In this blog post, we will cover the basic system settings and process flow to have synchronous GR and GI with production orders in S4 HANA EWM 2020.
Before S4 HANA 2020, When we do confirmation of the production order then IBD will be created for receiving of FG/SFG, and OBD will be created for consumption posting of the components.
With innovations done in S4 HANA 2020, We can setup the system to post GR and GI w/o having any delivery documents. SAP has provided options to decide if you want to do both GR and GI w/o delivery , or any one of them, or none of them.
Process flow:
1- Production order is created and released
2- Staging of the components is done
3- Production order confirmation is done-> This will post GR and GI automatically w/o creating any delivery document
System settings:
Where to setup to post synchronous GR and GI w/o any delivery document?
This setting is done in the production scheduling profile that is assigned to FG/SFG material master.

For our example, we have set 3- post GR and GI w/o having any delivery document.

In which bin GR will be posted for the FG/SFG?
We can assign the GR bin in the production version of the FG/SFG. You can put a final bin as well , so you don't expect any put away WT for moving the parts ahead.
You can also put staging area bin for GR, so you expect further put away WT to move the product from staging area to final put away area.
From which bin consumption of the components will happen?
This is maintained in /SCWM/PSASTAGE.

System demo:
Production order is created and released and staging of the components are done.
Confirmation is posted- GR and GI posted.

FG/SFG Material document item details:

WT task details for FG/SFG

Components GI posting material document item details:

This ends out blog post here.
Following this blog post, you will understand the basic setups needed for synchronous GR and GI posting with discrete manufacturing with SAP EWM.
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