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Product and Topic Expert
Definition: To perform the putaway of several handling units (HUs) collectively by scanning the HU labels one after the other,we generally use putaway by HU (clustered). In other words, when business have requirement to scan multiple small HUs from 1 Pallet, it is indispensable to perform the clustered putaway by HU.

It may also suit a requirement where customer don't  want to create warehouse tasks for putaway up-front because you do not want to reserve space in the destination bins before the physical putaway starts.




Consider the above Pallet as Mixed Pallet containing multiple HUS. The concept of clustering is to conduct putaway of individual Hus one by one, either by system guided or according to warehouse task, product, or HU. This blog will deal with system guided.

During scanning multiple HUs in RFUI using Putaway HU( Clustered), the sorting of WTs follow sort sequence as WHOSEQ, it gives better flexibility to adjust sorting in WO creation rule.


  1. When individual HU is scanned it starts storing HU as a counter, if pallets had 5 different HUs, 5 counter will be created in RF. Once HUs is scanned, HU is moved assigned to resource and here GR of HU will be posted.



2. Scan all the HU present in Pallet, system created N counters( N:N ratio, HU to counter)


3. Start confirming WT one HU using system guided.


4. GR and putaway is completed


2) In case of Nested HU.



Several Inbound deliveries are created with reference of Purchase order or Manufacturing order with HUS,


Packing multiple HUS at work center in 1 HU, Clustering the HUs at WC


and using SAP standard RFUI menu of Putaway HU clustered


Since this HU WT, so scan the below fields.

  • Source HU

  • Destination storage bin

  • Destination HU



Clustered HU putaway is conducted and Parent HU is moved to the required bin



Putaway of Parent HU(  Clustered Implicit Putaway) updates all the inbound deliveries.


It is up to business requirement whether the stock should be in HU form or in loose form at final destination bin, if final source storage type is non HU managed, then HU information will not be stored at final bin, only stock will be updated. The empty HU remains in the source storage bin and may be deleted according to the settings of the packaging material type.



Hope you enjoyed this short blog!


Best regards

Shailesh Mishra


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