What is Customer Stock ?
Un valuated stock of spare parts that the customer sends to the service provider for the repair of a customer aircraft or component.
Customer Stock belongs to the customer.
The provision of repair and maintenance work to other airlines is a common process in the airline industry. customer sends serviceable parts for the repair of a customer aircraft or component & the service provider receives the stock with special stock indicator B.
With S4HANA 2022 SAP Supports the receiving of Customer Stock in EWM.
List of processes supported by SAP EWM for Customer Stock:
- Procurement of Customer Stock
- Receipt of Customer Stock
- Goods Issue & Scraping of customer Stock Part
- Transfer of Customer Stock between storage locations & Plants
- Posting Change of Customer Stock parts for Stock type, Material or Batches.
- Physical Inventory of Customer Stock Parts
Procurement of Customer Stock Parts:
Pre-requisite: Customer Must be extended as a vendor.
Step1: Create a purchase order.
Step2: Create Inbound Delivery in ECC & Check the Stock type in EWM.
The Stock Owner is Customer
GERMANAW & the Stock Usage is
B(Customer Stock)
Step3: Post Goods Receipt & Check Material Document In ECC.
Step4: Complete Put Away & Check the stock in EWM Monitor.
Procurement of Customer Stock Via MIGO ( Without Delivery):
Uploading Customer Stock with Initial Stock Upload EWM:
Posting Change of Customer stock from Material , Batch:
Posting Change of Customer Stock EWM Managed Storage Location to EWM Managed Storage Location:
Posting Change of Customer Stock EWM Managed Storage Location to IM Managed Storage Location:
Scrapping of Customer Stock In EWM:
Physical Inventory for Customer Stock in EWM:
In this example we consider an empty bin & try to add the customer stock via physical inventory.
Finally let's try to do posting change of Customer Stock to Own Stock:
Posting Change of Customer Stock to Own Stock is not allowed.
Restrictions & Possible Alternatives of Receiving Customer Stock for MRO Process is mentioned in the below SAP Note:
https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 3223895
Note1: the blog is written based on the S4HANA 2022 Initial shipment & may not be applicable in lower versions.
Note2: Some Images / Content used in the blog are from the below standard SAP Documentation