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The Warehouse Management Monitor in EWM offers a wide range of flexibility for customizing existing monitor node content or creating own monitor content. The how-to guide “How To Add Application Content to the Warehouse Management Monitor” (see note 3004810) guides developers in how to use these options by customizing the standard monitor, adding their own application content to the standard monitor or to completely creating their own monitors / nodes etc.

However, so far the options to do simple enhancements of existing standard nodes, e.g. adding one or two additional fields like customer-defined EEW (Easy Enhancement Workbench) fields, always required* creating customer-specific nodes: It is necessary to create own copies of the existing standard nodes and the underlying source code, and to extend those with the required additional fields. Drawback: You have created Z-coding for the nodes and enhancements or corrections for the EWM standard nodes won’t automatically apply to your copies of the nodes.

*Exception: Nodes that already support “Dynamic Selections” for additional fields, e.g. the Documents nodes for Warehouse Order / Warehouse Task or the Stock and Bin -> Storage Bin node.

With OP2023 FPS2, the new feature “Monitor Screen BAdIs” for the warehouse monitor is introduced, which provides a simplified approach for extending standard nodes without requiring a copy of the standard monitor node anymore. By implementing the new monitor screen BAdI “BAdI: Custom Selection Fields in Standard Monitor Nodes” (/SCWM/EX_MON_CUSTOM_SELECT), it is possible extend the selection screens of selected standard monitor nodes with customer-defined fields, and to either integrate them into the standard selection logic, or to implement a customer-specific selection logic for the new fields that can be combined with the standard selection logic. This new feature is described in the latest version of the Monitor How-To guide, version 3.0.


Example Use Case: You have extended Inbound Deliveries with a customer-specific EEW-Field “Priority” and Handling Units with a customer-specific EEW-Field “Preferred Putaway Destination”. You want to use both fields in the warehouse management monitor to be able to select e.g. Inbound Deliveries of priority 1 and 2, and to select Handling Units relevant for such deliveries that are intended to go to specific putaway destinations in your warehouse.

Prerequisite: You have already created domains and data elements for the EEW fields and extended the structures with the respective fields. You have also defined logical field names for the delivery specific EEW fields. You have implemented the necessary application logic to write and read the new fields during Inbound Delivery and Handling Unit processing.

You can use the new Monitor Screen BAdIs to enhance the Inbound Delivery selection screen with the new selection field for “Priority”, and the selection screen for the Handling Unit subnode with both the additional parent selection field “Priority” and the HU specific selection field for the “Preferred putaway destination”. The extended screens could look like this:

Figure 1 - Standard Inbound Delivery selection screen with customer specific Screen EnhancementFigure 1 - Standard Inbound Delivery selection screen with customer specific Screen Enhancement

Figure 2 - Standard Inbound Delivery -> HU selection screen with customer specific Screen EnhancementFigure 2 - Standard Inbound Delivery -> HU selection screen with customer specific Screen Enhancement

Steps to extend a Monitor Node with a Screen BAdI

In the latest version of the Monitor How-To Guide, you can find a detailed example of how to enhance an existing standard monitor node with customer specific fields. In addition, you can always check the example implementations for the new BAdI for guidance on how to implement each BAdI method per node. For the example use case described above, you can e.g. check  /SCWM/CL_EI_MON_CUST_SEL_INB.

Roughly summarized, the following needs to be done to enhance the standard nodes for the example Use Case described above:

  1. Creation of a BAdI implementation and implementing class, specific for your warehouse number and the technical names of the to-be-extended nodes as filters: /SCWM/WHRITEM_MON + /SCWM/WHRHEAD_INB_HU_MON.
    • Recommendation: Implement one BAdI for hierarchical monitor nodes, e.g. Inbound or Outbound Delivery Order and their respective sub nodes. This ensures that the defined selection screens and selection fields can be reused and are handled consistently for all nodes.
  2. Creation of a Z-report to define the customer specific selection screen for your EEW-fields, and to implement the screen and variant data handling. The selection screen will be included in the standard monitor node in a new subscreen area, which is located below the standard selection screens. Check the details in the Monitor How-To Guide and the comments in the example implementations for detailed information how to implement the Z-report including the sub screen.

Please note:

  • For simplicity, we will only describe the variant with EEW fields in this document, but you can use the following fields for extending the selection screens:
    1.      Standard fields for the objects that are not included in the standard selection screen
    2.      EEW-fields added to the EEW include of the relevant objects
  • If you use such fields, they can be considered in the standard selection of the monitor node. Other fields won’t be considered, as there are validity checks in place that will filter out fields that can’t be supported by the standard selection logic.
  • For the example described in this document, you can therefore use fields from /SCWM/S_WIP_Q_WHR_INBOUND (incl. EEW fields) for the Inbound Delivery selection screen, and /SCWM/S_HUHDR_MON (incl. EEW fields) for the HU selection screen.
  1. Implementation of the BAdI methods according to your use case.
    Please note: For most nodes, it is sufficient to implement the BAdI and the customer specific report to provide the mapping for the additional EEW-fields to the standard node. The standard selection logic can directly consider the additional selection values. This does not apply for HU-specific selections, though – for HU-specific nodes, an additional customer-specific pre-selection must be implemented in the BAdI. You can find details in the Monitor How-To Guide and also in the node specific example implementations.  
    • The pre-selection logic should return HU keys that are relevant based on the customer selection values. It is recommended to carefully design this pre-selection logic, as it might have an impact on the performance of the overall node execution. Please note that if the pre-selection does not return any results, the standard selection will not continue, either.
    • The maximum number of returned HU keys is 32.000, if this is exceeded the monitor selection will not continue
    • The pre-selection logic will only be called if customer specific selection fields are used. If only standard fields are used, the standard selection will be executed and the pre-selection logic will be skipped.
  2. Specifying the screen enhancements in the BADI implementation, to connect standard screen and custom subscreen area from the Z-report.

You can find the screens that should be enhanced with to custom subscreen area in the BAdI Implementation section “Screen Enhancement”

Figure 3 - Example Screen Enhancements for Inbound Delivery node examplesFigure 3 - Example Screen Enhancements for Inbound Delivery node examples


With the new Monitor Screen BAdI feature, simple selection screen enhancements of existing standard monitor nodes are now possible without the need to copy existing nodes to customer nodes. This reduces the overhead when implementing corrections or upgrading, as the standard nodes will get any corrections and enhancements, and no customer nodes need to be adapted in addition.

Monitor nodes extended by customer selection fields still behave like any other standard monitor node, e.g. you can use standard functionalities like setting up automatic refresh, creating selection variants for the node incl. the customer selection fields, scheduling background executions of the variant selections, etc., if the Screen BAdI is correctly implemented.

In which cases does it make sense to use the Screen BAdI?

  • Simple enhancements of existing nodes, where standard selections can include the fields, e.g. Inbound Delivery Items with EEW fields
  • Simple enhancements of existing nodes, where HU pre-selection can be implemented in a simple way to pre-select values based on customer fields (e.g. selecting HUs with additional standard selection fields, e.g. open WTs, or HU EEW fields).

In which cases does it not make sense?

  • Enhancements of nodes with fields that are not supported by the original node selection, e.g. because the requirement is to combine selection information of multiple objects, or the selection fields is not even a standard field (e.g. enhancing the HU document bin selection with a field for number of completed warehouse tasks)
  • Enhancements of nodes with a complex set of selection criteria, or special requirements for the selection that does not match the logic of the standard monitor node.

In theses cases, the creation of an own monitor node with a customized selection logic is recommended. The Monitor How-To Guide provides detailed examples for the creation of customer specific nodes as well.


To see more details on the above mentioned topics (such as examples of configuration screens), as well as see what other enhancements we delivered with this release, I highly encourage you to explore our blog SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Extended Warehouse Management Private Edition 2023 FPS02– What’s New .

You can also find more technical details and documentation on the above listed topic and others we left out via the “What’s New” viewer on the Help Documentation portal.

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