List of Alerts in SNC per process
Alert ID | Description | SNC Process | Details/Comments |
11 | Below Min. - Projected Stock | SMI | The projected stock is below the minimum stock level (see Determination of Minimum and Maximum Stock Level). |
12 | Above Max. - Projected Stock | SMI | The projected stock is above the maximum stock level (see Determination of Minimum and Maximum Stock Level). |
13 | Out of Stock - Projected Stock | SMI | The projected stock is zero or below zero. |
23 | New Scheduling Agreement Release | Release | A new release has arrived in SAP SNC (application/SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_RELEASE, action/SCA/BOL_REL_NEWRELEASE_CHECK). |
24 | New Scheduling Agreement Release | Release | The supplier has not yet acknowledged or confirmed the release. System administration generates these alerts using the/SCA/RELUNACKNALERTWRITEreport. The report deletes obsolete alerts. For more information, see Alert Generation - Unacknowledged Scheduling Agreement Releases. |
31 | Overdue ASN | ASN | SAP SNC system administration generates the ASN alerts with theGenerate Alerts for Overdue and Unassigned ASNs(/SCA/ASN_PASTDUE_ALERTWRITE) report. For more information, seeGeneration of Alerts for Overdue and Unassigned ASNs. |
32 | Goods Receipt Quantity Different from ASN Quantity | ASN | The goods receipt quantity for an item in the ASN differs from the requested item quantity in the ASN (PPF action/SCA/BOL_DLV_GRQUAN_CHECK). |
7021 | Below Min.- In the Lead Time | SMI | The projected stock falls below the minimum stock level within the lead time (see Lead Time). |
7022 | Above Max. - In the Lead Time | SMI | The projected stock exceeds the maximum stock level within the lead time. |
7023 | Out of Stock - In the Lead Time | SMI | The projected stock falls to zero or below zero within the lead time. |
7025 | Unloading Point Has Changed | Release | The unloading point of the current release deviates from the unloading point of the previous release (application/SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_RELEASE, action/SCA/BOL_REL_UNLD_CHG). |
7026 | Cumulative Received Quantity Is Smaller | Release | The cumulative received quantity of the current release is less than that of the previous release (application/SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_RELEASE, action/SCA/BOL_REL_***_QUAN_LESS). |
7027 | Fiscal Year Has Changed | Release | The fiscal year of the current release deviates from the fiscal year of the previous release (application/SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_RELEASE, action/SCA/BOL_REL_FISCAL_YR_CHG). |
7028 | SA Release with Demand That Cannot Be Covered (Supplier) | Release | The release contains schedule lines that you, as supplier, cannot cover within the lead time (see Lead Time). To determine whether a release contains uncovered schedule lines, SAP SNC takes account of the deliveries that the supplier has sent to the customer. Here, SAP SNC evaluates the ASNs that the supplier sent to the customer (application/SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_RELEASE, action/SCA/BOL_REL_UNSATIS_DEMAND). For more information, seeDetermination of Due Schedule Lines. |
7029 | SA Release with Demand That Cannot Be Covered (Customer) | Release | This alert corresponds to the alert type 7028 for uncovered releases that can only be seen by suppliers (see above). System administration generates these alerts using the/SCA/REL_DEMAND_ALERT_WRITEreport. The report deletes obsolete alerts. Supply Network Collaboration > Exceptions >Alert Generation > Generate Alerts for Scheduling Agreement Releases That Cannot Be Covered |
7033 | Exception in Validation of ASN | ASN | The validation has detected missing or incorrect data in the ASN. |
7034 | Exception in Validation of Scheduling Agreement Release | Release | The validation has detected invalid, missing, or differing data in the release. In the standard system, SAP SNC generates a validation alert for a release, for example, in the following cases: The product number is missing, or the location product does not exist in SAP SNC. The unloading point in the release differs from the unloading points entered in SAP SNC in the transportation lane. You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI)/SCMB/BOL_UNLOAD_PT to replace the unloading point in the master data with the unloading point transferred in the release. For more information, seeValidation Checks for Scheduling Agreement Releases. |
7035 | Exception during validation of purchase order | PO | SAP SNC detected a problem during validation. This alert is a general validation alert. Some validations generate more specific alerts (see below). |
7036 | Purchase order rejected | PO | The supplier manually rejected the purchase order on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_REJECTED_ALERTaction). |
7037 | Purchase order item rejected | PO | The supplier manually rejected the purchase order item on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_REJECTED_ALERTaction). |
7038 | Overdelivery tolerance exceeded | PO | The total confirmed quantity of the purchase order item is greater than the total requested quantity of the purchase order item plus the overdelivery tolerance. The total confirmed quantity of the item is the sum of the confirmed quantities from the confirmation schedule lines of the Confirmedschedule line type. The total requested quantity of the item is the sum of the requested quantities from the request schedule lines. This alert is generated by thePO_ITMOVERDELIVERY andPO_ITMOVERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation checks. In the standard system, SAP SNC does not generate the alert. The PO_ITMOVERDELIVERYvalidation check is active, but alert generation has been deactivated in the validation check. ThePO_ITMOVERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation check is not active in the standard system. If unlimited overdelivery is defined for the purchase order item, the system does not generate this alert. |
7039 | Underdelivery tolerance not reached | PO | The total confirmed quantity of the purchase order item is less than the total requested quantity of the purchase order item minus the underdelivery tolerance. The total confirmed quantity of the item is the sum of the confirmed quantities from the confirmation schedule lines of the Confirmedschedule line type. The total requested quantity of the item is the sum of the requested quantities from the request schedule lines. This alert is generated by thePO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY andPO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation checks. In the standard system, SAP SNC does not generate alerts. The PO_ITMOVERDELIVERYvalidation check is active, but alert generation has been deactivated in the validation check. ThePO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation check is not active in the standard system. This alert is generated by thePO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY andPO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation checks. In the standard system, SAP SNC does not generate alerts. The PO_ITMOVERDELIVERYvalidation check is active, but alert generation has been deactivated in the validation check. ThePO_ITMUNDERDELIVERY_WITHOUTZEROvalidation check is not active in the standard system. |
7041 | Below Min.- Stock on Hand | SMI | The actual stock on hand is below the minimum stock level. |
7042 | Above Max. - Stock on Hand | SMI | The actual stock on hand is above the maximum stock level. |
7043 | Out of Stock - Stock on Hand | SMI | The actual stock on hand is zero. |
7051 | New purchase order item | PO | The customer has sent a purchase order containing a new purchase order item to SAP SNC from his or her back-end system. This system generates this alert in the background. ThePO_NEW_CHG_ALERT_CTRL validation check controls whether the system generates this alert. The validation check is active in the standard system. |
7052 | Changed purchase order item | PO | The customer has changed a purchase order item in his or her back-end system and sent the modified purchase order to SAP SNC. The alert text indicates what has changed (for example, the quantity or the date/time). For more information, see Processing of Changed Purchase Order Items. The system generates this alert in the background. ThePO_NEW_CHG_ALERT_CTRL validation check controls whether the system generates this alert. The validation check is active in the standard system. |
7053 | Partially confirmed purchase order item | PO | The total confirmed quantity for a purchase order item is less than the total requested quantity of the purchase order item. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF ( /SCA/ICH application,/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_INCOMPLCONF_ALERTaction). The total confirmed quantity of the item is the sum of the confirmed quantities from the confirmation schedule lines of the Confirmedschedule line type. The total requested quantity of the item is the sum of the requested quantities from the request schedule lines. |
7054 | Late confirmation of purchase order item | PO | The confirmed delivery date of at least one confirmation schedule line lies after the delivery date requested by the customer. If the PO_PPF_EXECvalidation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/ICH application,/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_INCOMPLCONF_ALERTaction). |
7055 | Manual approval of confirmation required | PO | This alert is relevant for purchase order collaboration with approval process. The customer must accept the confirmation schedule line manually on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/ICH application,/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_APPROVAL_ALERTaction). |
7056 | Manual approval of component requirement required | PO | This alert is relevant for purchase order collaboration with approval process. The customer must accept the component requirement that the supplier has confirmed manually on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If the PO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/ICHapplication, /SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_APPROVAL_ALERTaction). |
7057 | Confirmation rejected | PO | This alert is relevant for purchase order collaboration with approval process. The customer has rejected the confirmation schedule line manually on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (/SCA/ICH application,/SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_APPROVALREJ_ALERTaction). |
7058 | Component requirement rejected | PO | This alert is relevant for purchase order collaboration with approval process. The customer has rejected the component requirement that the supplier has confirmed manually on the purchase order collaboration Web UI. If the PO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF ( /SCA/ICHapplication, /SCA/BOL_ORDER action profile,/SCA/BOL_ORD_APPROVALREJ_ALERTaction). |
7059 | New note for purchase order | PO | The customer or supplier has created a new note for a purchase order or a purchase order confirmation in purchase order collaboration. If thePO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF ( /SCA/ICH_NOTESapplication, /SCA/BOL_ORDER_NOTESaction profile,/SCA/BOL_ORDER_NEW_NOTESaction). |
7060 | SNI Alert | SNI | Alert conditions that can be configured on a customer-specific basis for a location product have been met. |
7061 | Below Min. - Projected Stock (SNI) | SNI | The projected stock is below the minimum stock level. |
7062 | Above Max. - Projected Stock (SNI) | SNI | The projected stock exceeds the maximum stock level. |
7063 | Out of Stock - Projected Stock (SNI) | SNI | The projected stock is zero or below zero. |
7071 | Below Min. - Stock on Hand (SNI) | SNI | The actual stock on hand is below the minimum stock level. |
7072 | Above Max. - Stock on Hand (SNI) | SNI | The actual stock on hand is above the maximum stock level. |
7073 | Out of Stock - Stock on Hand (SNI) | SNI | The actual stock on hand is zero. |
7081 | Stock Below Minimum (DCM) | DCM | The stock on hand is less than the minimum stock level. |
7082 | Stock Above Maximum (DCM) | DCM | The stock on hand is greater than the maximum stock level. |
7083 | Out of Stock (DCM) | DCM | The stock on hand is zero. |
7084 | Signal Level Reached (DCM) | DCM | The stock on hand is less than or equal to the signal stock level. |
7091 | New Kanban Request | Kanban | SAP SNC generates this alert automatically when a new kanban request arrives. If you modify the alert (for example, the alert priority) or want to suppress generation of this alert, you must implement the methodBEFORE_ALERT_CREATION_NEWREQof the Business Add-In (BAdI)/SCA/DM_KANBAN. |
7092 | Late Kanban Response | Kanban | As customer, you expect the supplier to respond to an empty kanban within a specific time and to create an ASN as a draft or to publish an ASN for the empty kanban in SAP SNC. You define this response time in SAP SNC for each kanban control cycle. To monitor whether the response time has been adhered to and to make the supplier aware of delays, if necessary, you run the/SCA/DM_KNBN_ALRT_LATERESPreport regularly in the SAP SNC system. The report checks whether the response time has been exceeded for empty kanbans. To determine a delay, the report adds the response time to the time at which the kanban request arrived in SAP SNC. If the time calculated in this way is in the past, and the response time has therefore been exceeded, the report generates the alert. To call the report for online processing, on the SAP Easy Accessscreen, choose Supply Network Collaboration > Exceptions >Alert Generation > Generate Alerts for Late Response to Kanban Requests If you modify the alert (for example, the alert priority) or want to suppress generation of this alert, you must implement the methodBEFORE_LATERESUPD of the BAdI/SCA/KANBAN. |
7093 | Exception During Validation of Kanban Object | Kanban | SAP SNC has detected a problem during validation of an inbound purchase order. For more information, see Validation in Kanban Processing. |
7094 | Maximum Number of Allowed Empty Kanbans Reached | Kanban | SAP SNC generates this alert automatically when there are more kanbans in empty state than the allowed maximum number. You can maintain the maximum number of allowed empty kanbans manually in the kanban control cycle master data or by transfering the data from your ERP system using the reportKANBAN_MD_TRANSMIT. If you maintain the maximum number of allowed empty kanbans in the control cycle master data, the system does not generate a Late Kanban Response alert before the maximum number of allowed empty kanbans has been reached. For example, if you have maintained the maximum number of allowed empty kanbans as 2 and the late response time has been maintained as 1 day, then a single empty kanban can remain in statusEmpty for longer than a day without an alert being generated. |
7101 | Scheduling Agreement Release Overdue | Release | The release contains due schedule lines in the past (see Determination of Due Schedule Lines). System administration generates these alerts using the/SCA/DUELISTALERTWRITEreport. To call the report for online processing, on theSAP Easy Access screen, choose Supply Network Collaboration > Exceptions >Alert Generation > Generate Alerts for Due/Overdue Purchase Orders and SA Releases |
7102 | Scheduling Agreement Release Due Within Lead Time | Release | The release contains schedule lines in the future that lie within the lead time (see Lead Time) and have due quantities (seeDetermination of Due Schedule Lines). System administration generates these alerts using the/SCA/DUELISTALERTWRITEreport. To call the report for online processing, on theSAP Easy Access screen, choose Supply Network Collaboration > Exceptions >Alert Generation > Generate Alerts for Due/Overdue Purchase Orders and SA Releases |
7103 | Purchase order overdue | PO | The purchase order contains due schedule lines with an ASN-based due quantity in the past. The schedule lines, therefore, are not fully covered by ASNs. System administration generates these alerts with the Generate Alerts for Due/Overdue Purchase Orders and SA Releases report (/SCA/DUELISTALERTWRITE). |
7104 | Purchase order due within lead time | PO | The purchase order contains schedule lines in the future that lie within the lead time and that are not fully covered by ASNs. System administration generates these alerts with the Generate Alerts for Due/Overdue Purchase Orders and SA Releases(/SCA/DUELISTALERTWRITE) report. |
7105 | New Note for Release | Release | In SAP SNC, the customer or supplier has created a new note for a scheduling agreement release or a scheduling agreement confirmation. The standard system generates the alert directly in the background. Direct alert generation is controlled by theSCONF_NEW_NOTE_DIRECTvalidation check that is active in the standard system. If you deactivate the validation check, the system creates new-note alerts using the PPF (application/SCA/ICH_NOTES, action profile/SCA/BOL_REL_NOTES, action/SCA/BOL_REL_NEW_NOTES). |
7107 | Scheduling Agreement Release Rejected | Release | The supplier has rejected the release in SAP SNC. For more information, seeFunctions in Release Processing. |
7120 | New Replenishment Order Item | Replenishment Orders | In the supplier back-end system, the supplier has created a new sales order or added an item to an existing sales order. The supplier has sent the new or changed sales order to SAP SNC, where the replenishment order is updated accordingly. The RO_NEW_CHG_ALERT_CTRLvalidation check creates the alert upon receipt of the XML message of typeReplenishmentOrderConfirmation. |
7121 | Changed Replenishment Order Item | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has changed a sales order item in the supplier back-end system and has sent the sales order using to SAP SNC using an XML message of The RO_NEW_CHG_ALERT_CTRLvalidation check creates the alert upon receipt ofthe XML message of typeReplenishmentOrderConfirmation.typeReplenishmentOrderConfirmation. For more information about which changes are considered, see Update of RO from Changed Sales Order. |
7122 | Exception During Validation in Replenishment Order Collaboration | Replenishment Orders | SAP SNC has detected missing or incorrect data in one of the following objects: XML message of typeReplenishmentOrderConfirmationsent from the supplier back-end system XML message of typeVendorGeneratedOrderConfirmationsent from the customer back-end system Replenishment order that was created in the background by a planning service in SAP SNC |
7123 | Confirmed Item Quantity Violates Underdelivery Tolerance | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has sent a sales order confirmation (ReplenishmentOrderConfirmation) from the supplier back-end system to SAP SNC. SAP SNC has compared the confirmed quantity with the requested quantity using deviation analysis from consensus finding, and has determined a deviation outside of the underdelivery tolerances specified in deviation analysis. This alert is generated by theRO_CREATE_CONF_ALERT_DAvalidation check, which is active in the standard delivery. |
7124 | Partially Confirmed Replenishment Order Item | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has sent a sales order confirmation from the supplier back-end system to SAP SNC. The total confirmed quantity of the replenishment order item is less than the total requested quantity of the replenishment order item minus the underdelivery tolerance. The total confirmed quantity is the sum of the confirmed quantities from the confirmed schedules lines of theConfirmed schedule line type. The total requested quantity is the sum of the request quantities from the request schedule lines. If theRO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive, SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (application /SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_ORDER_VGOR, action definition/SCA/BOL_VGO_INCOMPLCONF_ALERT). |
7125 | Too-Late Confirmation of Replenishment Order Item | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has sent a sales order confirmation from the supplier back-end system to SAP SNC. The confirmation date of a least one confirmation schedule line is later than the customer's requested date. If the RO_PPF_EXEC validation check is inactive, SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (application /SCA/ICH, action profile/SCA/BOL_ORDER_VGOR, action definition/SCA/BOL_VGO_INCOMPLCONF_ALERT). |
7126 | Confirmation of Replenishment Order Item Was Rejected | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has sent a sales order confirmation from the supplier back-end system to SAP SNC. SAP SNC has compared the confirmation schedule line with the request schedule line in the replenishment order using deviation analysis from consensus finding, and has detected a deviation. For this reason, SAP SNC has rejected the confirmation schedule line. If the RO_PPF_EXECvalidation check is inactive, SAP SNC generates this alert in the background. If the validation check is active, the alert is generated by the PPF (application /SCA/ICH, action profile /SCA/BOL_ORDER_VGOR, action definition/SCA/BOL_VGO_APPROVALREJ_ALERT). The PPF action is active in the standard system. The PPF action creates the alert upon receipt of theReplenishmentOrderConfirmationfrom the supplier back-end system. |
7127 | Overdue Replenishment Order Confirmation of Supplier | Replenishment Orders | This alert type is relevant for the visibility process for replenishment orders when you want to monitor replenishment order confirmations in the Responsive Replenishment with ATP scenario. SAP SNC has sent a replenishment order to the supplier back-end system and is waiting for the confirmation from the supplier back-end system. The wait time has exceeded a predefined deadline. For more information, see Visibility Processes for SAP SNC. |
7128 | Overdue Replenishment Order Confirmation of Customer | Replenishment Orders | This alert type is relevant for the visibility process from replenishment orders when you want to monitor the purchase order number assignment in the customer back-end system. SAP SNC has sent a replenishment order to the customer back-end system and is waiting for the confirmation with the purchase order number from the customer back-end system. The wait time has exceeded a predefined deadline. For more information, see Visibility Processes for SAP SNC. |
7130 | Exception During Validation of Invoice | Invoice Alerts | The validation has detected missing or incorrect data in the invoice. |
7131 | Payment Past Due | Invoice Alerts | SAP SNC system administration generates invoice alerts with the report /SCA/INVOICE_ALERT. The report generates an alert for invoices whose payment due date lies in the past and whose payment status in the invoice header is set toPublished (that is, it has not yet been paid). When a payment notification is received that corresponds to an invoice for which this alert has been created, and the status of the invoice becomes Paid, SAP SNC deletes the alert for this invoice. The payment due date is the Baseline Date plus the Net Payment Periodspecified in the invoice header. When the system determines the payment due date, if no Net Payment Periodhas been specified, the system uses the Normal Cash Discount period instead. If this period is also not specified, the system uses theMaximum Cash Discount period. If none of these payment periods has been specified, the system does not create an alert. |
7140 | Confirmed Delivery Date/Time Violates Delay Tolerance | Replenishment Orders | The supplier has sent a sales order confirmation (ReplenishmentOrderConfirmation) from the supplier back-end system to SAP SNC. SAP SNC has compared the confirmed delivery date/time with the requested delivery date/time, using deviation analysis from consensus finding, and has determined a deviation outside of the delay tolerances specified in deviation analysis. This alert is generated by theRO_CREATE_CONF_ALERT_DAvalidation check, which is active in the standard delivery. |
7160 | Confirmed Delivery Date Later Than Requested Date | PO | The delivery date of at least one Confirmed schedule line of a PO item is too late and violates the maximum delay that is allowed by the customer. |
7161 | Confirmed Delivery Date Earlier Than Requested Date | PO | The delivery date of at least one Confirmed schedule line is too early and violates the maximum earliness that is allowed by the customer. |
7162 | Confirmed Quantity Lower Than Requested Quantity | PO | The confirmed quantity of at least one Confirmedschedule line is too low and violates the underdelivery tolerance allowed by the customer. |
7163 | Confirmed Quantity Higher Than Requested Quantity | PO | The confirmed quantity of at least one Confirmedschedule line is too high and violates the overdelivery tolerance allowed by the customer. |
7164 | ASN Overdue | ASN | The PO item contains at least one reference schedule line (request schedule line orConfirmed schedule line) for which no ASN is available yet on a customer-defined due date. |
7165 | ASN Delivery Date Later Than Requested/Confirmed Date | ASN | The delivery date of at least one ASN-Confirmedschedule line is too late and violates the maximum delay that is allowed by the customer. |
7166 | ASN Delivery Date Earlier Than Requested/Confirmed Date | ASN | The delivery date of at least one ASN-Confirmedschedule line is too early and violates the maximum earliness that is allowed by the customer. |
7167 | ASN Quantity Lower Than Requested/Confirmed Quantity | ASN | The quantity of at least oneASN-Confirmed schedule line is too low and violates the underdelivery tolerance allowed by the customer. |
7168 | ASN Quantity Higher Than Requested/Confirmed Quantity | ASN | The quantity of at least oneASN-Confirmed schedule line is too high and violates the overdelivery tolerance allowed by the customer. |
7169 | Confirmation Overdue | PO | The PO item contains at least one request schedule line for which no PO confirmation is yet available on a customer-defined due date. |
7170 | Confirmed Price Lower Than Requested Price | PO | The confirmed price at item level is too low and violates the below-price tolerance allowed by the customer. The reference price is the original price or the requested price, as determined for price confirmations. For more information, see Price Confirmation. |
7171 | Confirmed Price Higher Than Requested Price | PO | The confirmed price at item level is too high and violates the above-price tolerance allowed by the customer. The reference price is the original price or the requested price, as determined for price confirmations. For more information, see Price Confirmation. |
7172 | Confirmed MPN Different from Requested MPN | PO | The confirmed MPN number of at least one Confirmedschedule line is different from the MPN of the request schedule lines. Note: For this exception type/alert type, SAP SNC only supports request schedule lines with the same MPN. |
7402 | Forecast Alert for Location Planner | Collaborative Sales Forecasting | The system generates alerts if the tolerance levels of the consensus finding are above or below acceptable levels. For the key figure Consensus Baseline Sales Forecast – Final, the tolerance status, the release status, and the manual status are relevant to the alerts. For more information about setting up alert profiles, see Settings for Collaborative Sales Forecasting. |
7402 | Forecast Alert for Location Planner | Collaborative Sales Forecasting | The system generates an alert based on the DUPLICATE_TIME_BUCKETS validation check if a time bucket occurs more than once (starting from the same date and time). |
7402 | Forecast Alert for Location Planner | Collaborative Sales Forecasting | The system generates an alert based on the INCONSISTENT_TIME_BUCKETS validation check if the time bucket intervals of supplied items are inconsistent. |
7402 | Forecast Alert for Location Planner | Collaborative Sales Forecasting | The system generates an alert based on the DUPLICATE_TIMESERIES validation check if duplicate ship-to locations, products and time series type are present in the XML message. |
7402 | Forecast Alert for Location Planner | Collaborative Sales Forecasting | The system generates an alert based on the FROM_LOCATION_CLEAR validation check if the ship-from location has been entered in a promotion sales forecast XML message. |
7420 | New Quality Notification | Quality Notification Alerts | The supplier has successfully created and published a quality notification in SAP SNC, or a new quality notification has been received from the customer back-end system. SAP SNC automatically deteles alerts of this type in the following cases: A Quality Notification Changed alert for the same quality notification number has been generated. A Quality Notification Overdue alert for the same quality notification number has been generated. The quality notification has been closed or deleted. |
7421 | Quality Notification Changed | Quality Notification Alerts | A published quality notification has been changed. SAP SNC automatically deteles alerts of this type in the following cases: Another Quality Notification Changed alert for the same quality notification number has been generated. A Quality Notification Overdue alert for the same quality notification number has been generated. The quality notification has been closed or deleted. |
7422 | Completion of Quality Notification Overdue | Quality Notification Alerts | The required end date of a quality notification has passed and the status of the quality notification is stillNew or In Process. A system administrator can generate alerts of this type by running the/SCA/QNOT_ALERT report. SAP SNC automatically deletes alerts of this type in the following cases: The status of the quality notification changes to completed or postponed. The quality notification is closed or deleted. |
7425 | Exception in Quality Notification Validation | Quality Notification Alerts | SAP SNC has detected a problem during validation. This alert is a general validation alert. |
7437 | SA Release: ASN Quantity Lower Than Requested | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular request schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The (partial) ASN item quantity that is assigned to the request schedule line does not suffice to cover the open quantity of the request schedule line. (The open quantity of the request schedule line is the quantity that is not covered by earlier ASNs.) |
7438 | SA Release: ASN Quantity Higher Than Requested | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular request schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The (partial) ASN item quantity that is assigned to the request schedule line exceeds the open quantity of the request schedule line. (The open quantity of the request schedule line is the quantity that is not covered by earlier ASNs.) |
7439 | SA Release: ASN Delivery Date/Time Earlier Than Requested | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular request schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The delivery date/time of the ASN lies before the delivery date time of the request schedule line. |
7440 | SA Release: ASN Delivery Date/Time Later Than Requested | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular request schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The delivery date/time of the ASN lies after the delivery date time of the request schedule line. |
7441 | SA Release: ASN Quantity Lower Than Confirmed | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular confirmation schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The (partial) ASN item quantity that is assigned to the confirmation schedule line does not suffice to cover the open quantity of the confirmation schedule line. (The open quantity of the confirmation schedule line is the quantity that is not covered by earlier ASNs.) |
7442 | SA Release: ASN Quantity Higher Than Confirmed | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular confirmation schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The (partial) ASN item quantity that is assigned to the confirmation schedule line exceeds the open quantity of the confirmation schedule line. (The open quantity of the confirmation schedule line is the quantity that is not covered by earlier ASNs.) |
7443 | SA Release: ASN Delivery Date/Time Earlier Than Confirmed | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular confirmation schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The delivery date/time of the ASN lies before the delivery date time of the confirmation schedule line. |
7444 | SA Release: ASN Delivery Date/Time Later Than Confirmed | ASN | An ASN alert of this type refers to a particular confirmation schedule line of the current scheduling agreement release: The delivery date/time of the ASN lies after the delivery date time of the confirmation schedule line. |
7803 | Cumulative Quantity Imbalance | ASN | This alert type is only relevant for service parts management (see below). The quantity that the supplier (from his or her viewpoint) has already sent to the customer (the supplier cumulative quantity) differs from the quantity that the customer regards as received or in transit in the customer system. SAP SNC generates the alert when an ASN arrives (PPF action/SCA/BOL_DLV_***_IMB_CHECK). For this alert type, SAP SNC evaluates the supplier cumulative quantity, the customer cumulative quantity, and the in-transit quantity that the ASN has transferred to SAP SNC. If the customer has configured in the customer back-end system (SAP ERP with activated service parts management) for the scheduling agreement that he or she wants to be synchronized with the supplier with regard to the cumulative delivered quantity, SAP SNC compares the supplier cumulative quantity with the cumulative delivered quantity of the customer. (The in-transit quantity in the ASN is zero.) If the customer and the supplier synchronize with regard to the cumulative received quantity, SAP SNC compares the supplier cumulative quantity with the sum of the cumulative received quantity and the in-transit quantity. The in-transit quantity covers all open quantities of the ASN in the customer back-end system. |
7804 | Shipped Quantity Discrepancy | ASN | This alert type is only relevant for service parts management (see below). The quantity of an ASN item with theGoods Receipt Complete status differs from the quantity that the customer has actually received (PPF action/SCA/BOL_DLV_***_SHIP_DISC_CHK). |
7810 | Accuracy (ASN) | ASN | This alert type is only relevant for service parts management (see below). The external validation (see External Validation) has determined an exception and SAP SNC has mapped this exception to this alert type when the ASN arrived. |
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