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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Dear friends of SAP TM,

As many of you know, locations in SAP TM can, depending on their type, represent entities as i.e. business partner, plant or shipping point. Such locations are created manually with report /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION or automatically.

But finding the created locations can sometimes be a challenge for the following reasons:

  • The default id for the location is mostly the name of the reference entity. This might sometimes not be that intuitive. Let's think of a plant, with its 4-digit id offering not too many options to choose a meaningful name.

  • Sometimes prefixes and suffixes come into the play, as described in this blog post

With SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS0, we facilitate finding locations in the location master maintenance by an enhancement on the selection screen:

Let's make an example to explain this in detail.

Assume we have created a shipping point '0002'. We then create the corresponding location 'SP_0002' with report /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION.

Remark: As explained here, the prefix 'SP_' is added automatically by the system.

If you now want to display or maintain the location in transaction /SCMTMS/LOC3, you can search like this:

…and the location is displayed:

Or let's assume for a second example, we have created a plant 'ZMHH'. When creating the location, we've chosen the more meaningful name 'PLANT_NORTH' by using the BAdI described here.

To display or maintain the location, we can provide the following search criteria:

…and there we go:

For business partners it works just the same, of course.

The selection for loading/unloading point has also been added, even though it's not created with a reference object. But take is as a kind of bonus to avoid providing the location type 🙂

So, we hope this makes your logistics life another bit easier! Please feel free to comment, I appreciate!

Best regards,
