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Product and Topic Expert


PP/DS which is the production planning part of SAP APO is now integrated to SAP S/4HANA from 1610 on-premise onward's.  The migration of PP/DS to SAP S/4HANA comes with simplifications in CIF infrastructure for master and txn data with an aligned process integration with SAP S/4HANA.  It also comes with a Fiori based apps for monitoring capacity and a gantt based production scheduling board. In 1709, it additionally comes with a Fiori app for Shift maintenance.


PP/DS supports various features, that is considered as very advanced features

  • Sub-daily planning possibilities.

  • Advanced planning and scheduling features like Finite/ Detailed scheduling, setup matrix, sequence constraints, Min/Max distances, alternative modes, propagation of schedule changes across all BOM levels, multilevel material flow visibility using pegging.

  • Simulative (what-if) planning capabilities

  • Industry planning features and advanced algorithms to support Automotive, mill, process industries etc including

    • Conti-IO, full pegging, Block Planning, Campaign Planning, Shelf-Life

    • Heuristics for compact planning, load leveling, closing gaps, ... and heuristic framework

    • Various optimizers

Where to look for information

1610 - On-Premise

I recommend to use the simplification list and Restrictions and implementation recommendations notes to get the most valuable and updated information for PP/DS

1709 - On-Premise

  • Restrictions and implementation recommendations (Minor delta compared to 1610)

    • 2496856 - Restrictions and Implementation Recommendations for Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1709

  • Release Note

    • 2496628 - Release Information Note: Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1709

    • 2489383 - Release Information Note: Monitor Capacity Utilization app, Production Scheduling Board app on SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA 1709

  • Simplification List that describes changes with standalone PP/DS and PP/DS for SAP S/4 HANA(Minor delta compared to 1610)

    • 2517109 - Simplification List: Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1709

  • Fiori reference Lib :  Monitor Capacity Utilisation - Object page

  • PP/DS Help Landing Page:

    • S/4 HANA 1709 Landing Page( ) and then navigate to Enterprise Business Applications -> Manufacturing -> Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS)

1809 - On-Premise

  • Restrictions and implementation recommendations (Minor delta compared to 1709)

    • 2666947 - Restrictions and Implementation Recommendations for Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1809

  • Release Note

    • 2674523 - Release Information Note: Monitor Capacity Utilization app, Production Scheduling Board app on SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA 1809

    • 2674488 - Release Information Note: Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1809

  • Simplification List that describes changes with standalone PP/DS and PP/DS for SAP S/4 HANA(Minor delta compared to 1709)

    • 2647972 - Simplification List: Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1809

2712349 – Best practices for implementation of Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1709 and 1809

In case you are upgrading from SAP S/4HANA 1610 to SAP S/4HANA 1809 and above releases you have to be aware of the simplification item S4TWL - Performance optimizations for publication of planning orders, as described in note 2643483

1909 - On-Premise

IMPORTANT :  Refer KBA 2867950 for resetting the new publicaiton option.


PP/DS is available as part of standard installation as part of S/4 core.  But you need to install integrated live cache with HANA data base. Only integrated live cache option is supported for PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA.

Information on installation and version on live cache can be found in following notes

2074788 - Patch strategy for SAP HANA-integrated liveCaches

2074843 - Version Matrix for HANA integrated liveCaches

2037585 - Upgrade of SAP-HANA-integrated liveCaches

1686826 - Installation help for installing SCM Optimizers


The HANA version of the quick sizer provides help to size your live cache memory requirements. Navigate to the node "Advanced Prod. planning & sched." under "SAP S/4HANA"


PP/DS for S/4HANA also supports optimizer for planning. This needs to be additionally installed preferably in a separate hardware. For the version refer S/4HANA Product Availability Matrix.

For optimizer sizing refer the SAP note:

1577112 - SCM Optimizer: Sizing Information


To be able to use Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA, you must activate Advanced Planning and Scheduling in the back-end system. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning -> Basic Settings -> Activate Advanced Planning and Scheduling.

Fig 1: Customizing: Activate advanced planning

The features activated by the Advanced Planning and Scheduling switch are not part of the standard SAP S/4HANA Enterprise license. A dedicated license, Manufacturing for Planning and Scheduling is required if this switch is set to Active.

What's new

PP/DS for S/4HANA  has made several improvements Standalone SCM-APO-PP/DS to simplify CIF in one system, eventhough its not completely eliminated.  Improvements are made in following topics

  • Harmonized master data

    • One Material Master (Material master as a CDS view), One Resource Maintenance

    • Create, Update for Source of Supply without Queues

  • Simplified transactional data Integration (The settings are controlled in customizing by selecting Advanced Planning > Basic Settings > Settings for Data Transfer)

  • MRP Live Run with SAP ERP and "Advanced Planning" Materials

  • Unified Order Conversion Reports

  • Period-Based consumption adopted for PP/DS

  • Visually Harmonized screens for PP/DS (HINT: For the list search with "/sapapo/ "in Fiori apps reference library)

  • Fiori apps Monitor Capacity Utilization and Production Scheduling Board

For 1709 On -Premise:

  • Location simplification

  • Support for combined orders (mainly for Mill industries)

  • Fiori app for Capacity and shift maintenance

For 1809 On -Premise:

  • Advanced Planning fields for MRP areas

  • Customer specific fields support(extensibility) in side panel of Fiori app Production Scheduling Board

  • Performance improvement for Order publication to PP


Fig 2:  Integrated material master maintenance



Fig 3: One Workcenter maintiainance



Fig 4: Settings for data transfer.


Implementation considerations

The concept for PP/DS for S/4HANA starts with classifying if a material is relevant for advanced planning or not.

It is recommended that all downstream materials should be Advanced Planning-relevant if planned together with MRP Live. This means the data modelling should be such that once a material at one BOM level is PP/DS-relevant (Advanced Planning-relevant), then the materials above that BOM level should also PP/DS-relevant (Advanced Planning-relevant). This is to ensure that depended demands are also in liveCache or PP/DS.

In addition to this you also needs to maintain advanced planning flag for work centers.

Once this is done, you can transfer PDS with transaction CURTOADV_CREATE (in the SAP Easy Access Menu, select Logistics > Master Data > PDS for Advanced Planning) to enable PDS transfer to PP/DS

Most of the Order and batches are always enabled to be integrated once a material is classified as Advanced Planning. The settings are controlled in customizing by selecting Advanced Planning > Basic Settings > Settings for Data Transfer. In case some order types  need not be needed to be integrated(eg: Production order only), uncheck unnecessary items

In most of the common cases of Sales Scheduling Agreement, if delivery schedules are managed in SAP S/4HANA, and not in PP/DS, you need to unflag check box SD Sched. Agmt.


Note: All objects that needs to be in PP/DS is not simplified to be integrated without integration model, that includes

  • Plant(1610 only)

  • Source of supply for external procurement(purchase info record, contracts, scheduling agreements)

  • Classes and characteristics in case of using CDP(characteristics depended planning) using integration model for organisational area

  • Setup groups

  • Maintenance and network orders(material Independed)

  • more.. (HINT: To see what all objects needs integration model in Txn CFM1, and in Logical System male the entry of same logical system(own logical system) and press ENTER)

It is recommended to read the initial sections of note 2382787 where it is mentioned in detail on how to integrate the objects to PP/DS for S/4HANA.

As in Standalone SCM-APO-PP/DS, in case you are using CDP configuration, you need to set this client depended settings.

Note : "Standalone SCM-APO" and PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA can be used together, but the data modelling should ensure that there is no data dependency.

In case you need to replicate the Forecast released from APO DP to S/4HANA also to be replicated to PP/DS for SAP S/4 HANA, you need to do do a custom development.

You need to added a small code snippet in the order inbound user exit in S/4 where the CIF-reconciliation function for that object which was processed. This means you are exactly doing automatically what CCR is doing.

Only active model is supported in PP/DS for S/4HANA.

PPM is not supported in  PP/DS for S/4HANA. So it will be needed to migrate from PPM to PDS. It could be also achieved in the source system before migration.  This can effect standard support for

  • Parameter efficiency

  • Extended order generation (EOG)

  • Multiple output planning (MOP)

Since only PDS is possible in PP/DS for S/4HANA, the support for the above functionalities can only be supported with help of BADI implementation

In S/4HANA, production versions are mandatory for in-house production sources.

Material master changes

While migrating to from Standalone SCM-APO-PP/DS, the main change you notice would be that the material master is not maintainable in PP/DS for active planning versions.  This will have an impact on your migration and modelling of PP/DS.

Its important to note that the mapping is done with a redirect CDS view and is also have no option to change standard mapping, event though the product master can be extensible with new fields.

I recommend to verify the standard mapping and see if this is matching with you modelling blue print before implementation. The mapping is available at SAP Note 2393581

Its important to note that there are some fields that are defaulted in PP/DS for S/4HANA due to simplification reasons. Few major ones are below


CONVH PP/DS Horizon in Calendar Days Alternative : use value from Model
CTHOR Requirements Ascertainment Horizon in Workdays Used by standard heuristic SAP_PP_014. Ascertaining Pl.Ind.Requirements. You can maintain this in Heuristics settings.
CONRESSTRAT Strategy for Container Resource-based Pegging Always considered


Below items defaults values are used.  Automatic Propagation is not desirable. In case needed, could be managed with BADI’s.

CONF_PROPAGATION Quantity Propagation By Confirmations
CONF_COMPONENTS Component Adjustment by Confirmation


Table : MATRQ:

PEG_PAST_MAX Maximum Allowed Lateness for a Receipt Element Defaulted to Max value. Alerts are the way forward. Not used in netting calculation. Only used in dynamic pegging.
PEG_FUTURE_MAX Maximum Allowed Earliness for a Receipt Element Defaulted to Max value. Alerts are the way forward. Not used in netting calculation. Only used in dynamic pegging.
PEG_NO_DYN Deactivate Dynamic Pegging Always False. Alternative : In case custom solution needs to be achieved, it  could be controlled by LC peg area settings. May be BADI RRP_SRC_EXIT~RRP_USEX_PEGAREA_GET_DATA can be used to change LC product master attributes or an implicit enhancement



/SAPAPO/REORD_METHOD Reorder Point Method If reorder day’s supply is maintained in Advanced planning tab, then, reorder point procedure 2. (reorder supply) can be used by heuristics SAP_PP_002 (planning of standard lot sizes).
/SAPAPO/TARGET_METHOD Target Stock Level Method Use Always from product master. User Option available in Heuristics. You have to maintain if target day's supply in Advanced planning tab in heuristics SAP_PP_002 (planning of standard lot sizes).


In addition it is to be noted that PP/DS product master(Transaction /SAPAPO/MAT1) is read-only for active planning versions, but can be used for maintaining simulation depended parameters for inactive planning versions

Modelling customer and vendor product- locations

There is no standard way to have product at customer and vendor locations. This will impact you if non supported processes like VMI is used.


An alternative to evaluate would be to model customer and vendor locations as storage location MRP area, if modelling is made in a way that only one plant is supplying to customer or vendor locations. With this it would be still possible to have visibility on the customer or vendor locations. It should be noted that in this case MRP areas should be used as a stock transfer  to production plant and not as a production location.

It should be noted that the modelling should fit to storage location modelling support in S/4HANA and standard PP/DS. Locations corresponding to Storage location MRP areas (location type 1007) and subcontracting MRP areas (location type 1050) are planned before planning the corresponding plant locations MRP live. Also MRP live will not support planning with stock transfer between MRP areas

Local Product/Work center Creations

PP/DS specific product locations and work centers are not possible to be created. This means that all products and work centers that needs to be needs to be enabled to with "Advanced Planning" flag to be used in PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA.

Most of the resource master data do not need any maintenance from PP/DS resource master(/SAPAPO/RES01). But PP/DS specific features like block maintenance needs to be  performed from PP/DS resource master

To create a Handling Resource for Storage Location and subcontracting MRP areas, the report /SAPAPO/COPY_RESOURCE_HU can be used

Forecast Management

Since PP/DS is the only APO solution embedded with S/4AHANA, it it required to have forecast management and creation in S/4HANA and integrate that with PP/DS.  You will have to adopt you business process to achieve this.

Note that characteristics based forecasts while planning with characteristics for CDP and CBF is not supported.

In case you need to replicate the Forecast released from APO DP to S/4HANA also to be replicated to to PP/DS for SAP S/4 HANA, you need to do do a custom development.

You need to added a small code snippet in the order inbound user exit in S/4 where the CIF-reconciliation function for that object which was processed. This means you are exactly doing automatically what CCR is doing.

Forecast Consumption

Consumption period is calculated in calendar days in PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA and in working days in SAP S/4HANA.

Updated Info : You can use BAdI /SAPAPO/BADI_FC_CSP_CLNDR to associate a calendar in PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA to use calendar days

Weekly, Monthly and user-defined consumption from standalone SCM-APO-PP/DS is not supported for PP/DS for S/4HANA.

In addition Forecast Consumption for sales orders for characteristics-based
forecasts while planning with characteristics for CDP and CBF are no longer supported.


A new consumption type "5 – Period-Based Consumption" is also supported which will support Forecast periods into account for consumption. For more details refer SAP Note 2567437 - Forecast consumption with mode 5 (Period-Based Consumption) for Advanced Planning materials

It is recommended to read section "Forecast Consumption" of SAP note 2382787 for details.


Subcontracting is modeled with subcontracting MRP areas for components in PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA, inline with S/4HANA modelling. Subcontracting is only supported with rough cut planning. So a finite planning of subcontractor is not possible

Also it needs to be noted that subcontracting location type 1050 is now mandatory.

the modelling of subcontracting is changed from standalone PP/DS and is not modeled with subcontracting MRP areas for components. It is recommended to check section "Modeling considerations" in SAP note  2518497  for details.


In case it is needed to have finite scheduling model for subcontracting some work around like below could be evaluated.

A solution could be designed with a dedicated storage location for each Subcontractor, a routing with 2 operations, one with external key just for PR creation and one with fake internal key for resource capacity management and order scheduling.


BAdi's and User Exits

PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA  has made BAdi’s, Enh.Spots and user exits removed, especially true for areas in

  • Master data (not just material master)

  • Many CIF APO inbound  that changes just data

  • Txn data that is having scope outside that of only PPDS.

Only process related BAdi’s, Enh.Spots and user exits and  fully PP/DS specific txn data BAdi’s, Enh.Spots and user exits are available.

The main idea is that there is no possibility of changing mapping that makes data different in ECC and in  PP/DS, as now its one system.

It is recommended to review your custom code implementation, before going for a migration.

Safety Stock as a Live-Cache element

In stand alone APO-PP/DS , we had  following options.

  • Virtual Safety Stock Elements that is used to cover unexpectedly high requirements. This also helps to allow planner to see that  in case of a delayed receipt, how much is covered immediately by safety stock and how much is delayed.  Focused in planning.

  • The option Real Safety Stock Requirements that is needed to resolve delays or problems in production

Real Safety Stock Requirements are not supported in PP/DS for S/4HANA.


What is supported in PP/DS for S/4HANA is custom heuristics and heuristics framework.  You could simply copy the existing heuristics from somewhere and remove the check of safety stock from /sapapo/mvm in the heuristics(also make customizing of safety stock in /SAPAPO/MVM initial, if needed) and use this heuristics to create real safety stock.



PP/DS for S/4HANA in standard supports only planning and scheduling with advanced planning. It is recommended to use MRP live, in case you do not have restrictions mentioned in "MRP Live" section of SAP note 2382787 as classic MRP is in compatibility list.

In general customer use-cases comes with derivations and below are the cases used.

Case : PP/DS with split planning( Not with MRP live)

Use (MRP classic(MD01) + PP/DS planning Run). Needs a setup similar to MRP type X0 with MRP Procedure “X Without MRP, with BOM explosion” for material with advanced planning. For PP material use relevant MRP Procedure

In case using MRP Live(to plan only for PP materials), you need to implement BAdI MRP_DISPATCHER_BADI and need to skip the Advanced Planning materials.

Case : Planning PP/DS materials only in PP and schedule in PP/DS.

Use (MRP classic(MD01) + PPDS planning Run). You need to also use a MRP type like 'PD' , Planning in Planning run or that suits your business need. Use PP/PDS planing run only for scheduling heuristics.

In case using MRP Live, you need to implement BAdI MRP_DISPATCHER_BADI and need to route the Advanced Planning materials to plan in PP(probably with classic ABAP if you need replication, similar to MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC). You need to also use a Planning procedure like 'PD' , Planning in Planning run or that suits your business need.


It may be that even rerouting with classic MRP the replication will not happen. In case of that the options would be  to run a report similar to CCR or Initial load report( /SAPAPO/PPDS_DELTA_ORD_TRANS -might have performance issues as its full transfer) to integrate the order.

Another practical option would be to use planning method '6' in a new customer specifc MRP type that woudl reroute the planning to PP, for a PP/DS material.

Case:  No planning for PP/DS material 

The best option is to have a custom product heuristics that  not do anything.  Optionally for MRP live you need to implement BAdI MRP_DISPATCHER_BADI and need to skip the Advanced Planning materials.You can also evaluate using MRP type 'ND'.

Case: Skip planning MRP areas and only Plant locations

Use BAdI “/SAPAPO/RRP_HEUR_DO” and on the BEFORE method, customer has to filter out the peg areas that has location type “1007

Please note that the above recommendations are purely concept based and is not tested. It needs to be tested and evaluated independently.

Heuristics and Planning Procedure

Due to the simplification reasons the following heuristics are not supported.

SAP_DEPL_MUL PP/DS Deployment Multiple Products
SAP_DEPL_SNG PP/DS Deployment Single Product
SAP_PP_CTP Planning Shortage Quantities for CTP
SAP_SNP_MULT SNP --> PP/DS Conversion for Many Prods
SAP_SNP_SNGL Individual Conversion SNP --> PP/DS
SAP_SNP_LLC Stage-Numbering Algorithm for SNP
SAP_MRP_002 Product Planning (Plan Comp Immediately)
SAP_PP_MRPDS MRP-Based Det. Scheduling: Order Network
SAP_PP_20 Stage-Numbering Algorithm
SAP_PP_023 Propagation of descriptive char.  Values
SAP_PP_018 Create Safety Stock in SAP liveCache
SAP_PP_003 Planning of Shortage Quantities


In addition standard planning procedures, 3-Cover Dependent Requirements Immediately, 5-Multilevel ATP Check and 7-Length-Based Planning Procedure are not supported. This is mainly due to non supported CTP and gATP usecases.

However multilevel automatic planning can be used without CTP process using custom specified planning procedures and heuristics.

Integration with advanced- ATP

gATP is not available/integrated with PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA. The basic principle followed is that PP/DS for S/4HANA is integrated to advanced-ATP for planned and production/process orders for component check. In this case, integration with advanced ATP will not check with orders in liveCache, but with PP orders instead.

Also for a consistent result, it requires the orders in liveCache to have the same components as that of the PP orders.  This restriction coudl efffect business processes like CDP, interchangeability etc where PP orders do not have visibility of PPDS.

In addition, ATP Check for Planned Orders for RPM Products is supported for component check during order conversion for PP/DS for S/4HANA.

Orders other than planned and production/process orders can rely on the fact that the advanced-ATP executes an ATP check during conversion anyway, given appropriate customizing settings in S/4HANA

For details its recommended to check the "Availability to Promise Integration" section in SAP note 2382787

Migration Options

There is no standard migration tools available yet for To migrate PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA.  But there are few options to help.

Material master could be integrated with MASSD/MM17 transactions by setting "Advanced Planning" indicator.

For integrating orders,  re-transfer report /SAPAPO/PPDS_DELTA_ORD_TRANS could be used.

There is also a PP/DS migration solution currently delivered through SAP consultants. Please communicate with your SAP contacts for details on this.

Fiori Apps

Following Fiori apps are delivered with PP/DS for SAP S/4 HANA.

Launching PP/DS applications from Fiori Launchpad

Certain transactions in PP/DS are supported and tested with new sap theme(visually harmonised). These transactions can be found in Fiori reference library with a search string '/SAPAPO'.  To use this in Fiori launchpad, a tile has to be created for these transactions.

But, certain PP/DS transactions like production planning board and product planning table is not enabled for web UI. For this it is still possible to launch the applications from Fiori launch pad, if NWBC is installed in the system.  To see the details refer to the blog

Shift management

From S/4HANA OP1709 onwards there is a Fiori App to manage shifts (Monitor Capacity Utilization - Object Page) for PP/DS for S/4HANA. This powerful app helps you to change the shifts and operations in simulation mode and then see capacity situation/utilization depending on different parameters like order type, materials to adapt the changes

The Capacity Variants and Definitions for Resources with External Capacity are disabled in SAP GUI by default, is enabled for editing  Monitor Capacity Utilization Fiori app.  This is to prevent data corruption. In case you are not using Monitor Capacity Utilization Fiori app, for shift maintenance,  you can enable this. Refer note 2598760 for details.

Combined Orders

From S/4HANA OP1709 onwards order combination for production/process orders are supported. The details can be found in PP/DS Help Landing Page: To navigate  go to S/4 HANA 1709 Landing Page( ) and then navigate to Enterprise Business Applications -> Manufacturing -> Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS)-> extended orders -> combined order scheduling oand in SAP note 2501607

Integration with stand-alone APO or IBP

Standalone SCM-APO or IBP and PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA can be used together, but the data modelling should ensure that there is no data dependency.Integration of orders generated out of Standalone SCM-APO or IBP to PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA or vice versa is not supported.

From a process point of view both "Standalone SCM-APO" or IBP  and PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA schedules the orders(eg: planned orders), if enabled could create a recursion.

In case as a custom development you can integrate orders as PIR's from APO-DP, APO-SNP or IBP.

The long term planning results (or orders) from IBP or SNP/DP results can be read and can be written to S/4HANA as (converted into) PIR's that will be replicated to PP/DS, if product is advanced planning.

In case of IBP you can use the CPI-DS integration tool to map this. In case of DP/SNP, it could be a report run. This could be automated to be triggered after an DP/SNP or IBP planning run.



Other Points that may help

Free attributes in product and location are not supported. For SAP GUI based DS planing board,the cleanest way would be using  custom append fields on product / order / operation level and use their configuration for customizing the color control of graphical objects.
0 Kudos
Wonderful blog ! Keep it coming

Former Member
0 Kudos
Thanks a great blog.

When might we see such a functional planboard and workcenter resourcing views
for project networks and maintenance orders?   Would be terrific.
0 Kudos
Thanks for sharing, useful Blog!


You mentioned that combined orders are now supported (mainly Mill industries). Does this mean that the Business Function for Mill (DIMP) still needs to be activated?

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi there,

Great info but I am confused on the licensing. First it says "PP/DS is available as part of standard installation as part of S/4 core." Then below the the activate screen shot it says "The features activated by the Advanced Planning and Scheduling switch are not part of the standard SAP S/4HANA Enterprise license. A dedicated license, Manufacturing for Planning and Scheduling is required if this switch is set to Active." 

So if the client has a S/4 core license we are good to go right?

Thanks, Chuck Dressler

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
No. In S/4HANA DIMP is always active...So always ON.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
No.. Once is a instillation view and one is the licensing view.  So from an installation point of view, its there with S/4.  But to use this , you need a licence.
0 Kudos
Currently, I am working on a S/4 HANA embedded PPDS implementation and I use a.o. this blog as well as note 2382787 and the SAP PRESS E-Bites Introduction to PP-DS with SAP S/4 HANA. In the note, the recommendation is to create and activate an integration model for Location. In the E-bites is an instruction to use report /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION in order to send the Plant as a PPDS Location. Should both be executed, or should only one way of create the location recommended? I used the report, should I also generate and activate an integration model

Thanks an Advance, Annemarie
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Maintenance orders creating downtimes in the production scheduling board should be already supported. see blog :
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
The  note above is for 1610. There Integration model is valid. For 1709 onwards its the new report. Its mentioned in note 2496856 as well. So answer is, depends on the version.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

jomerce.pj This Blog is very useful. I am trying to implement the Characteristics-Dependent Planning  and I see there are 2 notes mentioned in this Blog- I am not able to access both the notes any specific reason. Notes-2382787  and  2496856 .

I get the below message - When will this be available?


SAP Note/KBA 2496856 is being updated.



Former Member
0 Kudos
That's a helpful blog. Thanks for sharing this information.

Have one question- We want to use optimizer that comes as part of PP/DS in S4 HANA. This seems to be SCM optimizer, is that the same as IBP supply optimizer? Couldnot get enough clarify for this on SAP portal. Any inputs, welcomed!
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi There,

I just wanted to confirm if there is any APP for PP/DS run or we run it via MRP app in Fiori.

I am not sure how the different PP/DS heuristics can be run on Fiori which we do over on-prem via /sapapo/cdpsb0



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
May be a temporary issue due to next versioning.. now its working...
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I think both are different, but not very sure..  please check PAM
Former Member
0 Kudos
Thanks but got it sorted by now.
0 Kudos
Hi Jomerece

We are planning to use IS-Auto (iPPE & Model Mix planning scenario) using PPDS on S/4 HANA.

Are there any special precautions to be taken. The way I understand is we need to

  1. create Materials in S/4 with tick of Advanced Planning (MM01) so that it is avialable in /SAPAPO/MAT1

  2. Location will be created using report /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION

  3. We need to CIF (Internal CIF to S/4 Logical system) for Class, chars and iPPE so that the same is available in /n/SAPAPO/PPE

  4. After maintaining resource master data in /n/SAPAPO/RES01, we need to Generate PDS from iPPE /n/SAPAPO/GEN_PDS

  5. Further after maintaining restrictions, we will run Model Mix Planning and PPDS / MRP LIVE

Is this correct or is there any change in steps?

For iPPE Resource, I guess it is not like work center where we can tick "advanced planning" but resource will be CIFed along with iPPE.


Please confirm



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I do not think you need step 3, as its one system. You maintain PP - iPPE and then further maintain PPDS-iPPE without any need for CIF.

Also you have to specify certain planning methods 5 or 6, depending on the configuration. See note 2496856 .
0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce

Thanks for your reply. But I found that internal CIF will still be required for iPPE.

Yes.. Planning methods 5 & 6 will be required and new MRP types with these planning methods need to be created.

But currently I am facing two issues :

  1. I am unable to get the line resource in /n/SAPAPO/RES01. We created Line resource in PPE but it is not visible in /n/SAPAPO/RES01 as line resource (Even after internal CIF of iPPE)

  2. In PDS generation from iPPE, we are getting error as "Writing of change pointers for message type PPE_RTOGEN is deactivated" In BD50, we are unable to find the object "PPE_RTOGEN" hence can not activate it.

If you have any hints, please guide.



0 Kudos
hye Jomerce,

Got the solution for above two issues. SAP OSS has provided the same.



0 Kudos
Hi Nishigandha,


Can you please share the OSS note details? We are using 1709 version and has same issues for IPPE transfer for Model mix planning in PPDS.

In addition to above issue, also getting CIF error as " The ASSERT condition was violated" during transfer of IPPE data.


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Product and Topic Expert
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Former Member
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Hi Jomerce,

thanks for the blog.

Could you please explain more in details the setting to use "finite scheduling model for subcontracting".

0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce.

Also thanks for the blog - good relevant reading!

It´s stated that the two PP/DS Deployment heuristics (Multiple & Single Products) are not supported in S/4 Hana.

Where are these functionalities then to take place  - is it in IBP or will simular functionality be available in a later PP/DS release in S/4 Hana ?



0 Kudos


i am getting the same error message for “PPE_RTOGEN”, if i want to generate PDS from IPPE. Could you solve this problem?



0 Kudos
"Integration of orders generated out of Standalone SCM-APO or IBP to PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA or vice versa is not supported" ==> what if generation of production plans come from these two systems, and plan is to do only Detailed Scheduling in PP/DS for S/4 HANA?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Should fit to IBP in my opinion
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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If its just PIR (Planned Independent requirements) , this could be achieved using a customer specific solution using PIR BAPI's or oData API's for now.
0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce


We are using integrated PPDS in S/4 Hana 1709. In the document it says the alternate sequence for routing is not supported in integrated PPDS but it is pointing to old note: 507025 to implement the BADI : CUSLNTRTO_ADDIN for creating multiple modes. That BADI Implementation did not work as such.

Is there any way to create the multiple modes for alternate sequence in integrated PPDS? Otherwise what is the alternative to optimize across multiple machine with different run rate. It is discreet environment and we are not using work center classification. Any suggestion will be appreciated.




0 Kudos
descriptive one!

Keep on posting.
0 Kudos





0 Kudos


Old stocks and transaction data like planned orders are not updating in product view /n/sapapo/rrp3 when comparing to MD04 transaction in S4HANA embedded PPDS

We run the /sapapo/CCR transaction and still data is not moving to product view /sapapo/rrp3

Do the needful and advance thanks.



0 Kudos
Hi ,

We are migrating to S4 HANA with embedded PPDS. Presently client is already using APO BOX with DP,SNP,SNC and PPDS. We need to migrate to S4HANA with EMBEDDED PPDS and as well as APO will be used for DP , SNP and SNC.

Please let us know what will the situation of existing integration model structure and how systems will call between S4 PPDS to SAPAPO , S4HANA to SAP APO and S4HANA to Embedded S4 PPDS.

Please advise and help.


0 Kudos
Good post!

Looks like many experiences and recommendations are for PP/DS with S/4 Hana on premise.

Any experiences / recommendations about the same but for S/4 Hana on cloud?
0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce,

We are unable to activate integration models (CFM2) in S4 HANA embedded PPDS and getting load channel issue .

Please do the needful.


0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce,

Do we can mass update the material master in S4 Embedded  PPDS to check advance planning check box in Material master. We are  using APO box as well. Getting PP planning procedure issue when we are trying with MM17.

Do the needful and advance thanks.


0 Kudos



You can use MM17 for mass material master selective field update. Fields for identifying PPDS material is ‘Advanced Planning’ – PPSKZ  and 'PP planning procedure' – SCM_RRP_TYPE


Krishna Rao

0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce

We need to mass update model assignment in product master embedded S4 PPDS.

There is no model in existing APO system Product master and this is new in S4 PPDS.

We are migrating to S4 HANA and PPDS and having DP SNP and PPDS in existing system.

Do the needful. Thanks.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Another good note:

2712349 - Best practices for implementation of Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling for SAP S/4HANA 1709 and 1809

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Change anything in material master in MM17. Should get assigned to active version automatically. If not , its a bug and may have a misisng note
0 Kudos
Nice document
0 Kudos
Hello Jomerce,

Thanks for sharing such an great article.

wanted some insight on below:

I work in Paper mill industry and we use CDP very extensively in Block Planning on APO PPDS and in process to migrate to S4HANA with Embedded PPDS from APO PPDS.

I have read some article where it says that CDP functionality is not completely developed or supported on S4 HANA PPDS, but i also heard from SAP consultants in workshops mentioning that S4HANA PPDS is like plug out and plug in solution from APO PPDS to S4HANA PPDS...?


My concern are,

Is S4HANA PPDS is completely supporting CDP Functionality?

If I run, GATP on existing APO Suite and go ahead with S4HANA PPDS, how the CTP will be supported ( I know GATP is now completely supported as part of S4HANA'a AATP)


Thanks in advance for the clarification



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Product and Topic Expert
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Basic CDP as of such works, but associated components like CTP , CBF  is not supported.


Side by side APO with embedded PP/DS for same material-location cannot work by standard.


0 Kudos
I am unable to get the line resource in /n/SAPAPO/RES01. We created Line resource in PPE but it is not visible in /n/SAPAPO/RES01 as line resource (Even after internal CIF of iPPE)

Do you know what is the issue?


0 Kudos
Please check you BF11 settings. You should have ND-APO and NDI options ticked.
0 Kudos
Hello Jomerce,


Can you please elaborate the details on your below point under Forecast Mansgement.

Your Sentence: "You need to added a small code snippet in the order inbound user exit in S/4 where the CIF-reconciliation function for that object which was processed. This means you are exactly doing automatically what CCR is doing".


What is that small code snippet exactly need to add in the inbound user exit.

/SAPAPO/CIF_PIR_INBOUND is it the inbound user exit? please confirm.

My case is to transfer PIR's (which came from external APO ) to S4 PPDS product view. Currently, i am stuck with this area. Need your help. Thanks.


0 Kudos
Hi Jomerce,

Thanks for this informative blog. I have a question on planning with container resources and specifically on the source of supply (SOS) in the product storage definition (PSD). In the PSD, the SOS can be a product data structure only. I was hoping to define an external procurement relationship as the SOS, so that the container resource is filled through procurement elements as opposed to inhouse production orders. Is this possible?

Kind regards, Ruud.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It might be a bug.. there should be a note.
0 Kudos

Hi Jomerce,

could you please advise your insights for issue below?

Sawmill industry, with unlimited variant possibilities. Mill Products with Variant Configuration is considered as key feature to support this business model.

What are the S4Hana with embedded PPDS possibilities/capabilities to support this business model? I was thinking using Make to stock strategy with Variant Config", Characteristic Dependent Planning, Block Planning and MOP orders. However when browsing the SAP community blogs and SAP notes, I am little confused if CDP with VC is even technically possible. For MOP found the BADi /SAPAPO/EOG_ADDIN1 would fit to create MOP orders without PPM.

Many thanks,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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CDP is supported..  but not supportefd for ATP...
0 Kudos
Dear Jomerce,


Thank you for the very useful input. I have one question regarding redirecting PPDS planned material to standard MRP procedure. You wrote that for this BADI MRP_DISPATCHER_BADI should be used. Could you please help by highlighting which method and parameter has to be changed?

I have tried to clear MRP_KIND flag from E to blank, however this resulted in orders not transferred from ERP to PPDS.


Many thaks,