I was asked by my customer who uses SPP (Service Parts Planning) that, what is the "planning cost" in seasonal trend model with FPG (Model F1).
This is from the F1 help of field "Cost Limit for Demand in Seasonal Trend Model with FPG".
I searched for it but found it was documented no where. By checking the source code, it is found that the cost is set by the below coding in method RUN_TRENDSEASON_FPG_F1 of class /SAPAPO/CL_PE_FCS_SERVICE :
IF NOT mo_locprod IS INITIAL.
CALL METHOD mo_locprod->read_data
iv_vrsioid = iv_vrsioid
iv_loc_id = is_prfkey_sel-locid
iv_prod_id = is_prfkey_sel-matid
es_data = ls_locprod.
CATCH /sapapo/cx_pe_no_data INTO lo_cx_pe_no_data.
* write in error log
add_bal_log_message( io_cx_source = lo_cx_pe_no_data
iv_detail = /sapapo/cl_pe_c=>gc_bal_detail_low ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /sapapo/cx_forecasting.
CATCH /sapapo/cx_pe.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /sapapo/cx_forecasting.
ls_pcom-season_cost = ls_locprod-proc_cost.
So here the "planning cost" (/SAPAPO/PCOM-SEASON_COST) comes from the "Procurement Costs" field on "Procurement" tab in product master.
This cost is then compared with the cost limit (/SAPAPO/PCOM-SEASON_COST_THLD), which is set in the "Cost Limit for Demand in Seasonal Trend Model with FPG" field on the "Model Parameter" tab for the forecast profile with strategy "F1 Seaasonal Trend Model with FPG".