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SRM:Vendor is getting defaulted to one particular Product category.

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Hi All,

When I create a Shopping cart with one particular product category(ROB -Screenshot1) I am getting a defaulted Vendor assigned(Screenshot2) to the 'Sources of Supply / Service Agents" tab.

When I select other Product categories it is working fine.It is not dependent on user level.

Can you please tell me how to correct it in which table or settings that is causing this issue. Thanks.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Dear Mr. Thirugnanam,

Based on your screenshots you are implementing the classic scenario of SRM.

In this case the SRM system will look for Sources of Supply in the ERP system for Info Records, Contracts.

Based on your screenshots I can only tell that there is an info record in the corresponding ERP system with the number: 5500001460.

This info record has the Material Group/Product Category: MROB and Purchasing Organization and Plant data that equals to this given shopping cart item.

You can further read about this behavior in the following WIKI site:

You can create test data to check the search criteria passed to the ERP for which this Info Record Returns:

SAP KBA: 2153233 - How to create test data for source of supply search in case of a classic shopping cart item?

To have different sources check the Purchasing Group and Plant; and check if there is a Contract(or info record) with such a Material Group, Purchasing Group and Plant.

If there is none, then you need to create one, to be an available source.

I hope this explanation helps.

Best regards,


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