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This blog post explains the process of generating the automatic packaging material (RTP) during the goods receipt processing in the EWM system. This functionality is available from SAP S4 2020.

This document created using simple scenario without having the integrations with TM and YL in SAP 2020 FSP01.

The most of the vendor deliveries consists of a multi-trip packaging medium (RTP) packed with the products which need to returned back. The generation of these materials manually during the goods receipts posting will be a complicated process.

With this functionality, the system automatically creates packaging items (RTP) and posts the goods receipt for them during delivery processing via a goods receipt process in EWM. The system adds the returnable packaging materials (RTP) automatically in the document when the GR is posted based on the configurations in place..

This new functionality will reduce the effort and the time to generate these materially manually in EWM.

The total number of returnable packaging materials (RTP) equals to the total number of HUs present in the delivery document item.

This functionality is warehouse dependent.

Refer the below link for the detailed features/limitations related to this functionality.

Automatic Generation of Packaging Items for Goods Receipt

  • Release/Version

Application Component Release 
SCM-EWM-DLP-SF (Specific Functions) SAP S/4 HANA 2020

Standard Objects List

  • Enhancement Spot - /SCWM/ES_DLV_PACK_ITEM_I (BAdIs for Generation of Packaging Items for Inbound Deliveries)


  • Default BADI Implementation Class - /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_PACI_DEFAULT (Default Implementation Generation Packaging Items)

  • Class - /SCWM/CL_DLV_PACKITEM_SRV (Delivery: Service for automatic packaging items) - DETERMINE_NEW_PACK_ITEMS

  • Table - /SCWM/TDLVPACREL (Relevance of Deliveries for auto. packaging item creation)

  • Table - /SCWM/TDLVPACITM (Automatic Packaging Item Creation: Item Data

Configuration Details

Using the Customizing activity,  the system provides the following parameters which are being used during the automatic packaging item generation in the inbound process.

The system displays only packaging material types with a packaging category for packaging materials relevant for this activity.

The following options are available:

o Delivery Item Creation checkbox - The system automatically generates packaging items during goods receipt of a handling unit (HU).

o Implicit Goods Receipt checkbox - The system automatically generates packaging items during implicit goods receipt when confirming warehouse tasks.

o Lock During Creation checkbox - The system locks the inbound delivery during automatic packaging material creation. This lock avoids generating the different packaging items from the parallel GR sessions for the same packaging material.

Note - The BC set /SCWM/DLV_INBOUND_PACK has been already activated in S4 2020 and the new item type IPHU is available for the system to use for automatically generated packaging items. This item type has the appropriate profiles assigned to it so that the system can automatically generate packaging items during goods receipt of the HU.

Configurations Path- 

IMG Path - SPRO-IMG- SCM Extended Warehouse Management- Extended Warehouse Management-Goods Receipt - Inbound Delivery - Automatically Generate Packaging Items for Inbound Deliveries.


  • Run the transaction code SPRO or follow the SPRO path using the SAP easy access menu, the below screen will be displayed.

    • Activation for Deliveries – Click on New Entries and then maintain the below information.

                      Free to use/share. Created by self

    • Relevance of Packmaterials – The system displays the below packaging material types information and select the checkbox relevant for the auto creation.

    • Determination of Delivery Item Type – Double on ‘Determination of Delivery Item Type’ and click on New Entries. Maintain the below information.


  • Create a Returnable Packaging Material in ERP (LEIH) 

  • Extend the warehouse view for the product master in EWM for each warehouse

  • Create a Packaging Specifications for the Returnable Packaging Material in EWM.


  • Create a PO with all the required information and save it.


  • Create the inbound delivery for the PO created above


  • Inbound Delivery Document Processing in EWM.

    • Run the transaction ‘/N/SCWM/PRDI’. The system displays the below screen. Enter the Inbound delivery number (DOC_ID), then press F8 or click execute icon.

    • Click Unloading to perform the unloading activity. The system updates the Unloading status as Completed. Then perform the goods receipt activity by clicking on Goods Receipt activity button. The system adds the returnable packaging material as another line item (20) with quantity equals to total number of HUs.Total number of HUs = 1The total quantity of the returnable packaging material is 1

  • Validate the Inbound delivery 

    • Run the transaction code ‘/N/VL33N’ and Enter the inbound delivery and press Enter. The below screen will be displayed. Note that the returnable packaging material is added to the inbound delivery document.

    • Click on document flow to get the goods receipt details.

    • Select the GR good receipt document and click on Display Document to open the goods movement document.

    • Select the line item 20 and click on Where tab to verify the movement type and the other details.


  • The automatic packaging item creation is not available for the confirmation of unloading warehouse tasks using radio frequency (RF).

  • This functionality is not available in synchronous goods movement scenario.

  • The TU doesn't show these packaging materials.

  • The item type IPHU can not be added manually. The system doesn't allow to use this material type. This is reserved to automatic generation of the packaging material.


  • Once the unloading is done using the transaction code /N/SCWM/PRDI, then the Unloading status will be set to Completed. After the goods movement, it will be se to partially completed due to addition of the returnable packaging material. The unloading has to be repeated again.


Automatic Packaging Item Generation in Inbound Deliveries

Business Add-Ins for Automatic Generation of Packaging Items for Goods Receipt

Packing for Inbound and Outbound Deliveries

OSS Notes 

2890863 - Automatic packaging item creation for inbound delivery

3066341 - SAP standard item categories for returnable packing materials


This functionality was tested on S/4 2020 FSP01 Embedded.


The above article gives an overview of the new functionality provided by SAP in S/4 2020. With this feature/special functions, the user doesn't have to worry about the returnable packaging material information in the inbound delivery during the inbound delivery processing/goods movement in EWM. If there is a packaging specification exists and all the relevant configuration is in place, the system will automatically adds the returnable packaging material as the second line of the document.


This is my first blog post and your suggestions/feedbacks are highly appreciated. There are few more articles on the way. Please follow my profile for the new blog posts related to latest features provided by SAP.


Do you have any further comments related to this topic? Do share them in the comments sections below without any hesitation. You can also ask questions in the SAP EWM Goods Movement Community Q & A Section


Note - All the images are created by me and free to use/share.
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