Migrated content on behalf of Bernd Dittrich.
One of the not so obvious features in SAP TM is the command line planning which allows the planner/dispatcher to do the job in the transportation cockpit
keyboard based instead of using drag&drop with the mouse:

The basic idea is that the user enters actions to be performed as a string (only elements from the number block of the keyboard is used to do this fast).
Everything in the cockpit UI has a unique identification number (called index
number). In the example the
- trucks to be used have the numbers 1-5 (the numbering always starts with the trucks to keep their identification number stable so that the planner can also blindly type it without seeing the Vehicle Tab, actually the vehicle tab can be hidden and command line still works )
- Freight Units to be planned have the numbers 13-28.
The user can now enter the commands in a very simple way: the numbers before the - (dash) -sign (alternatively to the - -> can be used which is more
intuitive but longer) is the element that is "dragged" and the number after the - is the drop target. The first entry in the command line means that the Freight
Units with the number 14 and 15 (second and third line in the FU-table) are assigned to the truck with the number 1 (first line in the Vehicles table).
And as you can see multiple commands can be entered in one go and processed together which minimizes the roundtrip time.
To make use of the command line it must be activated in the Layout personalization of the Transportation Cockpit:

Additionally the index number must be added to the visible columns in the tables (Freight Unit, Vehicle Resource etc.).
There is also some F1 documentaion available, it is bound to the command line element in the cockpit, if you choose "More Field Help" in the context menu for the field (right mouse click).
Enjoy it!