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time consumed in reading the workitems from SAP CLM

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Hi Experts,

Stuck in a situation of continuous improvement.

In our project we have a scenario where SAP CLM work items are send to  enter prise Portal through a ECC POWL Application via PI Interface.

We had a custom code written to fetch the workitem from CLM Tables using the Standard APIs.

Current issue is with the time taken to process the CLM fetch action:

Directions we have checked:

1)At Data base level indexed the Tables.

2)Checked the configuration done for collaborator as per Object and Class level access - Any thoughts are requested to optimise the solution at                                                                                                                                   collaborator and workflow processor level.

3)Any other approach which needs to be done at Database and Application config level or any customize solution to make that happen..

4)Also the call and interfaces used at PI are synchronous.

Version of E sourcing CLM  -, SAP PI- 7.4

Appreciate your Quick comments to optimize the solution , can call on my mobile and email your thoughts.


Tarun Rawat


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0 Kudos

Hi Tarun,

Can you provide more details on how is the CLM fetch application done? Where is the code and how it's pulling the data from CLM.

Depending on where the bottleneck is exactly you can have a different solution.


Former Member
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Thanks Bogdan,

we have a custom jar file deployed on the CLM server using the EJB

Request are going from ECC POWL application to PI via a synchronous interface call. We have a WSDL file configured in PI server that calls the custom code(in CLM) and returns the Work items fetched back to the POWl application.

We have checked the traces with Wily , Esourcing Logs and SQL traces at NWA , the time was taken by system in validating the Workitem approver role group with collaborator defined for the document.

can you help with your expertise in overcoming the issue here.


Tarun Rawat


0 Kudos

Hi Tarun,

If you're talking just about the 'fetch' action from CLM (aka calling WS from PI and returning data), you could try to switch from using CLM api (like WorkflowItemIBeanIfc, WorkflowProcessIBeanIfc) to using specifically designed queries called via the Query API (IapiQueryExecIfc).

For an add-on we've built on CLM (HTML emails) we are using the Query API to extend the list of tokens in standard emails. The benchmark result was ~4000 query calls + processing executed per minute.


Former Member
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Hi Bogdan,

Thanks,  it would be great if you can share some details  of the implementing Query API (IapiQueryExecIfc) for querying the workitems pending for a user which we are currently doing with the ( WorkflowItemIBeanHomeIfc , WorkflowItemIBeanIfc , ApprovalStatusEnumType )

This is because  we are in process of finding a way to optimize the solution for POWL application of ours integrated with Enterprise Portal


Tarun Rawat


0 Kudos

Hi Tarun,

What I'm thinking would greatly improve performance is to actually replace the existing process (inbuilt APIs) with direct DB queries to return the desired information.

With the Query API you could basically define some new query definitions within CLM, and use the API to call the queries for your desired data.

If you can get a CLM consultant that has some DB optimization experience he can design the queries to be very 'cost efficient'. Additionally you can profile the explain plan and optimize indexes.

Info on how to use the Query API can be found in 's blog



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Bogdan,

Will try this and check if the issue is fixed.


Tarun Rawat
