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You have created manifest profile and you plan to use it in voyages. In this blog, you will learn how to assign manifest profile to appropriate party so that it will take effect.


The manifest profile MP_CUST_OFFICE is created for European Union Customs Office. During master data setup you need to make sure it is assigned to customs office of Rotterdam port.

Master Data Relationship

This is an overview of the related master data:

Manifest profile is assigned to business partner profile, which is then assigned to location profile.


Note that the following information is only for demonstration purpose.


Manifest Profile Assignment

Assign manifest profile MP_CUST_OFFICE to business partner 23 profile.

The assignment must respect party role, that is, you must assign manifest profile of type customs office to the same role of business partner.

The assignment entry will only be available if it is defined in IMG: Manifest -> Maintain Manifest Settings -> General Settings -> Role Grouping, and the BP has this role.

Sometimes one BP can play multiple roles, so you can assign one profile to each role.


Business Partner Assignment

Assign business partner 23 to location NRLTM_EMX profile.

Here all possible party roles of specified role group are displayed, you can assign business partners to corresponding party roles.



The location (NRLTM_EMX) is then used in line study and voyages. Next, system will take the manifest ocean booking context, retrieve all the ports and business partners, read manifest profiles for these partners and generate document instance(s).

Bookings and B/Ls can be included before documentation cut-off:

System will also schedule and monitor activities:

Track submission and response:

Log messages during cleanup:

And log external communications:


In this blog, you have learned how to assign the manifest profiles to business partner. You can now understand the relationship between manifest profile, business partner and location; and you can see the document item has generated instance with B/L data for designated port and party, and it is taking effect during submission and response.

Related Info

Manifest Document – Part 1