The latest support package SP05 has been released for SAP EM 9.0 on 10th of February 2014. The support package contains some corrections and some new EM features.
The new EM features include the following:
- new report /SAPTRX/PROCESS_LOCKED_EHS_PPF to parallelize the processing of locked event handlers
- new activity parameters for rule set activity TM_MAINTAIN_EXEC_INF, which is used in the integration scenarios between SAP TM and SAP EM to propagate event messages to SAP TM:
- new optional activity parameter REPLACE_TRXID can be used to populate the TOR ID with different value than the tracking ID, which is taken by default.
- new optional activity parameter ERR_IN_APP_LOG can be used to avoid short dumps in SAP TM, that can occur e.g. if incorrect data is sent to SAP TM (non-existing TOR ID, wrong TORSTOPUUID,...). If the parameter is set, an error message is written in the application log instead.
- new activity parameters for rule set activity ACT_EE_MODIFY, that enable the activity to take settings of an expected event profile into account when adding expected event:
- new optional activity parameter Use EH EE Prof. can be used to use the expected event profile of the event handler type
- new optional activity parameter EE Profile can be used to provide an expected event profile directly, if parameter Use EH EE Prof. is not used
Cheers, Daniel