Advanced Shipping and Receiving (AS&R) is an innovative solution introduced in S/4H 2020 FPS01 for execution-driven transportation planning. In this article we delve into the limitations that we discovered while using AS&R. Plus, we provide insights that can help you navigate them in order to optimise your ongoing implementations.
The introduction of Advanced Shipping and Receiving in 2020 revolutionised the transportation planning process. Users can now seamlessly perform eWM execution tasks, such as Pick-and-Pack, and update the status of outbound delivery orders (ODO) to "Ready for Shipping". Freight units are subsequently updated with package information and quantities of goods picked. By using the Transportation Cockpit, you can plan the freight units onto your freight order manually or automatically. Since no transportation units (TU) are created in eWM, freight orders can be handled directly, which means no more LDAP's getting stuck in queues.
When we first tested this new feature, we ran into some limitations that are worth mentioning as they might impact your ongoing implementations.
1. All or nothing
In this instance we wanted to use AS&R in just one shipping point and keep the traditional LDAP communication for all others. Since you need to activate the status "Shipping Readiness" and deactivate "Assign Transportation Unit" in eWM customising, it becomes an all or nothing scenario. While it works seamlessly for AS&R, it blocks the classic setup of assigning Handling Units (HU) to Transportation Units (TU) in eWM from working. In short: AS&R and classic LDAP cannot be combined in one system. There is a Business Add-In (BAdi) that can solve this issue, but you need to take it into account.
Error in ewm
2. Cross delivery Handling Units
Currently, Cross Delivery Handling Units are not supported in combination with AS&R. You can still create them in eWM but when you try to set the "Ready for Shipping" status on the ODO, you get a 'not supported' prompt. Depending on your scenario, your HU might be blocked. For instance, if you need to consolidate multiple ODOs for the same destination into a single HU using Cross Delivery, you cannot use AS&R.
3. Consignment orders in freight bookings
SAP introduced "consignment orders" with AS&R; a great feature that can consolidate deliveries in a single consignment order, thereby reducing planning time. However, we found that consignment orders cannot yet be utilised in freight bookings (air/ocean) as only freight orders are currently supported. This is an important limitation when using a multi-modal transport model where a truck brings your goods to the port, after which they are loaded into containers for sea transport.
4. Transportation Management for outbound deliveries
When using Transportation Management (TM) in S/4HANA Public Cloud in combination with cloud warehouse management (eWM) you will notice that it only works for outbound deliveries. Inbound deliveries cannot yet be planned in TM with a receiving location linked to a warehouse. This is unfortunate for companies that want to keep track of their incoming containers on freight bookings.
Error message
Naturally, we must bear in mind that AS&R is a relatively new solution. As the saying goes: Rome wasn't built in a day. Over time SAP will extend AS&R functionalities, overcoming the aforementioned limitations and hopefully rendering this blog obsolete. As an example you can read about the
new features that were released in SAP S/4HANA 2022 FP0.