for a consumption request, the inventory isn't reduced, and the failed transactions are displayed in the Component Consumption Reconciliation app.

Key Features

  • Review and correct failed transactions.

  • Display the transaction status of a component in the Inventory Status Sync column.

  • Edit the records that are in failed sync status. The other records are in display only status.

  • Edit the Inventory ID, Storage Location, Batch Number, Serial Number and Handling Unit Number, in case of failed transactions.
    You can edit only the information that's already provided in the original transaction.
  • Retry the transaction without making any change.

New persona-based Role Templates

Several new object-based and persona-based role templates are introduced, improving role granularity, including:

  • VI_Operator
  • VI_Results_Admin
  • VI_Models_Admin
  • Service_Order_Read
  • Service_Order_Manage
  • Quality_Management_Read
  • Quality_Management_Manage


For more details!

Anonymize User in Time Tracking

You can anonymize the time tracking user information using the Hide User Data functionality in the Manage Business Settings app.



Define MQTT Quality of Service (QoS)



 The following three Quality of Service (QoS) levels enable network designers to make a choice between minimal data transmission and maximum reliability:

  • QoS 0 – This is for minimal data transmission. At this level, a message is sent just once to a subscriber, and no confirmation of receipt is sent back. Consequently, it’s impossible to tell whether subscribers have even received the message. This approach is also known as as fire and forget or at most once delivery. As this level simply assumes that a message has been delivered, messages that are to be delivered to disconnected clients that subsequently reconnect are not stored.

  • QoS 1 – The broker attempts to deliver a message to a subscriber and then waits for the subscriber to send back a confirmation that the message has been received. If the broker doesn’t receive such a confirmation within a certain time limit, it sends the message again. This method can result in the subscriber receiving the message multiple times if the broker doesn’t receive a confirmation from the subscriber in time. This is also referred to as at least once delivery.

  • QoS 2 – Both client and broker use a four-step handshake, ensuring that the message is received precisely once. This can also be described as exactly once delivery.

Line Monitor Shift Yield and Scrap POD Plugin

You can use this plugin to display an overview of yield and scrap information of a shift running multiple orders for the same material.



Shift Enhancements in Manage Resources and Manage Shifts

The Shift Assignment Calendar was added to the Shift Assignment tab in the Manage Resources app. The calendar has two views: two months and Gantt chart. The Shift to Resource Assignment browse was added to the Manage Shifts app to display all resources a shift is assigned to. The cross link allows you to quickly open the assigned resource.


Monitor Production Processes in SAP Cloud ALM


See What´s New for more.

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Manoel Costa

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Hi Manoel,

Thanks first of all for the summary

How is Naming Patterns for Serialized SFCs colliding with the Manage Next Number for SFC Release / Serialise capability?  Is there any functionality gap between them?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @jborrerom , for serialized materials (with a Serial Number Profile), Next Number was not used for SFC ID generation at all, MATERIAL-SERIALNUMBER pattern was hardcoded instead. Moving forward, you can leverage Naming Patterns for Serialized SFCs to define your own patterns for serialized materials. Hope it clarifies, Manoel