In this blog, i would like to put some light on SAP FSM TEAM functionality.
Consider a service order is created and this order cannot be completed/worked by single technician where a team of technicians are required to work upon. In this case we can create a team in FSM and assign the team to the activity. Once the activity is assigned to the team, the team of technician can go to the customer site for service.
Example Scenario : Assuming the Product to be serviced is TURBINE, a turbine consist of many serialized material, number of functional location with different layers. Now there is a part which stops working and need to be replaced in 15th layer of functional location, In this case one single technician will not be able to replace the part alone, he definitely needs co-technician for carrying tools, parts to be replaced etc etc
For organization’s working with the
Project Planner, it is now possible to create teams on the mobile application and manage these project-based teams in the field.
The below are the configuration changes to enable team in your Mobile devices
- Go to User Groups and edit a user group for which you would like to enable the Team Feature
Here I am adding it to the admin group
Enable the Permission for TEAM as shown below
Enable the Permission for TEAMTIMEFRAME as shown below
Enable the permission for PROJECTMEMBERTIMEFRAME
- Go to Company Settings
- With the above setting the Teams tab will be visible in your Mobile device as shown below
Now you can go ahead and create TEAMS with a TEAM LEADER and TEAM MEMBERS
Note: Project is a pre-requisite step for team creation. To create Project, go to Project Planner tab in FSM application
- Click on the team tab and click + button at the bottom right corner
- Enter the Project name for which the team is getting created and the Team Name
- Choose the Team leader, Team Members and Shift if applicable as shown below (Shift options will be created under Admin->Company)
Note: Team members are chosen while creating Project under Project Planner
- Now that Team is created for us to use in Activity as shown below

- We are ready with the team creation, now we can go to activity task to assign the team. The team option will be enabled as shown below
- Click on EDIT-> choose team from the list and now the team is assigned to the activity
In this blog we have seen how to independently create Team and its functionality in Standalone Field Service Management Application. Let's see how to achieve the same functionality when team is sent from MRS(Multi-resource Scheduling System) in the next blog.
Folks be ready to hit the technical side as well.
Meenakshi SKS