I started working in SAP TM module (Version 8.1) 1 year back and we hardly find little help since we started working on it. My past experience enforced me to publish this blog which I hope it will definitely help developers to learn and understand how to retrieve the data by making use of Business objects based out in BOPF framework.
SAP TM has been developed using a set of new technologies that require skills that go beyond typical SAP Developments:
Apart from the above skills, it will always be an advantage if developer has knowledge on Process Integration (PI) and SAP NetWeaver Business client (NWBC).
These days SAP TM client base is getting increased quite significantly since then TM 9.0 had been released. I am sure most of the aspirants who started working on TM and BOPF might have lot of questions in the first experience. In this blog, I have presented how to make use of the standard methods QUERY, RETRIEVE and RETRIEVE BY ASSOCIATION to read the data and display it as report output.
Introduction to BOPF:
The Business Object Processing Framework is an ABAP OO-based framework that provides a set of generic services and functionalities to speed up, standardize, and modularize your development.
BOPF controls the application business logic as well as the data retrieval of the buffer and persistency layer. The main design principles are a clear separation of the business logic and the buffering of data as well as a clear structuring of the business logic into small parts with a clear separation of changing and checking business logic. The BOPF approach for implementing business objects breaks down business logic into the following four concepts:
Examples for TM Business Objects are the Forwarding Order (TRQ) and Freight Order / Freight Booking (TOR).
Important transactions to note while working on BOPF:
/BOBF/CONF_UI: This transaction is used to display the modeling of the TM business objects. This is called as BOPF Modeling Tool.
/BOBF/CUST_UI: This transaction is used for launching the BOPF Enhancement workbench. This transaction is used for enhancing the standard business objects and for creating a new business objects.
/BOBF/TEST_UI: This transaction is used as a test environment. This transaction would help consultant (Either it is a functional or technical) to see the data of a particular Forwarding order or Freight order or Freight booking. I will explain in detail in my next blog effective use of test environment.
Use Case for Report Development:
I would like to explain how to read the data from database using BOPF with below use case. This is based on one of the latest requirement from my customer (Leading Freight Forwarder) which I had developed.
Management is interested in tracking all the shipments (FWO’s with charge calculation) out of which how many are created following the Forwarding agreement and how many are not? Therefore this report will help them to insist business users to ensure effective way of using agreements.
Unlike ABAP, here we follow a different approach in BOPF to retrieve the data from database. We are not going to write any select query;
instead data is retrieved by calling the standard methods - QUERY, RETRIEVE and RETRIEVE BY ASSOCIATION depending on the relation between nodes in a business objects.
In this example, we are trying to display shipment (FWO) information, invoicing amount and Forwarding agreement. To achieve the expected
results, we are going to access different business objects such as /SCMTMS/TRQ, /SCMTMS/CUSTFREIGHTINVREQ and /SCMTMS/TCC_TRNSP_CHRG. Relations between 2 business object nodes are associated via a direct, unidirectional and binary relationship.
Please find a report program below with code snippet for achieving the expected business requirement.
*&Purpose: This report will help management to track the usage of Forwarding agreements
*&during invoicing for shipments created globally
*&Report output contain: Sales organization, Forwarding order, FWO Type, country, File Number,
*&Order creation date, Invoice amount, agreement
REPORT ztm_read_trq_fag.
TABLES: /scmtms/d_trqrot.
***Data declaration
DATA: ls_selpar TYPE /bobf/s_frw_query_selparam,
lt_selpar TYPE TABLE OF /bobf/s_frw_query_selparam,
lt_trq_key TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key,
lt_trq_root TYPE /scmtms/t_trq_root_k,
ls_trq_root LIKE LINE OF lt_trq_root.
DATA: ls_cfir_root TYPE /scmtms/s_cfir_root_node_k,
lt_cfir_root TYPE /scmtms/t_cfir_root_node_k,
lo_trq_srvmgr TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_service_manager,
lt_cfir_root_key TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key,
ls_cfir_root_key TYPE /bobf/s_frw_key,
lt_tcc_root TYPE /scmtms/t_tcc_root_k,
lt_tcc_root_key TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key,
ls_tcc_root_key LIKE LINE OF lt_tcc_root_key,
ls_tcc_root TYPE /scmtms/s_tcc_root_k,
lo_srvmgr_cfir TYPE REF TO /bobf/if_tra_service_manager,
ls_tcc_charge_item TYPE /scmtms/s_tcc_chrgitem_k,
lt_tcc_charge_item TYPE TABLE OF /scmtms/s_tcc_chrgitem_k,
lt_trq_cfir_link TYPE /bobf/t_frw_key_link,
ls_trq_cfir_link LIKE LINE OF lt_trq_cfir_link,
lv_chrg_it_assoc_key TYPE /bobf/obm_assoc_key.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_final,
sales_org_id TYPE zforw_house,
fileno TYPE zfileno,
trq_type TYPE /scmtms/trq_type,
fagrmntid044 TYPE /scmtms/fag_id,
order_date TYPE sydatum,
amount TYPE /scmtms/amount,
END OF ty_final.
DATA: ls_final TYPE ty_final,
lt_final TYPE TABLE OF ty_final.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_root> LIKE LINE OF lt_cfir_root,
<fs_tcc_root_key> TYPE /scmtms/s_tcc_root_k.
s_org FOR /scmtms/d_trqrot-sales_org_id OBLIGATORY NO INTERVALS.
**Get instance of service manager for TRQ
lo_trq_srvmgr = /bobf/cl_tra_serv_mgr_factory=>get_service_manager( /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_bo_key ).
CLEAR: ls_selpar, lt_selpar.
ls_selpar-attribute_name = /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_node_attribute-root-order_date.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING s_date TO ls_selpar.
APPEND ls_selpar TO lt_selpar.
CLEAR: ls_selpar.
DATA: ls_org LIKE LINE OF s_org[].
LOOP AT s_org[] INTO ls_org.
ls_selpar-attribute_name = /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_node_attribute-root-sales_org_id.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_org TO ls_selpar.
APPEND ls_selpar TO lt_selpar.
CLEAR: ls_selpar, ls_org.
***Here we can not call RETRIEVE method because we do not have TRQ node keys on hand.
***For this requirement it is recommended to call QUERY since RETRIEVE does not aligned with the selection screen parameters
CLEAR: lt_trq_key, lt_trq_root.
iv_query_key = /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_query-root-query_by_attributes
it_selection_parameters = lt_selpar
iv_fill_data = abap_true
et_data = lt_trq_root
et_key = lt_trq_key ).
**If no data exist in database table then raise error message.
IF lt_trq_key IS NOT INITIAL.
CLEAR: lt_cfir_root, lt_trq_cfir_link.
iv_node_key = /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_node-root " Node Name
it_key = lt_trq_key " Key Table
iv_association = /scmtms/if_trq_c=>sc_association-root-cfir_root " Name of Association
iv_fill_data = abap_true
et_data = lt_cfir_root " Data Return Structure
et_key_link = lt_trq_cfir_link
LOOP AT lt_cfir_root ASSIGNING <fs_root>.
ls_cfir_root_key-key = <fs_root>-key.
INSERT ls_cfir_root_key INTO TABLE lt_cfir_root_key.
CLEAR: ls_cfir_root_key.
IF lt_cfir_root_key IS NOT INITIAL.
lo_srvmgr_cfir = /bobf/cl_tra_serv_mgr_factory=>get_service_manager( /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_bo_key ).
CLEAR: lt_tcc_root.
iv_node_key = /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_node-trnspcharges
it_key = lt_cfir_root_key
iv_association = /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_association-root-trnspcharges
iv_fill_data = abap_true
et_data = lt_tcc_root ).
CLEAR: ls_tcc_root_key.
LOOP AT lt_tcc_root ASSIGNING <fs_tcc_root_key>.
ls_tcc_root_key-key = <fs_tcc_root_key>-key.
INSERT ls_tcc_root_key INTO TABLE lt_tcc_root_key.
CLEAR: ls_tcc_root_key.
IF lt_tcc_root_key IS NOT INITIAL.
* Get Charge Item node key and Charge<->Charge Item Association key
CALL METHOD /scmtms/cl_common_helper=>get_do_keys_4_rba
iv_host_bo_key = /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_bo_key
iv_host_do_node_key = /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_node-trnspcharges
iv_do_node_key = /scmtms/if_tcc_trnsp_chrg_c=>sc_node-chargeitem
iv_do_assoc_key = /scmtms/if_tcc_trnsp_chrg_c=>sc_association-root-chargeitem
ev_assoc_key = lv_chrg_it_assoc_key.
*& --> Get the DO transportcharges chargeitem data ...
CALL METHOD lo_srvmgr_cfir->retrieve_by_association
iv_node_key = /scmtms/if_custfreightinvreq_c=>sc_node-trnspcharges
iv_association = lv_chrg_it_assoc_key
it_key = lt_tcc_root_key
iv_fill_data = abap_true
et_data = lt_tcc_charge_item.
CLEAR: ls_trq_root, ls_trq_cfir_link, ls_cfir_root, ls_tcc_charge_item, ls_tcc_root, ls_final.
LOOP AT lt_trq_root INTO ls_trq_root.
LOOP AT lt_trq_cfir_link INTO ls_trq_cfir_link WHERE source_key = ls_trq_root-key.
READ TABLE lt_cfir_root INTO ls_cfir_root WITH KEY key = ls_trq_cfir_link-target_key BINARY SEARCH.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
READ TABLE lt_tcc_charge_item INTO ls_tcc_charge_item WITH KEY root_key = ls_cfir_root-key BINARY SEARCH.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
ls_final-fileno = ls_trq_root-zfileno.
ls_final-sales_org_id = ls_trq_root-sales_org_id.
ls_final-trq_type = ls_trq_root-trq_type.
ls_final-fagrmntid044 = ls_tcc_charge_item-fagrmntid044.
ls_final-order_date = ls_trq_root-order_date.
READ TABLE lt_tcc_root INTO ls_tcc_root WITH KEY root_key = ls_cfir_root-key BINARY SEARCH.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
ls_final-amount = ls_tcc_root-rnd_net_amount.
APPEND ls_final TO lt_final.
CLEAR: ls_final, ls_cfir_root, ls_tcc_charge_item, ls_trq_cfir_link.
CLEAR: ls_trq_root.
SORT lt_final BY sales_org_id ASCENDING fagrmntid044 order_date DESCENDING.
PERFORM display_grid_output.
* text
* --> p1 text
* <-- p2 text
FORM display_grid_output .
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_message,
row TYPE i,
partner(30) TYPE c,
msg_type TYPE char20,
message(100) TYPE c,
END OF ty_message.
DATA: t_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SALES_ORG_ID'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'House'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '15'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '2'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FILENO'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'File Number'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '20'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '3'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'TRQ_TYPE'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'File Type'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '10'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '4'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FAGRMNTID044'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Aggreement'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '30'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '5'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ORDER_DATE'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Order creation Date'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '20'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
t_fieldcat-col_pos = '6'.
t_fieldcat-fieldname = 'AMOUNT'.
t_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Amount'.
t_fieldcat-outputlen = '15'.
APPEND t_fieldcat.
i_callback_program = 'ZTM_READ_TRQ_FAG'
* i_grid_title = lw_title
it_fieldcat = t_fieldcat[]
* is_layout = ls_layout
t_outtab = lt_final
program_error = 1
Hope now you have got a basic idea of how to retrieve the data in BOPF environment. In my further blogs, I would like to present troubleshooting and analyzing the critical issues during support and tips and tricks during Development phase.
Appreciate your comments if any better way of doing it.
When I started working on BOPF initially, this is one of the blog series and Enhancement guide document (Links pasted below) which had helped me to understand what BOPF is - .
Thanks to James Wood and thanks to Holger.
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