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This blog post is intended to provide the reader complete details for Bulk put away strategy in EWM.

Bulk products which requires large amount of storage space are usually stored in a bulk storage. EWM configuration creates block structure where each bin is divided according to it’s physical structure and system decides the no HU’s which can be stored in accordance to Stack/stack Height parameters.

This blog post will cover configuration and process flow.

Firstly Storage type should have Storage behavior 2 – Bulk storage.

The Put away rule should be 2 – Addition to existing stock/ Empty bin.

Indicator for Mixed storage & Mixed storage in HU influence the mixed storage in a bin.

Mixed storage in a Bin – You can store different quants in a bin having different attributes e.g. batches.

Following indicators influence the mixed storage in a bin.

  • Mixed storage without limitations- Enables storing no of HU’s and there is no inter-dependency between HU’s.

  • Several Non mixed HU’s with same product/Batch – Individual HU should have same product and same batch no.

  • Several HU’s with diff batches of same product.

  • Single HU allowed per bin

Indicator – Mixed storage in HU

  • Mixed storage not allowed – HU in a bin can contain one product & one batch i.e. it can have only one quant.

  • Several batches of same product per HU – Multiple batches of product can be stored in HU.

  • Mixed storage without restriction


The PACI – 0040 is configured to get search sequence – 0040.

Storage type 0040 is assigned as first sequence for search sequence – 0040.

Configuration of allowed Bin types per Storage type so here Storage type 0040 will allow Bin types – B001 & B002.

Configuration of Allowed HU type per Storage type.

Here HU type E1 & E2 are allowed for storage type 0040.

Configuration for Bin type search.

Here Storage bins with Bin type B001 will be searched when Stock placement happens in storage type 0040 , Hu Type E1 and similarly Bin type B002 will be searched when Stock placement happens for HU type E2.

Configuration for Bulk Storage structure.

The Structure is defined for storage type with reference to Bin type/ HU Type in accordance to BSI (Bulk storage indicator).

The parameters for allowed stacks/Stack heights are entered and multiplication of this two fields Is Maximum HU’s.

As per below configuration, when system determines stock placement in  storage type 0040 for Bin type B001/HU type E1 , system will assign the Bin section value max HU’s – 15 when put away for first HU happens.

The indicator BSI (Bulk storage indicator) is assigned to product.

Process flow –

Create IBD in ECC from Purchase order & IBD is distributed to EWM.

Staging area is determined based on master data setup in /SCWM/STADET_IN for Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound)

Automatic packing in HU in accordance to Pack spec configuration.

HU type – E1 is specified in the Pack spec and it further influence the Bin type determination during put away. The target quantity of 650 PC is packed in HU as specified in Pack spec.

Completed the Good receipt and  HU is available in bin – ‘BL-LOSKADE’

Created WT and confirmed it. HU is put away into Bin – 015-193-1 having bin type B001.

Available HU’s in a bin can be seen in monitor.

The Bin sectioning details are copied from bulk storage configuration which shows Max no HU’s – 15 and no of HU’s currently present in a Bin.

Summary – The Bulk storage strategy configuration in EWM allows to define block structure in terms of Stack/Stack heights and Max no of HU’s which can be stored in a storage bin. This bulk structure is copied to Bin once the first HU is put away and there is no explicit requirement of capacity check as an internal check is carried out based on the block structure definition when HU is being placed in a bin.


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