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Interleaving allows to optimize the utilization of resources in an RF environment by reducing the travel times in the warehouse. The aim of this function is to minimize unutilized resources through an optimized distribution of the warehouse tasks. For example, after putaway, a forklift does not return empty to the goods receipt area, instead it is given a new task before returning to that area, such as a stock removal order. After completing a warehouse task, the system immediately assigns a new task to the warehouse worker.


We have high rack storage with multiple aisles. Each aisle has designated drop area at the end of aisle. All these aisles are managed by 2-3 crane operators. Requirement is to optimize the outflow and inflow of the pallets from high rack to drop area and drop area to high rack. 

Process detail:


As shown in above picture, entire high rack (storage type 0300) has multiple aisles, and each aisle has dedicated drop area. Each aisle has two sides, left side and right side. Inbound and Outbound flow decides which side of drop area to be used based on the side of storage bins. Each aisle has two activity area (e.g. Aisle A has activity area AL and AR). Pallets awaiting putaway in left side of aisle A will go to one of the bins in activity areal AL. Similarly, pallets awaiting removal from activity area AR will go to right side drop area of aisle A. The sequence of pallets movement will be followed as: ARIN, AROT, ALIN, ALOT.

A - aisle

R – right side

IN – Pallet in

OT – Pallet out


1. Storage Type:

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Define Storage Types

Setup for High Rack (0300): Storage type role is ‘Standard storage type’. HU Picking Control ‘1 - Propose Source HU as Destination HU’. Pick point active check.


Setup for Aisle End (DROP): This storage type follows same setup as high rack.


2. Activity Area:

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Activity Areas -> Define Activity Areas


Do similar setups for all aisles.

3. Assign Storage Bins to Activity Areas

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Activity Areas -> Assign Storage Bins to Activity Areas


Do similar setups for all aisles.

4. Define Sort Sequence for Activity Areas

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Activity Areas -> Define Sort Sequence for Activity Areas

5. Define Resource Types

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Resource Management -> Define Resource Types


6. Define Queue Types

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Resource Management -> Define Queue Types


7. Define Queues

IMG -> SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Resource Management -> Define Queues


Do similar setups for all aisles.

Define Queue Determination Criteria


Do similar setups for all aisles.


Master Data setup:

1. /SCWM/RGRP - Master Data -> Resource Management -> Maintain Resource Group


Do similar setups for all aisles.

2. /SCWM/QSEQ - Resource Management -> Maintain Queue Sequence for Resource Group


Do similar setups for all aisles.

3. /SCWM/RSRC - Master Data -> Resource Management -> Maintain Resource

Define resource with resource type (RT01) and resource group A. Resource will change the resource group based on the aisle he needs to work in.

Resource group can be changed in RF transaction. Path: 05 Internal Process -> 05 Resource Management -> 02 Change Resource Group


4. /SCWM/USER - Master Data -> Resource Management -> Maintain Users


5. /SCWM/QTSQ - Master Data -> Resource Management -> Maintain Queue Type Sequence


Do similar setups for all aisles.

  1. /SCWM/LS01 - Create Storage Bin

Define storage bins in storage type 0300 with bin aisle and bin section. Bin section in this case is side of the aisle i.e. R for right and L for left.


Test Execution:

1. Create warehouse orders with in and out movements with respect to high rack storage type.

2. Ensure system derived correct queues based on the aisles in warehouse orders.

3. Login to RF device and follow path: 01 System-Guided -> 01 System-guided Selection.

4. System will propose warehouse order as per the above system setup. Scan Source bin and HU

5. Scan destination bin.


System will keep proposing the warehouse orders in sequence.


Revert with your suggestions. Happy learning!!


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