Ashutosh Bansal is a busy man – but then again, at SAPPHIRENOW, who isn’t? After a few attempts to connect, we finally met up in the bustling Meeting Center on the northwest corner of the show floor and had a quick conversation. Ash founded and runs GitaCloud, an implementor and reseller of SAP solutions focused on digital supply chain and the digital core.
Ash, who once worked at SAP leading the High Tech area, has been heading up
GitaCloud for 4 years now. While the company is on the small side for implementation partners – 20 or so people – what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in terms of expertise.
“At GitaCloud,” he says, “we focus on one domain and we go deep. We don’t do HR or finance. We do digital supply chain and the digital core.”
GitaCloud implements SAP Integrated Business Planning in the cloud, serving companies across industries including high tech, consumer products, automotive, and more. For example, GitaCloud helped one customer in the automotive industry sense and respond to remanufacturing demand better by deploying advanced predictive statistics based on regression analysis between cars sold and cars coming back for remanufacturing of key components.
For another customer in consumer products, GitaCloud showcased greater than 80% reduction in forecast error by modeling the company’s two largest markets in SAP IBP and using deep analytics provided by GitaCloud supply chain scientists.
Always about the customer
What sets GitaCloud apart, says Ash, is a laser-beam focus on the customer “Our goal is always meeting the customer’s needs,” he says. “For every customer we serve, we want to move the performance needle significantly.”
I asked Ash what he thought the best day ever was at GitaCloud. Tellingly, he thought of a recent event in which SAP and GitaCloud brought customers together to talk about what’s possible with digital supply chain solutions. “One of our customers, Sterlite Technologies, talked about the value of SAP IBP and what other companies can expect. It was industry peers talking about real problems and real solutions in terms of best practices, lessons learned, and what to expect moving forward. It was inspiring.”
So, if you’re looking for more than a technology implementer – say, a partner who focuses on your business needs and sticks around to help you derive value from what you implement – GitaCloud might just have what you’re looking for.
Learn more about SAP Integrated Business Planning or register for the Infobrief by IDC, Digital Business Planning is at the Heart of Supply Chain Transformation.