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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
As developers, we understand the need for efficiency and convenience when working on SAP DMC POD Plugins. Traditionally, the process involved building and deploying plugins, often leading to delays and a less-than-optimal development experience. But there's a new solution in town – the DMC POD Plugin local development environment.


Complete Documentation

An Evolution in DMC Plugin Development

In the past, developing SAP DMC POD Plugins meant building, deploying, and then waiting to see the results. It was a process that sometimes made experimentation and rapid iteration quite challenging. But we've changed the game.

Introducing the Local Development Environment

This local development environment is built upon a Yeoman generator that extends the work of our colleague, @kevin.hunter3. Here's what you can expect from it:

1. Real-Time Feedback

No more waiting for deployments! With this local development environment, you can instantly see the effects of your changes. This real-time feedback streamlines your development process, allowing for faster progress and decision-making.

2. Seamlessly Integrated APIs

This environment integrates smoothly with both public and internal APIs. This means you can work with real data right in your local setup. No more juggling test environments or dealing with data transfers – everything is at your fingertips.

3. Enhanced Utility Methods

We've added a set of handy utility methods, including getPlant, getResource, getUser, and more. These utilities simplify your development tasks and reduce the need for repetitive code.

4. Promise-Based Ajax Requests

To handle asynchronous operations more effectively, we've introduced promise-based Ajax requests. This results in cleaner and more readable code.

Now, let's explore how to get started with this local development environment:

Getting Started


Before diving in, ensure you have the following configurations handy:

  • User Email: Your SAP DMC access email.

  • SAP DMC Host Address: e.g., ''.

  • CF Endpoint URL: Obtain it from your BTP subaccount page.

  • Manufacturing-Execution-Integration Server URL: Found in your service key configuration file.

  • Public API Endpoint: Located in the service key configuration file under the UAA section.

  • Authorization Token URL: Also in the service key configuration file under the UAA section as 'url'.

  • Client ID, and Client Secret: Both found in your service key configuration file under the UAA section.

Generating Your Project

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system.

  2. Globally install Yeoman and the generator-dmcpodplugin-local using npm:
    npm install -g yo
    npm install generator-dmcpodplugin-local

  3. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  4. Run the generator with this command:
    yo dmcpodplugin-local

  5. Follow the prompts, providing the required information. The generator will create the template code based on your responses.

Optional: Installing Build and Deploy Dependencies for VS Code

If you're using BTP for plugin development, you can skip this step as BTP already includes pre-installed build and deploy tools.

If you're using a local system and VS Code, you can follow these optional steps:

Windows Users:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Check if 'choco' is installed by running 'choco -v'.

  3. incase you don't have choco installed, install it from official website

  4. If 'choco' exists, install 'make' by running this command in PowerShell:
    choco install make


Mac Users:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Install 'make' by running this command:
    brew install make


Common Steps:

  1. Download and install Cloud Foundry CLI from the official Git repository.

  2. Install 'mbt' and 'multiapps' globally:
    npm install -g mbt
    cf install-plugin multiapps

Running  Your Project Locally

  1. Once the template is generated, start the application on your localhost by running below command in root folder:
    npm run start

  2. To build the app, run:
    npm run build

    This will generate a new .mtar file in the 'mta_archives' folder.

  3. Before deploying the app, log in to Cloud Foundry using below command in new terminal:
    npm run login

    You can set the default org and space by specifying additional arguments in the 'package.json' file.

  4. Deploy the plugin to your BTP Space by running this command:

    npm run deploy

    If you want to run build and deploy commands together, use:
    npm run bd


    5. Follow the blog post post to configure the Pod plugin in SAP DMC


    Check my git repository for complete Documentation.


    That's it! You're now ready to streamline your SAP DMC POD Plugin development using this local development environment. Enjoy the coding!




After deploying the application from VS Code, the app would not start. (Error)

The error I saw in the logs  was "STDERR VError: xs-app.json/routes/0: Format validation failed (/home/vcap/app/dist is not a directory)"

I found that in the generated application, localDir in the routes property of file xs-app.json points to "dist". I changed it to webapp (the default folder name for the application) and redeployed it. After that the app would start. Just mentioning it as maybe others could encounter the same issue.


Hi @TomF ,

Thanks for pointing out!
In the latest update, I have added the Ui5 tooling bundling configuration to build the app before deploying because bundling will create component-preload.js for the plugin and it improves the plugin performance.

When you run `npm run bd` command, it will automatically build the app and create dist folder and plugin will be served from dist folder. I suggest deploy the app by running `npm run bd` instead of directly running `npm run deploy`.

Note: in-order to take advantage of bundling, keep localDir as 'dist' in xs-app.json file.



Hi @subrahmanyam_pampana ,

Thank you for your insightful blog post.

I have a plugin for my customer that I always need to deploy to SAP DM to see the changes. Is it possible to access the public API REST source from SAP DM to develop the plugin locally? I want to access a process definition in my plugin. Therefore, I need to call the method:

getPublicApiRestDataSourceUri() + "pe/api/v1/process/processDefinitions/start

This Public URI is always undefined in my scenario. Can you help me to configure it correctly?
I think I have to add it to the local.configs.json file but don't know exactly.

Thanks a lot, Daniel.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @zaunerd ,

Use below code to call the production process while running the application locally. This will automatically route to correct destination when plugin running in the DM POD.

let paylod = {
 plant: this.getPlant()
//add other parameters
}'pe/api/v1/process/processDefinitions/start', paylod).then(res=>{

Please install latest version of dmc-local-app-router using command `npm i -g dmc-local-app-router@latest`

you might already have below route details configured in your local-configs.json file. if not add them

        "port": 8086,
        "routes": [
                "route": "/api/:servicePath*",
                "uri": "",
                "auth": "papiAuth"
        "auths": {
            "papiAuth": {
                "authUrl": "<token_url>/oauth/token",
                "clientId": "<clientid>",
                "clientSecret": "<client_secret>"

update your package.json file start command with latest command

"start": "dmclar start --profile dev"
for more details on latest version of dmc-local-app-router, refer documentation 
0 Kudos

@subrahmanyam_pampana Thank you for information that works for me! It was the version of the dmc-local-app-router.


Hi @subrahmanyam_pampana 

Is there a way the tool can interact with batch requests? For GET requests, I have no problem (for example, metadata requests). However, I have a Smart Table in my plugin that interacts with an ODATA Service. The backend always responds with: "Batch request payload is invalid." Is there a way I can provide the payload in the post method of your extRoutes.js ?