SAP Asset Performance Management (“hereinafter abbreviated as "APM") helps in developing maintenance strategies considering critical failure with the help of standard reliability methodologies such as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA) etc and in recommending mitigation actions. The maintenance strategies can also be defined and standardised at asset class level.
For more details on asset strategy, pls refer the
Asset Strategy Overview blog.
This blog will cover the SAP APM feature, strategy assessment for classes in detail.
Strategy assessment for classes is used to define maintenance strategies to mitigate the failures for the assets at the class level. This helps to streamline and standardise the maintenance strategies and apply for an entire class of equipment (example: Centrifugal Pumps).
The reliability engineer will be able to create an assessment based on the class and operating context and condition (Characteristics allowed values), capture the leading failure modes and related failure data such as causes, failure effects etc and suggest mitigation actions in the form of recommendations using the class and failure data replicated from SAP ERP.
The recommendations may then be reviewed centrally and can be released along with the assessment for implementation.
The illustration below depicts the different ways the strategy assessment for classes can be used in APM.

Picture 1: Usage of strategy assessment for classes in APM
- Assessment for local specification*: The Strategy assessment for classes can be copied and modified to meet the units level needs. The Reliability Engineer can create such an assessment at the unit level and modify/add recommendations based on the unit level requirements. Then, the technical objects that are installed at the unit level can be assigned to these recommendations and the recommendations can be released for implementation*.
- Apply without adjustments: The strategy assessment for classes, as well as the recommendations, can be used 'as is' with no modifications. The given set of recommendations can then be assigned to technical objects and be released for implementation*.
- Assessment to quick start RCM/FMEA*: The strategy assessment for classes can be used as a template to quick start any RCM/FMEA assessments for specific technical objects. In this case, based on the operating context and condition of the technical object i.e the assigned class and characteristics values of the technical object, the related failure data along with the set of recommendations will be copied into the assessment.
Note: * - Planned / Future scope
Pre-requisite for using the strategy assessment for classes:
- For the selected asset class, sufficient failure data history and leading failure modes are available.
- The class types for usage in SAP APM are maintained in the configuration manager.

- The relevant class data with characteristics and allowed values are maintained in SAP ERP and replicated to SAP APM. For exceptions, pls refer Known limitations for SAP Asset Performance Management
- The relevant failure data in terms of catalog codes, code groups and catalog profile is maintained in SAP ERP and replicated to SAP APM.
The class and failure data mapping between SAP APM and SAP ERP is as illustrated below.

Picture 2: Strategy assessment for classes - Class and failure data mapping - APM and SAP ERP
The reliability engineer will then be able to construct an assessment with the following steps.

Navigate to Strategy assessment for classes tile in the APM FLP and click on it. It will display the list of all the assessments done in the system. Click on “Create” to proceed with assessment creation.
In the pop-up screen, provide the details such as assessment name, the short and long description. You can then choose the asset class and failure data profile on which the assessment needs to be performed. The asset class and failure data profile (Catalog profile) is replicated from SAP ERP.
- The ‘Operating Context and Condition’ selection determines whether the asset’s operating context and condition are taken into account while performing the assessment.
- If the user selects the ‘Operating Context and Condition = Yes’, then the assessment can be done with class and characteristics allowed values as input for defining the ‘Operating Context and Condition’ and the failure data assignment can start with either maintainable item or with failure mode.

- If the user selects the ‘Operating Context and Condition = No’, then the assessment can be done with class and the failure data assignment can start directly for the said class with either maintainable item or with failure mode.

The user can select the class based on the combination of filter criteria such as ‘Search’, ‘Class Type’, ‘Class Group’ etc

The user can then select the failure data profile and can preview the catalog type, code groups and the codes assigned before assigning to the assessment.

Based on the ‘Operating Context and Condition’ selection (Radio button selection as ‘Yes’), the user will be able create one or multiple operating context and condition.

The user can maintain the name for the given ‘Operating Context and Condition’ and can select one or multiple characteristics with allowed values.

The user can then maintain the failure data hierarchy starting with the maintainable items (optional) and failure modes as mentioned in picture 2.

The mitigation actions as recommendations can also be created and maintained with the applicable types, subtypes etc.

The mitigation action as recommendation suggested for a failure mode can be reused with other failure modes within an assessment through the ‘Assign’ functionality provided. The user can also ‘Remove’ the assignment if the same recommendation is not applicable.

When the user clicks on the ‘Assign’ button, the system displays the list of recommendations assigned to the other failure modes, maintainable items and operating context combination. The user will be able to select and assign recommendations as may be applicable. The user also will be able to remove such recommendations.

The set of recommendations created for the strategy assessment for classes can be reviewed centrally in recommendation workbench through the ‘Assessment’ filter supported.

The recommendation object page also displays the assessment details as shown below.

The recommendation failure data tab displays the failure data hierarchy along with the operating context and condition details passed from the assessment in a graphical way.

In the recommendation assignments tab, the user can select and assign technical objects which has the same class and failure data profile. The planning plant, if populated in the recommendation, will also be populated in the asset picker for technical object selection.

The recommendation workbench will also show the technical objects assigned, in the list view as well.

For more information on the recommendation lifecycle and other details please visit the
Recommendation Management in SAP APM blog.
Please refer the following SAP help document for further information:
Strategy Assessment for Classes