SAP EWM monitor is central tool for warehouse monitoring and reporting requirement.
You can refer below link to understand EWM monitor features.
In this blog post we will discuss how to display the warehouse number fields in EWM monitor reports.
Business scenario: Customer has implemented SAP EWM for multiple warehouses and they want to display the warehouse number fields on EWM monitor ALV reports due to various reasons like analysis and comparison of warehouse operations, stock situation etc.
Technical Details : Warehouse number field(LGNUM) is available in output structure/table of almost all EWM monitor reports, but this field is hidden from EWM monitor reports.
I could not find any explicit enhancement option to enable the warehouse number field in ALV reports.
Possible Solution: Create an implicit enhancement at the end of method
Sample code: Add the below code in the method mentioned above.
* In standard monitor, warehouse no field is hidden,
* clear the tech value to display the warehouse no
READ TABLE cs_node-fieldcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>
WITH KEY fieldname = 'LGNUM'.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
<ls_fieldcat>-tech = abap_false.
Output : Warehouse no field is now available in EWM monitor reports.
EWM monitor Physical stock report
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