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1. Introduction

S&OP HANA is new product of SAP for Business Process Sales and Operations Planning. Start of year 2014 we have started using S&OP HANA version 2.0 and Mid of 2014 New version of S&OP HANA introduced as 3.0 SP1 and after 2-3 months version 3.0 SP2.

My blog  S&OP powered by HANA - Data Integration with Files

is based on Version 2.0; the data integration with files process has changed.

In this document I have explained the delta changes and how to integrate master data with files in version 3.0 SP02,

2. Understanding of Master Data of S&OP HANA

SAP S&OP has provided  standard contents – Templates, models. Master data, Key figures which can be used as a reference or use it as it is. In case business requires any additional objects then Implementation cunsltant can create new one.

Most commonly used Master Data Types  (MDT) are  Product, Customer Location, resources and BoM .

High level catagarisation of the Master data types are

          a) Simple Master Data

      • E.g. Product, Customer Location
      • Similar to APO Demanand Planning’s Characteristics

          b) Compound Master data

      • Composed of Simple Master Data
      • E.g. CustomerProduct is composed of 2 simple master data such as customer and Product
      • It is similar to the APO demand Planning’s Carasteristic Value Combination (CVC) e.g. Product, Customer, Location

          c) Reference master data              

      • It is created using refrence of another existing simple master data
      • E.g. MDT Component  uses refrence of simple master data MDT Product.
      • Not required to maintain it separely. It is refered from the  part of Simple master data


          To view the available functionality in the Web UI, Log on to the Web UI of S&OP HANA URL  with valid user ID, Password and Authorizations.

           After successful Logon  you will able to go to Icon configuration from left hand side menu bar as shown in Fig 1


                         Now select the tab master data types to see the details of it as shown in Fig 2


                              Please note that PRDID is key and Required field , which is mandatory during Product maintenance.

                              Master data available in S&OP HANA is listed in the Table 1.




                              Note: In the Mastedata types/Object’s first letters S2, SM1 etc  stands for the SAP Standard Model’s objects. E.g.  S2 for SAP Model                                   2,   SM1 for SAPMODEL1. While creating the Master data Objects you can create it for the Model  as per the requirements.

                              Structure of the Master Data divided into 2 parts as  Header and Attributes.

                              Table 1 has details of the header.   Master data is a group of attributes.


                              Now we will see details of the Master data attributes to understand it better.

                              Let us take first  an example of master data attributes for Product as shown in Table 2 and next for the Component as shown in Table 3




                              Now we have a good understanding of the Master Data Types, It’s Structure and Terminology used in S&OP HANA.

                              Understanding of master data structure  helps a lot to maintain the data in the templates and minimize the number of errors.

3. Maintain Master Data Attributes – Objects (MDO)

     We understood the structure of the Master Data Types. MDT is a set of Master Data Attributes/Objects (MDO). In this section we will see the      details of the MDO.

                    a)      Log On to the valid  S&OP HANA Web UI for your company with valid user ID and Authorization.

                    b)      After successful log on select the Configuration Icon   from the left panel of the screen , System will take you to the                                                  configuration screen from it select the Attributes from the Master Data section as shown in Fig 3


                    c)  We have following  options to create new attributes, Save , Refresh and Delete as shown in Table 4


                                   Select Create New

                             Maintain details for the Add Attributes  as shown in  Fig 4


                              After adding it now attribute is appeared in the attributes list with status Inactive and the save  button now shown as active to                                    save     .   See Fig 5


                                        Status of the MDO will get changed once it is used in any MTD and MTD is having Status as “Active” We will see more details of it                                             in   next Section 4


4. Maintain Master data using Web UI

S&OP HANA has 3 types of Master Data Type (MDT) – Simple, Compound and Reference. We are having options as shown Table 5



                              A)     Simple Master Data

                                        a)      Create New : select Create New Icon  ,  system will prompt you to enter the ID as shown in  Fig 6


                              b)      Maintain  ID  ‘T01PRD’ and Press OK

                              c)      Maintain Details of ID fields value as per Fig 7


               ‘*’ represent against any field is mandetory field and we have to maintain  value for it.

                    d)      As required maintain value for other fileds.

                    e)      From attribute list slect  appropriate requred attribute and select  Key field for attribute. In Our example I have selected SPRDID for                                          Key and automatically Required also got selected.

                    f)       Once done press save Icon to save it

               Now it will appear in  list of MDT with Status “Inactive” as shown in fig 8


               g)      Select Icon    for Activate it. System will take you to screen Fig  9  for selecting Targets for Activation. From list select required                               ID. In our Case  it is “T01PRD’


               h)      After activation check the status of ID  as shown in Fig 10


                              If any attributes shows status inactive in the attribute list, after using it in the MDT and status of MDT is active then automatically                                        inactive status of the attribute of it will change status as “Active”.

               B) Compound Master Data

     a) Create New : Select Create New  Icon    system will prompt you to entere ID as shown in Fig 11


  b) Maintain ID Value and Press OK. System will take you next screen to maintain further details  as shown in Fig 12


c) Select check box for Compound MDT and then system will show new area Composed

   of as shown in Fig 13

Select Icon Add to add the combination of simple master data/s as shown in Fig 14

Save  MDT as created. After saving it Activate it by selecting Icon for activation as shown in Fig 15

After activation status changed it as a active as shown in Fig 16

See activation log by selecting Icon Display Log  .

Log displayed shown in Fig 17

5.  Master data Load using Web UI

In S&OP HANA Version 3.0 SP1,SP2 lots of improvements has been done for the Data Integration by SAP after receiving feedback from Customers, Partners.

After log on to valid Web UI with Authorisations for Data Integration then click on Icon for data load. After selecting it on screen you will see details as shown in Fig 18.

To load the data first you require  template and maintain it for data to load. To get template select  Icon Get template and then select master data template as shown in Fig 19

For example selecting object for Product as shown in Fig 20

Template will get downloaded for Product as shown in Fig 21

               Fill data in template and save it to load as shown in Fig 22 below,  Y1  Cell marked in red

     for PRDID value is  mandetory to fill as shown in Fig 22

Now since, the file is ready to load data, for Loading master data create new import job as shown in Fig 23.

                    After Pressing Upload Data Icon job will get scheduled in the background and it will show one of the status as Success, Processing,                                         Processed  with Error(s) and Fatal Error(s).

                    In  Fig 25 see status of the Job completed as Successful.


                         Download reports with options Full Report or Rejection Report.

                    We will download Full Report.

                    Downloaded Reports shown in Fig 26


                         If job fails then download Reject report to see the reason of rejection and take action to reload it with correction.

6. Maintain Master Data Types value from Excel Add-IN

SAP has provided option to maintain master data value using S&OP Excel Add-IN for   less number of data.

In this section we will see step by step maintain master data Disply and Add

          a)      Logon to S&OP HANA Excel Add-IN. After successful Log On, See  Ribbon on which see  the section Master Data shown in Fig 27


          b)      Maintain Master data – display, add, copy, edit, or delete master data by selecting maintain Icon

          c)       After selecting Maintain option select Master Data Type from  list as shown in  Fig 28


                    There are Options to maintain master data to create New, Edit, Delete Display, copy as shown in Table 6


               d)       Select master data types Location to disply with Location ID 101 as shown in Fig 29


                    e)       Maintain  master data types with Add option by selecting Icon

                    f)      Add Master Data Type Customer Data Value

                              Maintain attributes and then select Icon add and Continue   or   as shown in Fig 30



          g)      Display Customer as added recently as shown in Fig 31


                              Similarly you can maintain data for all the Master Data Types (MDT).

7. Delta Changes

      • S&OP HANA version 2.0 was having 2 Web UI Old and New; In the New UI Configuration of Master Data was available. Where as in S&OP HANA version 3.0 SP1, SP2  In SP 02  only one WEB UI is present. This change in Version 3.0 SP01, SP02 is very good and made simple for user. Single Web UI has all the S&OP HANA functionality
      • It has Data Upload Templates available for Download to user for Master Data, Key Figure and Time Profile
      • Interactive Reporting of data loads and filter support
      • Enhanced error type e.g. bad File, Now user can read the error and able to understood the error
      • No manifest file required for WEB UI

8. Tips and Tricks

Every SAP Product’s has it’s own terminology. Master Data is very commonly used and when System Product’s are integrated with each other in implementation project then it is very important to understand each product’s terminology.

SAP S&OP HANA is  new product and now a day’s most of the customer is looking for Product assessment, Implementation experiences  to implement it.

In this section I will cover Learning Points:

               1)  Understanding of  Master Data Types available in S&OP HANA along with it’s Attributes are very important

               2)  Understanding of attributes which are mandatory/Required to maintain it’s value is very important. While maintaining data in Templates it                                   helps to reduce  error/s   While Creating New MDT and any available selected attribute is having status as “Inactive” then after activating                                   the MDT change it’s status at header level for MDT as “Active” as well as for attributes status also changed as “Active”. Details of it explained                           in Fig 32


          3)      Master Data Configuration is done from Web UI and not for S&OP Excel Add-IN.

          4)      If any number  of MDT combination requires to maintain then create /use the MDT “Compound”  e.g. customer Product then use maser data                              types S2CUSTOMERPRODUCT. It has Compound Master Data Type which is composed of Product and Customer as shown in Fig 33 . In                            APO Demand Planning it is called as a Characteristic Value Combination( CVC).


          5)      Master Data Type which are having Refrence master data then not require to maintain it e.g. Component is a Master Data Type as a                                       reference master data and it’s reference  master data name is S2PRODUCT.  When system looks for component  data with reference of                                 Prodcuct’s attributes as shown in Fig 34.


                    6)      While uploading data for Compound master data then  Composed of Simple master data has to be loaded first as a Simple master data                                    and the Compond master data type.

                    7)      Understanding of  template to maintain template.  Understanding of the MDT is prerequiste to maintain template. Required Attributes                                         is    mandatory to maintain data value in the template.

                    😎       MDO and MDT should have status as “Active” before usage of it.

                    9)      Master Data value can be Character, Numeric or Alpha Numeric as per the MDO’s Data Type of attributes. While maintaining the data                                     in templates follow the MDO’s data type and it’s length, Decimal details.

                                   e.g. Product ID’s Data type of attributes are shown in Fig 35


                    10)  In S&OP HANA Version 3.0 Data load is simple than the Version 2.0. Now no need to create manifest file, Zip it and then load.                                               Templates are available to download as  .CSV file from Web UI – Data Integration section for available MDO.

                    11)    From  Web UI you can not see  all Master data list as a report. You have to check it in  S&OP HANA Excel Add-IN under master data tab.

                    12)  In S&OP HANA Version 3.0 SP1, Multi-Level Bill Of Material is maintained /Modeled using Production Sources  as s combination of                                       MDT  are SOURCEPRODUCTION, PRODUCTIONSOURCEITEM, PRODUCTIONRESOURCE. There is no limit for Levels. We can go                               for aby number of Levels.

                     13)      Capacity consumption rates is maintained /Modeled using PRODUCTIONRESOURCE.

                     14)      Capacity consumption can be defined as a Time-independent or Time-dependent. Time series flag to be used . ‘Capacity                                                        Consumption Rate key figure is used for time-dependent capacity consumption rates.

                     15)       Deletion of  master data has to be done very carefully as it affects Master data objects and related time series data. Check the usage                                    of master data object in  any Compund master data  .eg. Want to delete Product  which has value P1. System will delete the Product                                      value P1 from Product . and Compund master Data CustomerProduct also. Take extra efforts to check the MDO value to be deleted.

                      16)      Always check the attribute date format is set to YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.000. In  Excel you have to change the Cell Property via                                           Date custom .

                      17)      You can use custom Downloaded Template as per  business requirement. Key Attributes are required in the Template and rest of                                              the attributes if not required can be removed from the custom template.

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