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Using text longer than 132 characters in IDOC

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I need to upload a text line of length 1000 characters in my IDOC with Basic type: PORDCR103, Message type: PORDCR1. This is basically for creating a purchase order.

But the IDOC field has a limitation of 132 chars. How can I upload the text line of 1000 chars in the same.

Thanks in advance


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Active Contributor

Hi Sachin

You can populate in a long text, for instance in the segment E1BPEKPOTX in the item of PO.

If it is not suitable, please. let us know what field you need to populate, a customer field? If it's the reason, this IDOC calls (check it in WE57) the FM IDOC_INPUT_PORDCR, and this FM calls the BAPI_PO_CREATE, and with this BAPI you can trigger the badi ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST (set a break point and in a debugging session check if it is suitable for you)

In the other hand, you have available the segment E1BPPAREX, what populates EXTENSIONIN, but the length is limited to 240.

I hope it helps you



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