There are 3 steps for reverse of the good receipt in EWM.
- Reverse Good Issue
- Reverse Loading
- Cancellation of the Picking
Reverse Good Issue
You can go to the screen of Maintain Outbound of Delivery with transaction code
/SCWM/FD for reverse the good issue.
You can select the Outbound Delivery Order as reference and enter the delivery number in the search criteria field and push execute button ( Pls check the screenshot – 1 )
Screenshot – 1 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery )
Screenshot – 2 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery )
As you see on the screenshot – 2 the good issue have already been done.
You can select the relevant row and click the Good Issue button to select the field reverse the good issue.( Pls check the screenshot – 3 )
Screenshot – 3 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery )
As you can see the screenshot – 4 The good issue field turn to ‘Not Started ‘.
Screenshot – 4 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery )
You can select the relevant row and the push the delete button.
Screenshot – 5 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery )
Screenshot – 6 The Screen of /SCWM/FD ( Maintain Outbound Delivery ) After the delete row
Reverse Loading
You can go to transaction code
/SCWM/LOAD to the screen of Load to reverse the loading. You can select
PRDNO ( Warehouse Request ) as reference document and you can enter the delivery number in document number field before push the execute button. ( Pls check the screenshot – 7 )
Screenshot – 7 The Screen of /SCWM/LOAD ( LOAD )
You can push the Load button to select Reverse Loading field in HUs TAB for reverse the loading. ( Pls check the screenshot – 8 )
Screenshot – 8 The Screen of /SCWM/LOAD ( LOAD )
As you see on the screenshot – 9 the status of load field turn to red which means that it is unload.
Cancellation of Picking
You can go to transaction code
/SCWM/CANCPICK the screen of cancellation of picking for reverse to picking. You can choose DOCNO_H as reference document and you enter the document number in delivery number field before push execute button. ( Pls check the screenshot – 10 )
Screenshot – 10 The screen of /SCWM/CANCPICK ( Cancellation of picking )
I choosed Release Stock button in Handling Units TAB and cancellation of picking completed. ( Pls check the screenshot – 11 )
Screenshot – 11 The screen of /SCWM/CANCPICK ( Cancellation of picking )
As you see that this is a simple processing. I hope it will help you.
Suatcan Pekak