Either using the DS Board (Detailed Scheduling Board) or RPT (Resource Planning Table), a custom Overall Profile provides ease for each planners when using these transaction; below are the steps to set-up the Overall Profile.
Transaction code to create the Overall profile -
Define the following entries:
Overall Profile - Profile name, naming convention will depends on each project but starting in 'Z' or 'Y' will denotes the profile is a customize. Next to the Overall Profile is the description field, make sure to define a applicable description to easily identify the profile custom functions.
Customizing ID - this where you define the username this profile is applicable, leave it blank if you want the profile to be utilize by other planners
Planning Version - the planning version you intend to use the profile
For Subprofile definition:
*note to create these profile before creating the overall profile
DS Strategy Profile - the default Strategy Profile for Detailed Scheduling functions, the settings in the strategy profile includes Scheduling modes, Planning directions, modes and other parameters. Tcode: /n/SAPAPO/CDPSC1
PP Strategy Profile - the default Strategy Profile for Production Planning functions, same with the DS Strategy Profile the setting includes Scheduling modes, Planning directions, modes and other parameters. Tcode: /n/SAPAPO/CDPSC1
Plng Board Profile - the default Planning Board Profile which will be the actual view or layout of your planning board. In the planning board profiles, you define the color, layout or views and objects you want to see in the planning board. Tcode: /n/SAPAPO/CDPSC2
Work Area - the default parameters or selection for the data you want to display in the DS board's charts. You can define different selection in each object - product, order or resource.
Time Profile - the default time horizon for planning period used in the detailed scheduling and production planning. Related to the Period Profile. This is also the profile use in other interactive planning transactions.
Optimization Profile - the default optimization profile when optimizer run is used and activated.
Heuristics Profile - the default heuristic profile, these will be group of all heuristic you want to be available in either DS board or RPT. This is also the profile use in other interactive planning transactions.
PP/DS Alert Profile - the default PPDS application or user specific profile that can be used for monitoring in DS board and RPT. In alerts profile, you can define what object and scenario the alert will be generated.
Propagation range - this is range of resource and products that you can execute in the PPDS interactive transaction.
Key Figure Schema - this is the default schema to be used or criteria to consider in PPDS interactive for evaluation. The elements of the schema are formulas and fields that will group the key figures to be used for analysis.
Once you already define the profiles based on the functions and view you needed, you can already save the profile.
To set this as your default in the transaction:
In you next execution of either DS Board or Resource Planning Table, click User setting button and go to Profile Tab.
Select the Overall Profile you created. You can already further customize it by defining the Period Profile and the Pushbutton Profile together with your Overall Profile.
Period Profile - the horizon you want to display in the charts or table
Pushbutton Profile - the profile which defines the pushbuttons to appear in each toolbars
Once finalize click
Adopt to reflect these changes. Next execution of the transaction will already take the default we set.
Note: This setting is similar to the S/4 HANA Advanced Planning function as full functionality of APO-PPDS is available in S/4 premise.