Planning Run: program error affects behavior of va...
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You face any of the symptoms below:
You execute in a Planning Run heuristic New Explosion (SAP_PP_021). At the end of the Planning Run, you notice that no orders were reexploded
You execute in a Planning Run heuristic Rescheduling: Top-Down (SAP_PP_010). The Planning Run is terminated and in the Planning Logs error message "Order Not Found" can be seen. Also, error message "Invalid Order" (/SAPAPO/OM010) is raised
You execute in a Planning Run heuristic "Conversion SNP --> PP/DS" (SAP_SNP_SNGL or SAP_SNP_MULT). After the planning run, you notice that no Planning Logs were created and that no orders were converted
You execute in a Planning Run heuristic Rescheduling: Bottom-Up (SAP_PP_009). The heuristic is terminated with error message "Product xxx in location xxx could not be planned" /SAPAPO/RRP_HEUR032
There is a program error in the selection of objects for planning in /SAPAPO/CDPSB0 and /SAPAPO/CDPSB1 and this program error affects all of the heuristics above. If you are having one of these issues, please, check whether note
1655314 - Rescheduling: Bottom Up fails during the Planning Runs