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Srm Shopping cart mailing after Approval

0 Kudos

Dear all,

Thanks in advance.
Basically i require any badi/exit available for this.

user purchasing items through srm portal shopping cart.when there is two approval process L1,L2. so requirement to trigger a mail when someone approve on cart item
is there any badi/exit/Point available after approval .Sorry i have no snapshot for this because MDM catalog not ready in sandbox/dev system.

Kindly advise.

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Former Member
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Hi Sudip

I have configured this via code in my system where when the SC was approved there was an event associated with it and in SWETYPV I configured a FM to run with that event which says check whether SC is approved or rejected

The technical details are :

1. Create a Z Fm which will send email to the users who are requestor of the SC

2. Create code in DOC_SAVE badi. Everytime SC is approved you can configure it here. I did this when the user has sent the cart not sure if it will work for carts which are being approved I think it should

3. In defined recipient of notification config setting you could maintain the setting for approved cart again not sure if it will work for each of the approval process you would need to give it a shot.

4. You could also use BBP_ALERTING badi it has some custom point which you could use

5. The easiest way is to find the approved task number from Workflow task log and then change its text using PFTC_CHG Tcode and add whatever you would want

You have not mentioned whom should it go to I am assuming it should go to the requestor?

Let me know if this helps



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sudip,

just one precision for standard notifications: they are only sent when wokflow is finished (approved/rejected), not after each process level.



0 Kudos


are you using process-controlled workflow?
If so, please check the path below to maintain the recipient of notifications:

SAP Supplier Relationship Management=>SRM Server=>Cross-Application Basic Settings=>Business Workflow=>Process-Controlled Workflow=>Business Process Configuration=>Define Recipient of Notifications

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sudip,

check below wiki: sure you will find an answer to your question

Offline Approval

