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Replicating Approval notes from Shopping cart to PO in SRM 7.03

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I am trying to replicate the approval notes entered on shopping cart to Purchase order that is created once Shopping Cart is fully approved.

But I found Wiki link that says it is not possible in SRM 7.0 and it is standard.

Approval note from Shopping cart cannot be transferred to Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition - S...

Is there any other alternative to replicate the approval notes from Shopping cart to Purchase order. I implemented the BADI "BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI"

( IF_EX_BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI~BBP_B46B_PO_OUTBOUND ) and passing the Shopping cart long text with TID 'NOTM' to the export parameter

" CT_BAPI_POHEADER_TEXT " of the method "BBP_B46B_PO_OUTBOUND" but still the notes are not replicating to Purchase Order in ECC.

Is there any other BADI / Enhancement that needs to be implemented. Any input is much appreciated.



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Former Member
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Hi Abhiram,

Please follow below scn thread.

How to transfer the Shopping cart approval note... | SCN

Please reward points if helpful.

Best Regards,


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I did try this before posting the question. Still the approval notes are not replicated to Purchase order in backend. Below is the configuration I did in SRM systemt. For External Logical system I provided logical system name for ECC.

Initially I ran report /SAPSRM/GET_TEXT_CUST_ERP to replicate the text from ERP to SRM which does not have entries for Enternal object type BUS2012, I manually inserted these entries in SRM. Not sure if I am entering correct entries here. Am I missing some configuration on ECC end to fulfill this?

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Hi Abhiram

I tried this configuration as well but somehow it does not work .
Can you try using the BADI BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW

and see if it works for you Or below classes as well



Do you have designated place for the approver notes to be shown in PO or a custom field in PO needs to be created you can try to do something like below using IT_POTEXTITEM put a debug point and check what are the values coming currently.

Something like this :

  LOOP AT cs_po1_documen-IT_POTEXTITEM   INTO wa_po_item_text.

  READ TABLE is_sc_document-LONGTEXT into wa_sc_text

cs_po1_documen-IT_POTEXTITEM = is_sc_document-LONGTEXT.

    MODIFY cs_po1_documen-IT_POTEXTITEM FROM wa_po_item_text. TRANSPORTING text_id.


BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW - Create PO in backend - Supplier Relationship Management - SCN Wiki



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I did not add any plave holder for approval notes on SRM PO instead I am retrieving approval notes from shopping cart and passing it on to  IT_POTEXTITEM in the BADI method "IF_EX_BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW~FILL_PO_INTERFACE1" in SRM. Below is the code I used in the BADI "BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW" on SRM side

LOOP AT is_sc_document-LONGTEXT into wa_sc_text WHERE tdid = 'NOTM'.

      wa_po_item_text-po_number  = cs_po1_document-is_poheader-po_number.

      wa_po_item_text-text_id    = wa_sc_text-tdid.

      wa_po_item_text-text_form  = wa_sc_text-tdformat.

      wa_po_item_text-text_line  = wa_sc_text-tdline.

      APPEND wa_po_item_text TO cs_po1_document-IT_POTEXTITEM.


Also I have implemented BADI BBP_PO_INBOUND_BADI with below code in ECC receiving end:

LOOP AT BBP_POTEXTHEADER INTO wa_bbp_potextheader.

   wa_bapi_potextheader-po_number = wa_bbp_potextheader-po_number.

   wa_bapi_potextheader-po_item   = wa_bbp_potextheader-po_item.

   wa_bapi_potextheader-text_id   = wa_bbp_potextheader-text_id.

   wa_bapi_potextheader-text_form = wa_bbp_potextheader-text_form.

   wa_bapi_potextheader-text_line = wa_bbp_potextheader-text_line.

   APPEND wa_bapi_potextheader TO bapi_potextitem.


Still no luck in replicatiing the approval notes from SRM to ECC PO.