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Tried to explain in brief the basic steps required to set up MISL Functionality in GATP RBA. One needs to test extensively with inclusive rule, procedure type etc in the integrated rule maintenance.

MISL Functionality allows the RBATP to determine a common delivery location for a delivery group.

1. Define Condition Table - select Create condition table - give any number, select the fields you require from the field catalogue.

     For Ex if you have given a number 901 and then added the fields like Sales org / Division / Sold - to - party / Order Type etc., a table gets created      as /SAPCND/KOTO910. You would need to create separate condition table for Availability check and BOP. – You will be maintaining entries in the      above created tables via “Rule Determination” /SAPCND/AO11   - Refer STEP10.

2. Maintain access sequence - you need to create Access sequence for both availability check and BOP. Here the Above created table is linked; you can      link multiple tables and based on the access no systemwill search for these tables

     By setting this indicator, the system does not search for additional records
     after the first successful access to a record for a
conditiontype in an access sequence

3. Maintain Condition Type Here you maintain condition type and link the access sequence which you have created in step 2.
     For easier understanding create condition type as ATP1 - for availability check
     and BOP1 for back order processing

4. Maintain Rule Strategy - here the strategy is created, select the rule type “Inclusive". In the Control Data you enter the condition type which you      created in the step 3.

5. Maintain Rule strategy sequence - here you create a rule and in control data add the strategy to the rule which you have created in step 4. You can      have multiple rule strategy.

6. Assign Rule strategy or rule strategy sequence - here you need to add the technical scenario + business Transaction+ Action type.

     Tech scenario is the used to differentiate between a Dialog / Batch / EDI Processing. You can use the
     following for Dialog. Use AA, Batch use BB, EDI use DD.

     Business transaction - you need to define in VOV8 in ECC System the sales document type and add that in APO.

     Action type - A , B or C - A is Create, B is change, C is copy.

     You need to assign either the rule strategy or rule strategy sequence which you created in Step 4 or 5, and select
     "Substitute" in the column Handling of CP.

7. Activate Multi Item Single Delivery location

     Rule strategy from the step 4.

8. Activate RBA in Check Instructions.

9. Create Integrated Rule Maintenance (/sapapo/rba04)

    1. You will have to create rule with Rule Type MISL.
    2. If the Requirement
      cannot be confirmed completely at any substitute location the next process
      depends on the value entered in this field “Action after MISL” in the
      integrated rule maintenance.
    3. Maintain location determination procedure

10. Create Rule Determination (/SAPAPO/AO11):

     Select the condition type and the Key combination. Enter the details and the Rule (Rule which you created in the
     (Integrated Rule maintenance).If the Values to be entered are too many, and then
     it’s better to develop LSMW to Upload the data in to the table.

11. Batch BOP:In /SAPAPO/BOP under “worklist” set the “select complete group” indicator

12. Delivery group in ECC:Make sure that the Materials are grouped in the sales order. For more details refer
     The System checks if all the products in the delivery group appear in the Substitute location

Please refer the "Process" from SAP HELP “Determination of Multi Item Single Delivery location”

MISL Does not take in to consideration the following functionalities in RBA

  • Production
  • PPM
  • Characteristic substitution
  • Exclusive  / alternate rule
  • Locationproduct substitution procedure
  • Location determination Activity

Note: Please feel free to edit the document if necessary.

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