The purpose of this blog is to give you some insights about the PPF actions in EWM.
Business Case
We are using a MES system to manage the PP operations. Every time the operator scans the pallet and confirm the order, SAP receive a notification / MBGMCR Idoc for the new movement. This notification will
- Create new inbound delivery in EWM,
- Generate new HU number for the material to be packed.
In this case, as we can receive several notifications from MES for materials packed in the same MES pallet / Handling Unit, they will be packed in EWM into several EWM Handling Units.
--> One physical pallet will be packed into several EWM Hus.
To avoid this dealignment between physical stock / MES HU / EWM HU, we build 3 ppf actions used to
- Update the EWM HU number with the MES HU number
- Post goods receipt
- Repack the HU
process diagram
- Check the action profile linked to the ID type
SPRO > SCM Extended Warehouse Management > Extended Warehouse Management > Goods Receipt Process > Inbound Delivery > Define Document Types for Inbound Delivery Process.
- Create the 3 actions linked to the action profile
SPRO > SCM Extended Warehouse Management > Extended Warehouse Management > Cross-Process Settings > Delivery - Warehouse Request > Actions > Change Actions and Conditions > Define Action Profiles and Actions
/!\ There is a restriction regarding the execution order of the PPF actions. Even if you maintain the order (as above) of the ppf actions, it's not enough !!
As mentioned in the OSS note 30907 39 and 2840582, you have to implement the BADI COMPLETE_PROC_PPF / Method COMPLETE_METHOD.
We used the standard EWM functionality called HU identification number / type to store the MES HU number.
SPRO > Extended Warehouse Management > Cross-Process Settings > Handling Units > External Identification > Define Identification Types
Method linked to the PPF actions
Update EWM with MES HU number
We develop a new custom method used to update the table /SCWM/HU__IDENT with
- GUID_HU = /SCWM/HUHDR-GUID_HU of the EWM current HU
- IDART = ID type (M)
- HUIDENT = MES HU number
The HU ID number and type are displayed at "Detail 2" view of the HU.
Post Goods Receipt
We used the standard method /SCWM/GM_POSTING
Merge HU
We developed a new custom method used to
- Send the HU to the work center
- Re-pack the HU
- Send back to the GR area
PPF schedule condition
Schedule the 3 new PPF actions to be executed only during the ID creation.
Test case
The inbound delivery created and the 3 ppf actions are generated with the correct order
By going through above configuration and development, you will be able to set a sequenced PPF actions.
I hope this can help other consultant in case they are facing a similar request.
Don't hesitate to comment this blog.
Foued B.
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