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Hi All these days almost all the clients are much interested to have all the process on the RF Environment. Even we also got a specific requirement , So i Just Want to Introduce you to the RF Frame Work.

Requirement : My Client is pharma client & using the ATTP & EWM so the batch should be unique across the supply chain , the problem is the product information from few of the vendors is still paper based so the batch details have to entered while creating the inbound delivery but client is not familiar with the ewm screens so he asked me to put it in RF Environment so here is the solution which i developed from both functional & technical side.

Select the Inbound Delivery Menu 

Select Create Inbound Delivery

Here if the user know the PO Number & Item Number then he will enter all the details if not Click on the PO Sel. Button.

Here User Must have to enter the at least one selection parameter if he do not enter any parameter system throws the error like below.

if the user enter any one of the selection parameter & click on F1 List t then the list of PO & Item which are not marked for deletion & which are not completed will be displayed On the Same RF Screen.

Now Here User select any line & hit on enter then those details will be copied to initial screen.

if the Batch Entered Exist in the System the Delivery Will Be Created , If the batch does not exist in the system then Batch Creation Screen Will Be Displayed. In Our Case the Batch Does not Exist in the System.

Here the system went to the above screen because batch does not exist in the system if the batch exist in the system this screen will be not be called instead delivery will be created.

let's cross check whether batch exist or not.

Now Click on Create Batch in the Above RF Screen.

Now Check in MSC3N

Now Click on BACK to go back to the initial screen.

Now we are back to the initial if you click on ENTER Again this time system will not go to batch creation screen as the batch already exist in the system.

Note: the option to came back after batch creation is user might enter the wrong number & if he want create it again with correct number then it is useful.

Note: there are lot of validations are pending, i am just giving the example.
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