You are using RR overview, or just releasing demand from short term forecast. However the PROACT xml was processed succesfully or the demand was released succesfully from forecast, the demand which should be showd on the WebUI cannot be found.
You can use TX /SCA/TSDMTEST to display the demand in the system for given locprod.
In the most cases the issue is caused by multiple entries for the same keyfigure in TSDM. Here you can see for FIRMDEMAND which is the demand keyfigure on the RR screens for given locprod. You can see that for the smae period there are 2 entries with different data providing partner. You can also see, that another user changed the data. This can cause that the wrong entry is showed on the WebUI.
Another case is that /SCA/TSDMTEST looks fine, but the demand is still not shown. In this case you can debug the reading of the keyfigure in FM /SCA/TSDM_TS_GET. In the returnign parameter et_ts you can check the entries in the database. If there are multiple lines for the same keyfigure, that means that there is some problem. You can check the values of the keyfigures in the field KVAL.
If there is a line with empty KVAL field, than the keyfigures data for the given locprod should be deleted and resent from ECC or released again from forecast. This agrees for other TSDM relevant keyfigures as well.