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This blog post  is intended for the consultants and the business process owners who wants to know the various new features available in S/4 H Extended Warehouse Management 2020.In some cases there is more simplification achieved in the various processes and functionalities offered by SAP EWM while some functionalities has also been enriched or new functionalities which were not there in earlier releases has also been introduced.

Overview on New Functionalities 

Although there are various process components under SAP EWM but this blog post  will mainly focus on the new features available under serial number management, handling unit management and Goods movement.

Functionality 1- Serial Number management

The important functionality which we have in 2020 version is the availability of single serial Number profile. The availability of common profile across EWM and ERP system in S/4 will avoid redundancy to enable serialization on plant level. Below enclosed is the config node where harmonized serialization is maintained in SAP EWM.

Fig-1-SPRO Node to enable Harmonized Serialization in EWM

Below enclosed screenshot highlights the activation of harmonized serialization in SAP EWM.

Fig-2- Activation of Harmonized serialization in EWM

To define the serial No profile below enclosed is the configuration path:

Fig-3-SPRO Node to define serial Number Profiles

Below enclosed screenshot highlights the different attributes to be maintained for serial No profile.

Fig-4- Attributes of Serial Number Profile

If client is using Warehouse Management (WM) to manage the  stock and there is requirement to have  serialization available in  WM system, the serial No profile can be enhanced  with warehouse serialization settings. The settings will enable serialization in WM processes as shown below:

Fig-5-Warehouse Serialization settings

Thus using the harmonized serial number profile  its possible to consolidate and validate ERP and EWM in one  serial No profile and thus allow the business user to validate it before using it. In case the serialization settings are not same there can be a situation of hanging queues during data transfer which leads to considerable effort to reduce it. The new harmonized serial No profile is maintained at plant level( Plant Data Storage 2 view) so that  the new standard available serial No profile contains both ERP and EWM serialization settings.

Fig-6-Serial No profile in material master

Functionality 2- Repair Serial Number profile 

In the warehouse monitor there is a new method introduced to delete serialization settings stored in EWM warehouse product.

Fig-7- Display Repair Serial Number profile in warehouse monitor screen

The repair serial No profile functionality is supported under the following conditions only:

  • No open warehouse task exist

  • No open delivery document exist

  • No warehouse stock exist

In case there is a requirement to change serial Number profile for a warehouse product following thing needs to be considered:

  • As first step you have to remove all stock (including planned stock, which means rejection of all not yet goods receipted stock on existing inbound deliveries) for the material from the warehouse.

  • Set the appropriate serial number profile for the material in ERP.

  • Delete the entry from table /SCWM/SERH for the material.

  • Then you can start using the material with the new serial number profile, when the new stock comes for the material the entry in /SCWM/SERH will be automatically recreated with the relevant data.

Functionality 3- Goods Movement Feature

There has been an interesting feature incorporated in the latest version based on the accounting information for goods movement where there has been an enhancement in transaction /SCWM/ADGI for processes related to scrapping, sampling and consumption and thus allow to post unplanned goods issue with specific account assignment.

Fig-8- New fields in Goods Movement transaction in SAP EWM

Its also  possible to change the account assignment for a single item when partial goods issue is posted and below enclosed is the navigation path where the system uses the setting of the allowed account assignment categories in a warehouse number to determine which account assignments can be created or displayed in outbound delivery orders in EWM.

Fig-9-SPRO Node to define Account Assignment Category per warehouse Number

If you are working with the standard account assignment categories, we need to  assign the existing account assignment categories to the required warehouse numbers.

Fig-10-Maintenance of Account Assignment Category

Functionality 4- Handling Unit Management

GTL (global transport label) is the new addition to the handling unit management feature in the S/4 EWM 2020 version. It’s now possible to generate the GTL No per warehouse with the introduction of new No range object-HU_GTL. Based on the No range maintenance it’s also possible to specify an existing issuing agency code (IAC) to generate the GTL No. Below enclosed is the SPRO node where its maintained-


Fig-11- SPRO Node and attributes to maintain GTL in SAP EWM

Business user can define a GTL number using an issuing agency code (IAC), a company identification number, and a serial number taken from the number range object HU_GTL (Number Range for Handling Unit Global Transport Label) or from your own number range object.

Thus to summarize this is the Series 1 of the blog post which will provide an overview of the various new fields and features incorporated in the latest release of SAP S4H Embedded EWM 2020. I am going to continue writing  in my future post about the other new features which has been added to the latest release for warehousing in 2020 version.

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