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In this post we are going to detail a practical example of the usage of /n/BOBF/TEST_UI transaction, TM condition type and data crawler.

The usage is to determine freight order purchase organization based on forwarding order sales organization automatically.

For this we are going to use condition type /SCMTMS/TOR_ORGUNIT with data crawler to “reach” the fields we want to use as reference.

We are going to start searching where are the fields we are going to use for our process. So we are going to /n/BOBF/TEST_UI transaction and use the object /SCMTMS/TOR (because my starting point is the freight order)


Now we are going to choose a record to use as an example, in our case a freight order. The parameter I use for the search is query by ROOT – ROOT_ELEMENTS

Now we the freight order created as an example (TOR_ID).

A record is found.

And now we must scroll down to check where is the Field that has the Sales organization info.

The info we want to use as a parameter is found at SALES_ORG_ID


Create data crawler

On IMG we create a data crawler profile

The profile ID is created

On path steps we create this entry where BO NAME is the object name and, association name is the node where the Field that has the value we want is.


Data Access Definition


On IMG for Data Access Defintion

We create a new entry Z_PUR_ORG_FWO



Condition Type


Now it is possible to create a condition using the definitions made so far.

On data Access defintion screen

Then we create the records

And now when the FO is create the system assumes the purchase organization automatically based on the conditions. Remember that you must assigned the condition to the freight order.

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