You have SAP EWM integrated with S/4HANA and you want to know more about Goods Receipt Cancelation issues.
Inbound Delivery (ID) status in EWM - Good Rspt - "Completed" (transaction /SCWM/IDN)
but Confirmation Item Delivery queue stuck in S/4HANA (transaction SMQ2) in error (many reasons). A lot of this error requires a re-creation of Inbound Delivery in S/4HANA
But at this point, you have an inconsistency between ERP and EWM and you can't make Goods Receipt Cancelation
Error: Goods receipt cancelation is not possible; DGR status of header is X
Step 1 (EWM).
Complete Warehouse Activity
Status must be. Warehouse Activity - Completed
N.B. You can do this in transaction /SCWM/ADHU
Step 2 (EWM).
Cancel Inspection Document (if exists) in transaction /SCWM/QIDPR
Cancel (Set status - QI05)
Step 3 (EWM).
To produce EWM-ERP integration deregistration in transaction SMQS
Type - U
Step 4 (EWM).
Copy all information about HU in Inbound Delivery to txt-file
Post Unplanned Goods Issue for all HU in ID In transaction /SCWM/ADGI
GI Process - Stock Correction
Step 5 (EWM).
Find and delete Outbound EW* queue in transaction SMQ1
Step 6 (EWM).
To produce EWM-ERP integration registration in transaction SMQS
Type - R
Step 7 (ERP).
Save stuck DLW*- queue In SQM2 to SMQ3. For this purpose. Select queue -> Edit - > Save LUW
Step 8 (ERP)
Browse LIKP table in transaction SE16.
Found HANDLE for key VBELN where VBELN - Inbound Delivery Number from ERP
Step 9 (ERP).
Call function module /SPE/DELV_RESET_DIST_STATUS in transaction SE37
Take VBELN and HANDLE from Step 7
Step 10 (ERP).
Now you can delete Inbound Delivery and create a correct new and integrate it to EWM
Step 11 (EWM).
You can do virtual Goods Receipt for correct Inbound Delivery and use for this purpose HU numbers from txt-file from Step 4
SAP EWM routine task with examples from real life was provided