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Delete Superfluous objects:

There are hundreds of thousands of superfluous filter objects that might get accumulated in ECC with reference to the CIF_IM* tables. Program RCIFIMDL is supposed to be scheduled regularly in ECC at the end of the daily CIF job to clean up such entries which get created when master data is removed from a CIF integration model. Once the program has run, there should be no superfluous filter objects remaining. With so many superfluous objects in the system, this is likely to be causing multiple performance issues for most CIF activities (eg daily CIF job, CCR, CIF steps during system refresh etc).

Delete old entries from CIFBALSEL:

Old entries are not being deleted from table CIFBALSEL in ECC. This table stores a key to the application log for planned orders to enable easy searching of the application log via program RFINDLOG (e.g. with document number, material etc).

Program RDELBALS is supposed to be scheduled regularly in ECC at the end of the daily CIF job to clean up any entries which no longer exist in the system application log. Note 1816974 can improve the performance of this report.

Reorganize superfluous CIF update counters:

Program RCFUPDCR is supposed to be scheduled regularly in ECC at the end of the daily CIF job to clean up any superfluous CIF update counters. The SAP Help should help understand much better.

Reorganize inconsistencies in table CIFORDMAP:

Program RCFORDCH is supposed to be scheduled regularly in ECC at the end of the daily CIF job to clean up any inconsistencies in table CIFORDMAP.

Delete CIF application logs in ECC/APO:

It might be possible that you would have already been running a regular job to delete the application logs, but just make sure that you are in fact dealing with SBAL_DELETE but not RDELALOG. As per note 1460194, we should not be using RDELALOG; instead we should use SBAL_DELETE (transaction SLG2).

You may check the number of entries in BALHDR table for reference in this regard.

Reorganize CIF post processing records in APO and ECC:

Background job /SAPAPO/CIF_POSTPROC_REORG can be run as per our needs (whether to go for deletion of only the obsolete records or the old records). This will make sure we clean up regularly the entries from the tables /SAPAPO/CIFERRLG from APO and CIFERRLOG from R3 (the same report has the impact on these two tables).


If in case any of these clean up procedures is not yet seen implemented in your system, but you plan to implement them: just make sure to reorganize the corresponding tables and rebuild the indices of all these tables to actually enjoy a good improvement in CIF performance.

1 Comment
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Thanks for sharing this important information.

Do you know if superfluous objects could be deleted by the same way in S/4 hana to embedded PP/DS?


Kind regards
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