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Anyone working on SAP EM will know the configuration setup in SAP ECC e-g Business Process Type, Application Object Type, Event Type, Parameters etc.  However most of the time, we do not know about the background internal system flow when we create Sales Order or Purchase order or Shipment etc. This article shows which BADI, Interface, Class and Method gets called in SAP ECC, while processing different documents in SAP ECC.

Below call functions are seen in most of the BADI Implementation.


Here is the list of BADI, Interface, Class and Methods in SAP ECC:

TCODE – SE19 -> Click radio button of Classic BADI and enter below listed BADI Implementation.

1. BADI  Implementation Name - /SAPTRX/SD_SALESORD Sales Order processing

    Interface Name - IF_EX_BADI_SD_SALES

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_SD_SALESORD

    Method - SAVE_DOCUMENT

2. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/LE_DELV_DISP Integration within Delivery Display (Activate SAP Event Management Tab Page)

    Interface Name - IF_EX_LE_SHP_TAB_SCEM_HEAD

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_LE_DELV_DISP

3. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/LE_SHIPPING Delivery Processing

    Interface Name - IF_EX_LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_LE_SHIPPING


4. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/LE_SHIPMENT Shipment Processing

    Interface Name - IF_EX_BADI_LE_SHIPMENT

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_LE_SHIPMENT

    Method - BEFORE_UPDATE

5. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/SD_HAND_UNIT Handling Unit rocessing

   Interface Name - IF_BADI_HU_SAVE

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_SD_HAND_UNIT

   Method - SAVE

6. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/SD_INVOICE Sales Order Invoice processing

   Interface Name - IF_EX_BADI_SD_BILLING

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_SD_INVOICE


7. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/MM_POREQ PO requisition processing

   Interface Name - IF_EX_ME_REQ_POSTED

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_MM_POREQ

   Method - POSTED

8. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/MM_PURCHORD Purchase Order processing

   Interface Name - IF_EX_ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_MM_PURCHORD

   Method – POSTED

9. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/MM_PROC_PO Process Purchase order processing

   Interface Name - IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_MM_PROC_PO

   Method - POST

10. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/MM_MATDOC Material Document processing

   Interface Name - IF_EX_MB_DOCUMENT_BADI

   Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_MM_MATDOC


11. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/MM_INVOICE MM Invoice processing

    Interface Name - IF_EX_INVOICE_UPDATE

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_MM_INVOICE


12. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/PP_PO_DISP  Integration with Production Order Display (Activate SAP Event Management Tab Page)

    Interface Name - IF_EX_WORKORDER_TAB_SCEM

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_PP_PO_DISP

13. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/PP_WOCONFIRM PO confirmation

    Interface Name - IF_EX_WORKORDER_CONFIRM

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_PP_WOCONFIRM

    Method - BEFORE_UPDATE

14. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/PP_WOUPDATE Workorder create/change

    Interface Name - IF_EX_WORKORDER_UPDATE

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_PP_WOUPDATE

    Method - BEFORE_UPDATE

15. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/PP_WOGOODSMV PO goods movement


    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_PP_WOGOODSMV

   Method - IM_CALLED

16. BADI  Implementation Name -  /SAPTRX/PM_EQUIPMT Equipment Processing

    Interface Name - IF_EX_EQUI_UPDATE

    Implementation Class - /SAPTRX/CL_IM_PM_EQUIPMT

    Method - IN_UPDATE

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