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Shopping Cart item status

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When a shopping cart is completely approved the header status changes to "Approved" and the item level status under tracking tab gets "Cannot be ordered" status instead creating a follow-on document or going to carry out sourcing. Can we manually update the "cannot be ordered" status? Thanks.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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"Cannot be ordered" status is because the sourcing indicator (field SOURCE_REL_IND) is "Y" in the
SC item. This can be because of different reason:

  • SC item is rejected in Sourcing Cockpit,
  • Contract is created as a follow-on document for the line item,
  • Issue in the SOCO determination (mainly causing by the wrong BBP_SRC_DETERMINE BAdI implementation).

"Cannot be ordered" means that the SC item is closed out from any further purchasing process. So in this case the manual change is not the best option. I recommend you to create a new SC with the necessary item.

In case if you want to change a SOURCE_REL_IND manually, you need to create a Z report with FM

BBP_PDH_DB_DIRECT_UPDATE call. Note that the FM does not contains any db commit so, you need to commit db changes in your Z report.

Please note: you need to identify the core cause of the status, the manual change is only the final and not recommended option.

Best Regards
