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Business Process:

Vehicle can be entered into Manufacturing Plant/Warehouse house/DCs premises through below  process.

  • External Party/Vendor i.e., Purchase Order,

  • Inter or Intra transfer i.e., Stock Transfer Order or Transfer Order

  • In-house Production i.e., Production Order or Process Order

  • Return from Customer i.e., Return Sales Order

  • Empty Container or Trailer

  • In-house Vehicle

  • …etc

Managing Vehicle with carrying goods for unloading in Yard that it would not take more than planned time and departure from premises as soon as job done.This process belongs how truck managed during unloading in SAP Yard Logistics System.

This is just Proof of Concept and only provides the system flow while trying to map the physical yard process. These Process steps are not fixed and might change as per the end customer requirement.

Some of the Key Terms in Yard Logistics:

Yard Request: It is a planning document which can be used to plan the incoming or outgoing transports (Truck, Trailer, Tractor, Rail, Car) and planned tasks must be executed in the yard. This Yard request could create manually or automatically generate while integration with SAP ERP / SAP EWM/ SAP TM/S4 HANA / Non-SAP Environment (Third Party System).

Example: Movement within yard, weighing, cleaning, maintenance, load securing, shunting, Loading, Unloading.

Yard Order: It is the document for execution on the yard.

Inbound Yard Order- Incoming Vehicle for unloading/loading or parking or leave trailer/container …etc

Outbound Yard Order- Outgoing Vehicle for empty vehicle after unload, loaded with goods to customer …etc

Transportation Unit: It is loadable unit which can be define as Vehicle, Trailer, Container, Rail…etc.

Yard Task represents an activity executed on transportation units that is planned and executed in the yard.Example:

  • Physical Movement of Truck within Yard

  • Cleaning, Maintenance of Vehicle

  • Temperature Measure of Cold Container

  • Capturing image while confirmation

  • ...etc

Step Physical Process              System Process
1 The yard coordinator does a planning of that incoming truck, which is supposed to be unloaded in the yard and departs afterwards.

Yard request could create manually or automatically generate system integration with SAP ERP / SAP EWM/ SAP TM / Non-SAP Environment.

Create inbound yard order: - Release Yard Request to convert as Inbound Yard Order
2 Truck reaches at the gate of premises

Gate agent check in based in yard order.

License Plate, Contact Cell Number or Pager, Driver Info are entered.
3 The truck drives to the unloading location after checking in

Movement from Gate Check in Location to Unloading Location would capture in Yard Task.

Yard Task would generate automatically or manually (Here created automatically once checked in done)

Communicate via texting to mobile or Pager or Verbal Communication
4 Reach the Unload Location and then Unload

Confirm the unloading location by operator via Queue.

Complete Inbound Yard Order once finished unloading by Operator

Create Outbound Yard Order and activate for truck movement towards gate

Yard Task would create from Unloading location to Gate
5  Truck Reach at Gate Confirm the Yard Task by operator




Check Out / Departure of Truck



Outbound Yard Order Check Out by Gate Agent

Complete Outbound Yard Order




Step-1>> Yard Request:


Created Yard Order (Execution Document) From Yard Request and Activate:

Inbound Gate Info:

Step-2>> License Plate, Driver, Pager ...etc are entered while Gate Checked in.

Step-3>> Yard Task Created/activated (Movement from Gate to Door/Unloading Location):

This below yard task is assigned to yard order and status would be active once Physical Truck arrive at gate and gate operator checked in the truck.

Step-4>> Yard Operator/Yard Operation (Fiori):

Outbound Yard Order for Gate Out:

Step-5>> Yard Task from Unloading Location/Door to Gate:

Step-6>> Outbound Yard Order Check Out:

Yard Overview:


The aim is to improve the efficiency of logistics operation and increase productivity by adopting the  process.

  • Vehicle planning in sequence

  • Marking End to end vehicle execution movement

  • Process activity


More Details on Yard Logistics Product:

Note: All the visible data in the above screen are hypothetical, only used to complete the demo and not related to any organization. I am solely responsible for this document.

Comments, Suggestions and Questions are heartily welcome.

Kind Regards,

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