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This document explains how we can debug the CIF at PO, when the data is sent from ECC to APO.

In this example, we are debugging the CIF for Materials. Same process can be applied to all the iModel objetcs.

1- SMQ2: Inbound Queue at APO

Check that there are no entries using SMQ2 at APO side:

2- SMQR: Deregister queues at APO side

In APO, go to transaction SMQR. Select Queue name CF* and press Deregistration:

Note the the Type U is displayed. This means that the Queue is Deregistred:

3- CMF1: Create Integration Model

Go to transaction CFM1 at ECC side and create an Integration Model for Materials. It is recommended to work with a single materials in order to make easier the debug:

Generate the IModel:

4- CFM2: Activate or Deactivate Integration Model

Use CFM2 at ECC side to activate the IModel:

Select the entry, press Activate and Start:

A pop up will appear confirming that the queue is deregistred. Press Ignore

5- SMQ2: Inbound Queue at APO

Now we are ready to debug the CIF.

Open a new APO session and go to transaction SMQ2 at APO:

Click twice on the queue name as many times as needed still the debug option is displayed:

Press the botton with the red arrow to start the debug:

Done... the ABAP debugger appears:

6- SMQR: Register queues at APO side

Once the debug is done, remember to Register the APO queues:

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