EWM Important Tables in SAP S4 Hana.
1. Stock
Available stock for warehouse task creation |
Physical stock attributes |
Physical stock |
Normal stock |
Batch managed stock |
Reference stock (PDI, PDO) |
Special stock |
2. Warehouse Task
Warehouse tasks confirmed |
Serial number for confirmed warehouse task item |
Exception codes for warehouse task |
Warehouse task: Movements of HU items |
Serial numbers for HU item movements |
Warehouse tasks log table |
Serial numbers for warehouse task log table |
Warehouse tasks opened |
3. Transportation Unit
Assignment of Deliveries and HUs to Transportation Units |
Relationship between TU activities and door activities |
Data for the TU itself |
Contains start date/times and end dates/times |
Status of the TU activities |
Contains one or more vehicle activities with which a TU activity can be linked |
S&R Activities of a Door |
4. Wave
Wave header information |
Wave item |
5. Outbound Delivery
Outbound Delivery Header |
Outbound Delivery Item |
Outbound Delivery Order Header |
Outbound Delivery Order Item |
6. Inbound Delivery
Inbound Delivery Header |
Inbound Delivery Item |
7. Reference
Reference |
Header Inbound Delivery Notification / Outbound Delivery Request |
Item Inbound Delivery Notification / Outbound Delivery Request |
8. Handling Unit (HU)
Handling unit header |
Additional HU Identifications for a Goods Movement Log |
Individual status for each handling unit |
Handling unit reference |
Information about handling unit status object |
HU Status of HUs from Goods Movement Log |
Handling Unit Item |
Goods Movement Handling Unit Header |
9. Storage Bins
Storage Bins |
Bins for execution areas and activities |
10. Master Data
Product |
Mapping table for products |
Product execution data |
Material Descriptions |
Location product for Location Warehouse and sub location storage type |
Location product for Location Warehouse |
The above information is helpful to know about EWM Important Tables in SAP S4 Hana.
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Thank you!!!
Senthilkumar T