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Since its release 9.1 SAP Transportation Management comes with the feature of Load Planning inclduing a 3-D visualization. The pretty need function has been enhanced with TM 9.3 to enable our users to customize the look and feel and also the available information and object functions.

When entering the Transportation Cockpit, you use a page layout to define which objects in which manner you want to see. Here it is now possible for the Order Details Area including the Load Plan to set a specific Load Plan layout.

This LPV layout is defined in the TM customizing here:

The layout includes some basic settings like the thresholds for the axle limits.

As subdefinitions, it is possible to specify colors, additional texts and also the available context menus.

There is a set of predelivered colors available (SAP*), which are tested considering accesibility aspects, but it is also possible to define own colors (see same customizing path). In addition, you can define if the color shall be available in the legend.

The standard looks like this (blue for loaded items, red for not loaded items, orange for medium axle load).

Now having the colors slightly adjusted:

Check out the feature of adjusting the additonal object details and the context menu functions also. Maybe I spend the next MKS on this also.