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SUS Custom field not visible in SUS PO

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Hi Experts,

As per SAP note 762984, we have enhanced the structures such as :

Purchase order           | Header |       INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSPO

Order confirmation      | Header |      INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSPCO

In Config I have created fields as per the notes

Table                          colunm         Possition          Field Name               UI type

Z.PO.DET.EDIT     1               1                    ZZSUSPOF1     INPUT

Z.PO.DET.VIEW     1               1                  ZZSUSPOF1     INPUT

as I'm able to see the input field in display mode but not in process mode( Edit mode )

Kindly Help me on this.

Best Regards

Mohammed Sajid

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Former Member
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hello Mohammed ,


  Can you check the SAP Note " 1035416 - Customer fields are not displayed in change mode" .

  Also did you added the fields to the structure "INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF" ,just asking as am not able to find the post.


Channappa  Sajjanar

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Channappa  Sajjanar,

Thanks for replying I checked SAP Note " 1035416 as it is for version SRM_SERVER 701 but we are on SRM_SERVER 713 pls kindly help me with the curent system


Mohammed Sajid

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Mohammed,

   Sorry was not aware of your SRM version , in that case  you have one more option .

" 2136676 - Custom fields are not displayed in SUS  " when I cross checked it related to same view which is mentioned in the before note . so check it and if feasible implement it.

Let me know the result.


Channappa Sajjanar