Up to 1608, Master Data import jobs accepted SPACE characters for Attributes with data type NVARCHAR. But after IBP upgrade 1608, there was an enhancement done to forbid these Attributes with data type NVARCHAR from having SPACE-characters-only as their value. Master Data import jobs that submit data records having such values to IBP will see those data records getting rejected with an error message: "
Attribute value having only SPACE characters are not allowed caused by: Inappropriate use of space character.".
This valididation is added due to avoid any issues due to the SPACE only characters.
To avoid this issue, there are some list of actions that it is possible to do in order to solve the issue. They are listed below in their order or preference:
- Fix the data in source system by removing/replacing SPACE-characters-only values with legit values
- Replace SPACE-characters-only values with legit values in middleware/ETL tools such as HCI
- Have IBP replace SPACE-characters-only values with value NULL before processing master data import. This system-level setting can be switched on by configuring the following global parameter (this setting is off by default):- PARAMGRP: INTEGRATION
For further information about this new enhancement and Global Paramters, please check the SAP Note
2383566 and SAP Help Portal
Global Configuration Parameters.