Here is a question from my customer in SNC area.
The issue is on "Invoice Overview" screen, when push the F4 help for "Supplier" field, it is expected to show all suppliers available, however in my customer system, it only displays no more than 100 suppliers, while they actually have more suppliers in the system. Upon displaying the supplier list, information message "Not all values retrieved; refine selection criteria" (Message ID /SCF/SELMODEL008) is displayed on the screen. The long text of this error message says: "The system only displays the maximum number of hits as it is defined in your personal settings in the SAP Easy Access menu under Help -> Settings -> F4 Help."
Customer claims that they have already set the above setting to 500, however they still only get a small number of suppliers.
Upon checking the issue, it is found that the F4 help process is done in method EVALUATE_SELRNG_ODM of class /SCF/CL_SELECTION_ODM.
The logic basically is:
1) Based on the business partner the user is assigned, search for the invoices for this business partner.
2) Get first 500 entries (invoices) from the invoice list.
3) Get (collect) the suppliers from the selected 500 invoices, and list them on the F4 help screen.
* Of course there will be invoices from the same supplier in the 500 invoices, so the actual displayed suppliers may less than 500.
So here if 500 is set in the F4 help customizing setting, it means it will select 500 invoices instead of 500 suppliers, which is the system logic.
I noticed that there's also a customizing setting "Assignment of default selection mode to application data" in SPRO, where you can assign the selection type of each screen. However I did not find the coding that evaluates this customizing setting in the above process in "Invoice Overview" screen. There's possibility that I missed it. If anyone can have a test on this, it would be very appreciated.